BlackJack [1.8-1.21]  [XP Support added] icon

BlackJack [1.8-1.21] [XP Support added] -----

A menu-based blackjack game at its core.

Added sessions, config option to toggle surrender

What's new?

- Added a new menu for sessions with the ability to change the bet amount, essentially, you can play games right after one another without having to run another command.

- Added the config option to toggle surrender

- Fixed a bug that ruined /blackjack <player-name>

What's next to come?
I've had a lot of positive feedback on the plugin which is great! Thank you all for the encouragement--it helps a ton.

I'll most likely add the following in the next updates:

- Multiplier on blackjack (Ace + 10)
- Instant cycling of game if there is a blackjack (automatically stands for you)
- Customization of all messages, most are customizable but not all
- Multiple people playing? (This will take time)

How to update
1. Download v1.5
2. Add the following to the config.yml
Code (Text):
# The following options relate to the move to surrender

# Should surrendering (forfeit the game and keep a % of your bet)
enable-surrender: true

# What percentage of the bet should the server take? (1-99)
surrender-percentage-to-take: 50.0

surrender-item: "&eSurrender"
surrender-lore: "&7&o(Retain half of your bet)"
surrender-message: "&eYou surrendered, keeping $amount$ of your original $bet$ bet!"

# Session Messages
earnings-gui: "&ePrevious Game's earnings:"
keep-playing: "&aKeep playing?"
stop-playing: "&cExit Session?"
total-earnings: "&eTotal earnings: $amount$"
session-ending: "&eAfter $amount$ games, you resulted in $$outcome$!"
(If theres issues with messages, save a copy of your cofig, delete your config and let a new one regenerate with the new messages)

3. Reload/Restart
----------, Jul 5, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,875
First Release: Jan 10, 2019
Last Update: Aug 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
35 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings