Add config option 'disablevacuum' to skip SQLite database vacuuming. Only use this if you experience errors at the end of purges.
Improved purge following database migrations
Fixed a bug with #money causing crashes
Add a null check to Towny listeners
Fixes for thorns damage in a:hurt
Add a:anvil, craft, enchant, and smith
Tab completes multiple actions separated by a comma
Adds #radius_horizontal_only which makes the radius: parameter only apply to the X and Z axis. This is how CoreProtect works by default. AuxProtect, by default, checks in a cube.
Improved language system
Added Russian translations
Set autopurge minimum interval from 1h to 12h to decrease frequency
Added comments to config.yml
[API BREAKING CHANGE] Refactored dev.heliosares.auxprotect.AuxProtectAPI to dev.heliosares.auxprotect.api.AuxProtectAPI