ATTENTION CURRENT USERS: THIS VERSION CONTAINS MAJOR RESTRUCTURING OF THE DATABASE. A backup should be created automatically, but a manual backup is still recommended. The migration process will occur automatically but is not guaranteed to be bug free. Please contact me via Discord if you encounter issues. The migration process is untested for MySQL and an automatic backup will not be created. USE WITH CAUTION. DO NOT INTERRUPT MIGRATION.
New Features
Updated for 1.19. (Prior versions should still support 1.19)
Added action:totem to log when an entity would have died but used a totem of undying.
Added action:gamemode to log changes of gamemode.
Added the ability to copy user, target, and data by clicking.
Added pitch/yaw logging to action: pos (it was there before but now you will be teleported to that pitch/yaw when clicked)
Moved teleportation logs from action: pos to a new action, action:tp
Added the ability to #count the results of action:drop,pickup
Major changes to database structure to improve efficiency. Old SQLite databases will be automatically migrated.
Removed automatic purging in lieu of more involved and effective purge process. Purge command must be executed manually.
action: pos now logs every 3 seconds by default, but only logs if the player has moved since their position was logged last. This is much more efficient when players are standing still and much more useful.
Improved cancelled event recognition, some things would be falsely logged if they were cancelled by another plugin.
Improvements to phrasing on action:shop data.
action:shop money value is now logged as the value of the entire transaction instead of per item.
Improvements to work towards public release of Bungee version