BlackJack [1.8-1.21]  [XP Support added] icon

BlackJack [1.8-1.21] [XP Support added] -----

A menu-based blackjack game at its core.

Added more requested features (SEE CONFIG INSTRUCTIONS)

What's new?

- Added taxes on winnings (can be turned off) Requested by @Spalw

- Added the ability to run a command when a game starts to hook into your own systems. Requested by @Spalw

- Added a minimum and maximum bet options (can be turned off) Requested by @GreenMist10

- Added an AutoUpdater that will notify you when new versions of Blackjack come out!

How to update
1. Download v1.3.3
2. Edit your config.yml and add the following
Code (Text):

# The percentage that should be taxed / deducted from winnings. Set to 0.0 for no taxes. Range is 0.0 to 100.0 .
tax-percent: 0.0

# Minimum amount able to bet and the maximum amount to bet! Setting either to zero will negate it completely.
bet-min: 0.0
bet-max: 0.0

# One user requested this, basically, it'll run the specified command below when each round of blackjack starts. If you want
# to use this, then set the below to 'true' and specify your command.
custom-command: false
command: "/Example $amount$"

# New messages
bet-max-message: "&cThe maximum you can bet is $amount$!"
bet-min-message: "&cThe minimum you can bet is $amount$!"
taxxed: "&c-$amount$ taxed."
2.1 Or delete your config.yml and let a new one generate if you do not want to copy and paste the new options.
3. Reload/restart and done!
----------, May 12, 2019
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 9,875
First Release: Jan 10, 2019
Last Update: Aug 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
35 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings