Bingo Reloaded icon

Bingo Reloaded -----

Play Bingo with kits, different game modes and a flexible in-game card editor!

[+] Colored leather armor in custom kits.
[!] Automatic team could not support more players than the max team size.
[!] Fixed bug preventing teams to be filled to capacity.
[!] Advancements such as "Isn't it iron Pick" could not be completed with some kits.
[!] Players cannot select a team after the game was attempted to start without any players.
See Github for full changelog.
----------, Jul 31, 2024

[!] Fixed spawning locations for players that used and broke a bed
[!] PacketEvents is now a required dependency (download here)
See Github for full changelog.
----------, Jul 10, 2024

New Features
Below is a summary of all new features, see GitHub here for a full list of changes.
  • 1.21+ support!
  • Removed support for versions under 1.19.3, though older versions of the plugin remain accessible on Github.
  • Split Plugin into 2 separate files, the one that can be downloaded from here is made for MC 1.20.6 and a version for 1.19.3 - 1.20.4 can be found here on Github.
  • New Gamemode: Hot-Swap: Similar to lockout but tasks get replaced with new tasks after some amount of time.
  • World Configurations (to play multiple games at once)
  • Added option to play as solo team with unlimited amount of team slots
  • Added proper PlaceholderAPI support
  • Fully customizable scoreboards
  • Added option to disable scoreboard entirely
  • Added option to end the game when there is only 1 team left
  • Added command "/bingo teams" to see all teams with at least player, in chat
  • Added command "/bingo wait" to pause the automatic starting timer
  • Added easier card (useful for Hardcore kit).
  • Added German and Simplified Chinese translations
  • Improved admin settings menu
  • Custom kits can now also configure card position
  • Removed air above the spawn platform and wand platforms
Thanks for reading, and have fun using the new version!

Contact me in my discord server here (discord) for any requests, bug reports or changes you would want to see as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.
There is also a test server available where we occasionally test out experimental features.
----------, Jun 16, 2024

New Features
Added Keep Inventory effect setting
- The vanilla game rule does not work well with this plugin, so enable this option **instead** of setting the gamerule keepInventory to true if you want inventories to be preserved after death.
- If not enabled, the game will still give you back kit items when you die (except when playing with hardcore kit of course).

Added config option "teleportAfterDeathPeriod"
- This option can be used to specify how many seconds a player has to teleport to his last death location before it expires.
- Before this was set to 60 seconds and it was unclear when this time limit had been reached.

Changed Features
Bingo will no longer start in River biomes

Bug fixes
Go-Up-Wand is now no longer usable when the starting timer is still counting down.

Fixed teleportation after death message getting disabled when it should not have
- Also updated the message for when you can't teleport back.

Fixed setting filters in list menus not working

NOTE: Updating config.yml:
To update the config.yml to the latest version you have do a few steps:

  1. Make a backup and delete this file.
  2. Start the plugin to generate the new file.
  3. Restore settings according to the backup file.
  4. Reload plugin and that's it

Contact me in my discord server here for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.
----------, Oct 28, 2023

!This is a small bug fix for Minecraft version 1.20.2 users mostly, but everyone is encouraged to always use the latest version!

Bug fixes
Fixed advancements not registering when playing on Minecraft 1.20.2

Disabling advancements or setting "useAdvancements" to "false" will now also not revoke all player's advancements when starting a new game.

Contact me in my discord server here for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.
----------, Oct 21, 2023

New Features
1.20+ Support!
- Also added more tasks to the default card to reflect the new game features added in 1.20!
Added Player Data restoration
- When players join the game, their inventory and such will be saved, when the game is finished or if the player decides to leave the world, this data get loaded back to the player.
Added a lobby phase
- When the plugin is loaded, players joining the bingo world will receive a voting and team selection item.
Added Voting system
- Players can optionally vote for certain settings before the game starts.
- What settings a player can vote for can be configured in config.yml, if no options are selected, the voting feature will be disabled completely.
- Currently supports voting for gamemode, kits and cards (by card name)
Added Automatic team
- Players joining the lobby will join the Automatic team by default. Upon starting the game, all players that have joined this team will be spread across teams as evenly as possible, according to the configured maxTeamSize.
Statistic tasks
- The default card has been updated to include a few statistics to complete, but any existing game statistic can added using the card creator just like the other tasks. From *500 blocks walked* to *killed by 4 creepers* and everything in between.
- Statistics are being translated by the game automatically depending on the player's language, but some of them look a little awkward because of how they are usually presented in the statistics menu.
Added Custom kits and 5 slots to save them
- Custom kits can be saved using `/bingo kit add <slot> <kit_name>` and removed using `/bingo kit remove <slot>`. you can pick between slot 1 and 5 to save custom kits.
- When using the save command, the plugin will save a copy of your inventory as a new kit that can be picked in the `/bingo` options menu.
- `/bingo kit item wand` can be used to obtain the Go-Up-Wand item to use it in a custom kit.
Added team creator
- Are 16 teams somehow not enough? Do you not like the teams I gave you? Well, just add your own!
- Use `/bingo teams` to see what this feature does.
Added templates for game settings
- The current settings can be saved as a preset or other previously saved presets can be loaded. To load or save settings presets, a button has been added to the second page of the `/bingo` settings menu.
- The default settings decided by the plugin can always be found in this menu, as well as the ability to select a preset to use when the plugin gets loaded.
Added Infinite durability effect to the effect options
- Now your Pickaxe will never break!
- This option is enabled by default for the Overpowered and Reloaded kits
Added English as a fallback language for untranslated messages
Overhauled config.yml

- Split the configuration up into several parts for better organization on my side
- Added `defaultWorldName` config option that will be used by the plugin to decide which existing world will be used for playing bingo. Defaults to "world".
- Added `savePlayerInformation` and `loadPlayerInformationStrategy`. These are both used in combination to enable storing player information outside of the bingo world.
- Added `sendCommandAfterGameEnds` option which when filled the plugin will send this string as a command to the server as if coming from the console. This command will be sent whenever a bingo game ends by any means
- Added `startingCountdownTime` option to specify how long the players will have to get teleported and ready for the game, during this time players can look at the card but cannot move.
- Added `enableTeamChat` to disable the built-in teamchat function
- Added several lobby configuration options:
- `minimumPlayerCount`: the minimum amount of players needed to start a game;
- `playerWaitTime`: The amount of time the game will wait for additional players after the minimumPlayerCount has been reached;
- `gameRestartTime`: The amount of time that the game will linger after it ends, keeping the current game's information still accessible (i.e. the bingo card)
Updated Autobingo commands
- Added `/autobingo preset` to manipulate setting presets
- Added `/autobingo team` to manually assign players to teams (custom teams can be used by typing their id which can be found in `/bingo teams`)
- Added `/autobingo playerdata` to load and save player data manually
- Added `/autobingo vote` to manually vote for players using the new voting system (note: the player does not have to be in the correct world for this command to work)

Changed Features

Countdown mode
- 1.5.0 introduced countdown mode, a race against time. This has now been changed to be an option to enable for any mode, meaning you can you do a lockout or regular game of bingo with a countdown timer. Some things to note:
- When time runs out, regular bingo cannot decide a winner meaning games will end in a draw
- This option can be selected using the second page of the bingo options menu.
Card speed
- The card speed effect has now been changed to just give speed all the time, as the placement of the card has been changed to the off-hand anyways

Bug fixes
Spawn platforms now only generate on top of natural terrain
- ...and not inside of mountains if you were unlucky
The bingo card item is now more reliable
- The card item can not turn into a filled map when used so it becomes way harder to actually lose it.
Fixed lockout.. again..
- If you find any more issues with lockout (or the plugin in general), please contact me or create an issue on this github repo!
Fixed bug when creating spawning platform
- this bug locked the spawning platform (and thus the game in general) to the (+X, +Z) quadrant rather than the full range of - `teleportMaxDistance` to + `teleportMaxDistance`

Contact me in my discord server here for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.
----------, Jul 20, 2023

*The 1.18 version of this plugin can be downloaded here

New Feature Highlights
  • New Gamemode: Countdown Bingo! race against the other teams to complete the most tasks in a given amount of time. Countdown Bingo can be selected in the /bingo menu.
  • Adds a new set of commands called autobingo commands. These commands are used to set up games using console commands instead of using the /bingo menu. More information can be found here.
  • Ability to store Player statistics. View player statistics using /bingo stats <player_name>. Enable this feature in the config to use this command.
  • Bingo card generation can now be seeded to create identical cards across different games. Set the card seed in the config
  • Added Max Team Size setting to set the maximum amount of players per team. This setting can be changed on the second page of the /bingo menu
For full patch notes, view this update on Github.
----------, Jan 4, 2023

New Features
  • Added translations!
    • Items and advancements will automatically be translated based on the language the client is using.
    • All other strings such as chat messages or item names in menus are translatable using a language yml file. This version comes with en_us.yml and nl.yml already completed, for English and dutch translations respectively. The translation can be selected using the language property in config.yml.
    • More info on adding your own translation can be found here.
  • Clicking on a task in the Bingo Card menu displays a description in the chat.
    • This is mainly useful for knowing what to do for cryptic advancements.
  • Changed the way to complete items.
    • The card will now try to detect changes in the player inventory instead of manually dropping items.
  • The spawn platform and wand platforms disappear after a certain amount of time.
    • The spawn platform lifetime is directly tied to the grace_period property in config.yml, making sure players don't die to fall damage.
    • The platform lifetime for wand created platforms can be changed using the GoUpWand.platformLifetime property in config.yml.
  • Added tab-completion for the /bingo command.

Changed Features
  • The player's spawn is replaced to be on top of the highest block (usually) below the start platform to prevent spawning in mid-air if the spawn platform has disappeared.
Fixed Bugs
  • Tried several fixes for the game counting completed items wrong for Lockout.
  • This should be solved now. It has to do with the way teams are added and removed to the game when joining a team.
  • If you are still experiencing problems, reload the plugin using /reload confirm.
Join my discord server for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.

NOTE: Updating config.yml

To update the config.yml to the latest version you have do a few steps:

  1. Make a backup and delete config.yml.
  2. Start the plugin using the new version to generate the new config.yml file.
  3. Restore settings according to the backup file you made.
  4. Reload plugin and that's it!
----------, Sep 17, 2022

**To download the lastest version for 1.18 or 1.19, click on the download button and scoll down to the .jar files!**
New Features
  • Added advancement tasks to the bingo card creator.
  • Changed the way to complete items.
    • The card will now try to detect changes in the player inventory instead of manually dropping items.
  • Updated the default card to reflect changes in the card creator.
  • The card creator can now be used by typing /bingo creator. This command requires at least the bingo.manager.
  • A single item task can contain an amount, for example: "Get 5 Sandstone to complete this task".
  • Added a way to filter through items by name in various places in the card creator.
  • The player's spawn is now set at the start of the game on the spawning platform.
  • Moved the Game Time to the players action bar (above the hotbar).
Fixed Bugs:
  • Effects now get removed when a game has ended.
  • The score boards now reset when a game has ended.
Join my discord server for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.

NOTE: Updating config.yml

To update the config.yml to the latest version you have do a few steps:

  1. Make a backup and delete config.yml.
  2. Start the plugin using the new version to generate the new config.yml file.
  3. Restore settings according to the backup file you made.
  4. Reload plugin and that's it!
----------, Aug 27, 2022

  • Fixed an error where Lockout and Complete-All aren't working correctly or at all.
  • Added basic permissions to prevent normal players from accessing all bingo game settings.
All changes can be found here.
----------, Jul 20, 2022

New Features
  • BingoReloaded now works on Minecraft 1.19 Spigot servers!
    • Added some 1.19 items to the default item list, so you can challenge your friends to some Warden action right away!
----------, Jun 8, 2022

NOTE: Updating config.yml:
To update the config.yml to the latest version you have do a few steps:

  1. Make a backup and delete this file.
  2. Start the plugin to generate the new file.
  3. Restore settings according to the backup file.
  4. Reload plugin and that's it

New Features:
  • Respawning upon death now also restores effects.
  • Added new Config option defaultKit.
  • Added new Config option gracePeriod.
Fixed Bugs:
  • Players don't always get their card back on respawn.
  • The Go-Up-Wand doesn't load options from Config file correctly.

Contact me on discord for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.
----------, May 22, 2022

New Features:
  • Created a Discord server! feel free to join by clicking this link (warning, it's very empty :p)
  • Added a configuration file containing several options that you can edit to change how the game works.
    • Change the maximum radius that players will be teleported from 0,0 at the start of the game.
    • Change the way players are grouped when getting teleported at the start of the game.
    • Change if a player should receive a message to teleport back after dying.
    • Change the height of the glass platform at the start of the game.
    • Change several settings of the Go-Up-Wand.
  • Added a new menu for configuring what effects players should receive at the start of the game.
  • Added a timer that displays on the right side alternating with the score.
  • Added a completion time on completed items on the bingo card.
Changed Features:
  • Reworked the way lockout Bingo works for games with more than 2 teams.
    • When a team cannot surpass the leading team, they will be locked out from playing the game.
  • The bingo card will now be given to players that have respawned.

Changed Features:

  • Refactored TeamManager class because of the way the lockout bingo card now works.

Changed Features:

  • Contact me on discord for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.
----------, May 18, 2022

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,229
First Release: Feb 25, 2022
Last Update: Jul 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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