Bingo Reloaded icon

Bingo Reloaded -----

Play Bingo with kits, different game modes and a flexible in-game card editor!

Bingo Reloaded Update 1.4.0
New Features
  • Added translations!
    • Items and advancements will automatically be translated based on the language the client is using.
    • All other strings such as chat messages or item names in menus are translatable using a language yml file. This version comes with en_us.yml and nl.yml already completed, for English and dutch translations respectively. The translation can be selected using the language property in config.yml.
    • More info on adding your own translation can be found here.
  • Clicking on a task in the Bingo Card menu displays a description in the chat.
    • This is mainly useful for knowing what to do for cryptic advancements.
  • Changed the way to complete items.
    • The card will now try to detect changes in the player inventory instead of manually dropping items.
  • The spawn platform and wand platforms disappear after a certain amount of time.
    • The spawn platform lifetime is directly tied to the grace_period property in config.yml, making sure players don't die to fall damage.
    • The platform lifetime for wand created platforms can be changed using the GoUpWand.platformLifetime property in config.yml.
  • Added tab-completion for the /bingo command.

Changed Features
  • The player's spawn is replaced to be on top of the highest block (usually) below the start platform to prevent spawning in mid-air if the spawn platform has disappeared.
Fixed Bugs
  • Tried several fixes for the game counting completed items wrong for Lockout.
  • This should be solved now. It has to do with the way teams are added and removed to the game when joining a team.
  • If you are still experiencing problems, reload the plugin using /reload confirm.
Join my discord server for any requests or changes as that's where I hang out more often compared to over here.

NOTE: Updating config.yml

To update the config.yml to the latest version you have do a few steps:

  1. Make a backup and delete config.yml.
  2. Start the plugin using the new version to generate the new config.yml file.
  3. Restore settings according to the backup file you made.
  4. Reload plugin and that's it!
----------, Sep 17, 2022
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,229
First Release: Feb 25, 2022
Last Update: Jul 31, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
18 ratings
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