New Features
Added Keep Inventory effect setting
- The vanilla game rule does not work well with this plugin, so enable this option **instead** of setting the gamerule keepInventory to true if you want inventories to be preserved after death.
- If not enabled, the game will still give you back kit items when you die (except when playing with hardcore kit of course).
Added config option "teleportAfterDeathPeriod"
- This option can be used to specify how many seconds a player has to teleport to his last death location before it expires.
- Before this was set to 60 seconds and it was unclear when this time limit had been reached.
Changed Features
Bingo will no longer start in River biomes
Bug fixes
Go-Up-Wand is now no longer usable when the starting timer is still counting down.
Fixed teleportation after death message getting disabled when it should not have
- Also updated the message for when you can't teleport back.
Fixed setting filters in list menus not working
NOTE: Updating config.yml:
To update the config.yml to the latest version you have do a few steps:
- Make a backup and delete this file.
- Start the plugin to generate the new file.
- Restore settings according to the backup file.
- Reload plugin and that's it
Contact me in my discord server
here for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.