Add config option 'disablevacuum' to skip SQLite database vacuuming. Only use this if you experience errors at the end of purges.
Improved purge following database migrations
Fixed a bug with #money causing crashes
Add a null check to Towny listeners
Fixes for thorns damage in a:hurt
Add a:anvil, craft, enchant, and smith
Tab completes multiple actions separated by a comma
Adds #radius_horizontal_only which makes the radius: parameter only apply to the X and Z axis. This is how CoreProtect works by default. AuxProtect, by default, checks in a cube.
Improved language system
Added Russian translations
Set autopurge minimum interval from 1h to 12h to decrease frequency
Added comments to config.yml
[API BREAKING CHANGE] Refactored dev.heliosares.auxprotect.AuxProtectAPI to dev.heliosares.auxprotect.api.AuxProtectAPI
Fixes an experimental feature being inadvertently disabled by default for old config files. This should fix poor performance some are experiencing with 1.2(.1)
This update changes a lot internally. As always, if you have any issues, please bring them to me in Discord.
Added - Optional differential inventory logging
- Associated command, /ap inventory <player> <time> to open a player's inventory at a specific instant
- Towny implementation
- Recently used usernames now tab complete into lookups
- Jitpack support for API
- Significant API improvements, documentation planned.
- /ap dump, creates a plugin dump and uploads to hastebin. Useful for assisted troubleshooting.
Fixes - Database access speed significantly improved by adopting better Connection practices
- Server instability issues with previous prereleases
- Certain commands running synchronously when they should be async.
- AuctionHouse language issues
- AuctionHouse logging item data for non-custom items (non-issue, just inefficient)
Removed/Changed - Database logging on plugin disable. This may lead to minor data loss in the last few seconds of plugin operation, but was causing intermittent zombieing of servers on shutdown.
- Major restructuring of language handling internal to the plugin. Further organization and improvement of language planned.
- Major restructuring of commands, will ease transition for support for platforms like Velocity. (Not currently in progress, but planned)
- Restructuring of lang file, added capability to utilize different languages once available
Fixed the alias `t` for `time` not working correctly
Added `ms` as a suffix for millisecond time lookups. (i.e time:1000ms is equivalent to time:1s)
Recently used/viewed usernames in lookups will now tab complete in lookup commands.
Added an option to skip V6 migration for servers experiencing difficulties with the migration. Contact me on Discord if you are having issues and want to enable this.
**WARNING TO CURRENT USERS** This update involves major database restructuring. The plugin should create a backup if you use SQLite, but a manual backup is recommended regardless. This migration will take around 1-60 minutes depending on server size. Please contact me on Discord if you have issues.
- Converted inventory logs to be stored in a more raw format. This reduces the overall size of the database by about 10-20%
- Added flag #hide-coords to `/ap l`
- Added flag #count-only to enable counting very large amounts of data, bypassing the 500,000 entry lookup limitation.
- Added `/ap saveinv <player>` to manually save the inventory of a player to `a:inventory`
- Added `/ap backup` (must be executed from console) which creates a backup of the SQLite database in plugins/AuxProtect/database/backups
- Fixed an error with `/ap money` involving money characters other than `$`
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
- API BREAKING CHANGE: Moved lookup handling to LookupManager#lookup(Parameters). Use this for all lookups.
Added logging for Jobs Reborn under the action: jobs
Added handling for the new jobs action to #count
Added the ability to specify a tolerance on time lookups. If you want to, say lookup all entries within 1 hour of 1 day ago, you can do `time:1d+-1h` to lookup 1 day plus or minus 1 hour ago.
Improvements to money parsing with #count and in /ap money
Fixes for /ap money on 1.19
Fixes for command aliases and interference with other plugins
Fixes for a: launch when projectiles are shot from blocks
Complete xray checker rework in preparation for release in a future update.
Fixed lookups for specific times such as 1658792805426e (copied when clicking times in lookups
The only actions currently logged are username, IP, command, and session. Additionally if you have MultiChat installed, messages will be logged. More additions are planned.
Added lookup parameter: data. This enables you to search by the data at the end of an entry, such as "[CS, ...]" for chestshop logs. You can also use asterisks for wildcard just like you can in target.
Added an escape character to use commas in a lookup parameter.
Example: "/ap l a:shop data:CS\,*" This would lookup all shop logs with data starting with "CS,"
Minor cosmetic changes to search results.
Changed the dash between time and user to reflect the state of the action. (i.e + or - instead of just always showing -)
Data on kill logs is no longer hidden. (The View Inv button was previously hiding it)
ATTENTION CURRENT USERS: THIS VERSION CONTAINS MAJOR RESTRUCTURING OF THE DATABASE. A backup should be created automatically, but a manual backup is still recommended. The migration process will occur automatically but is not guaranteed to be bug free. Please contact me via Discord if you encounter issues. The migration process is untested for MySQL and an automatic backup will not be created. USE WITH CAUTION. DO NOT INTERRUPT MIGRATION.
New Features
Updated for 1.19. (Prior versions should still support 1.19)
Added action:totem to log when an entity would have died but used a totem of undying.
Added action:gamemode to log changes of gamemode.
Added the ability to copy user, target, and data by clicking.
Added pitch/yaw logging to action: pos (it was there before but now you will be teleported to that pitch/yaw when clicked)
Moved teleportation logs from action: pos to a new action, action:tp
Added the ability to #count the results of action:drop,pickup
Major changes to database structure to improve efficiency. Old SQLite databases will be automatically migrated.
Removed automatic purging in lieu of more involved and effective purge process. Purge command must be executed manually.
action: pos now logs every 3 seconds by default, but only logs if the player has moved since their position was logged last. This is much more efficient when players are standing still and much more useful.
Improved cancelled event recognition, some things would be falsely logged if they were cancelled by another plugin.
Improvements to phrasing on action:shop data.
action:shop money value is now logged as the value of the entire transaction instead of per item.
Improvements to work towards public release of Bungee version
Added EXPERIMENTAL support for MySQL. Use at your own risk. Switching to MySQL will not carry over existing data. See default config to learn how to enable.
Added action:elytra which logs when a player starts and stops elytra flight.
Added the option to log inventory on world change, disabled by default. Must be enabled in config under Actions.inventory.WorldChange. There will only be an entry made if the inventories are different. The inventory is logged before and after world change.