apocolypse icon

apocolypse -----

the dead walk amongst you!

fixed a bug where the plugin would disable with the error it codlin define the dimension name from config on load

enhanced the siege event and its logics
----------, Oct 26, 2024

per request the ability to toggle the insanity system has been added to the config under the config node (insanity: true) this value will default to true unless set to false, when set to false the insanity bar and all insanity mechanics will be removed (except the sanity juice, rest assured i'm working to add a recipe removal for it when insanity is false but haven’t gotten that far yet as there is hundreds of lines that reffer to and allow the recipe to work and reload)

New Website!
any further info on this plugin and my other plugins can now be found at http://wiki.ycs.canvaswrite.com and they will be updated as the plugin is updated, the pages details are still a work in progress so bear with me on that one but coding three projects and more ;) as well as coding the backend of several websites all by myself takes a large majority of my time and effort, your patience is much appreciated. if any of my loyal followers and supporters have useful insight on what more you’d like to see added to the wiki please feel free to message me on here or join my discord!
----------, May 8, 2024

so i'll start with explaining the title here, this update has a very chaotic nature as particle generators are a messsss ;-; so for that i'm very sorry

added more particle generators
some have configurability in the config file

added weather event on siege start/end this can be turned off in the config

added timer above siege to display the remaining time of the siege
when siege has 5 or less seconds left a note will play until the end of the siege

new command
/textdisp <nospace text> <time> <scale>
can be used to create a temporary floating text (at this time it has only a red background i'm working on giving it more abilities

my new wiki has all the plugins info and can be found here http://wiki.ycs.canvaswrite.com
----------, May 6, 2024

updated some mechanics in the siege eent
new particle strings draw from the stone tot he zombie on spawn
zombies will be inactive until the soul flame string reaches them at which point they will become active and chase the player

new drops mechanic to add a custom crop and chance of drop to siege zombies this can be configured in the config

new siege end mechanic
siege zombies will be struck by lightning and removed at the end of a siege this can be enabled/disabled in the config
siege stone will blow up with tnt at the end of a siege event this can also be disabled or enabled via the config

if siege stone is broken during event all zombies will be struck if strike is enabled in config

fixed zombies only spawning on a flat plane causing them to spawn in the ground or hills

NOTE: if strike mechanic isnt working on first time try reloading the plugin again as well as reloading the config with apoc-reload manually (working to find the cause of this still)

new config nodes:
explode: false
strike: true
drop_chance: 100
----------, May 4, 2024

updated some mechanics in the siege eent
new particle strings draw from the stone tot he zombie on spawn
zombies will be inactive until the soul flame string reaches them at which point they will become active and chase the player

new drops mechanic to add a custom crop and chance of drop to siege zombies this can be configured in the config

new siege end mechanic
siege zombies will be struck by lightning and removed at the end of a siege this can be enabled/disabled in the config
siege stone will blow up with tnt at the end of a siege event this can also be disabled or enabled via the cinfig

new config nodes:
explode: false
strike: true
drop_chance: 100
----------, May 4, 2024

fixed issue with insanity effects and recovery not working

added new config node: siege_rate
defaults to 20 (1 second)

added new process to apoc-reload to get the appropriate updated siege_rate and apply from config
----------, Apr 29, 2024

Bug fixes
fixed issue with /apoc-reload and plugin manual reload causing errors due to a malformed method of removing the siege-stone locations for reload

cosmetic changes
added a few fun cosmetic changes to the siege event
new trailing particle to location of spawned siege zombie
head on siegestone now looks at the nearest player
on activate netherrack will be turned into soul soil and soul fire will be lit on top
when siege zombie is spawned a particle and sound for a trial spawner will happen at the spawn location and a trial spawner sound and particle will play at the siege stone as well

functional changes
if soul soil or flame are broken on active siege stone the siege stone will destabilize and break effectively ending the siege event
siege zombies strength was fixed to actually be the intended double attack strength and will do a base damage of 6 hp per hit
siege zombies speed was changed from 0.4 to 0.6
----------, Apr 29, 2024

fixed issue with insanity effects and recovery not working

added new config node: siege_rate
defaults to 20 (1 second)
----------, Apr 29, 2024

fixed issue with insanity effects and passive recovery not working
----------, Apr 28, 2024

added new multiblock (siege stone)
to build see bellow--

layer 1

layer 2

G = gold block
M = mossy cobblestone
R = redstone torch
N = netherrack
X = air

be sure to place the netherrack very last for this to work!

a seige stone will start an event for 120 seconds (2 minutes) this can be configured as well in the config, during this event siege zombies will spawn at random in a 30 block radius of the multiblock center siege zombies are 2x faster than normal zombies and hit harder as well as not burning in sunlight

once event has lived for the full time the netherrack block will be removed and no more siege zombies will spawn

multiblock is fully inspired by the OG herobrine altar :D
----------, Apr 28, 2024

fixed bug where on consuming sanity juice bottle was duplicated or threw a bottle on the ground that cannot be picked up for 1000 seconds or until reload
----------, Apr 27, 2024

added new recipes
-Jerky can be crafted with 9 rotten flesh
-Jerky block can be crafted with 9 jerky for compact storage
- can be reverted back into jerky
added improvements to crafting ability with sanity juice including water bottle or bucket crafting options in config

new config nodes (detailed descriptions of these config options available in the config file)
return (default false)
bucket (default true)
resonate (default BLOCK_BELL_RESONATE)
pitch (default 0)
jerky_name (default &6Jerky)

apoc-reload reloads all recipes and discoveries now

fixed update checker not running on OP join

-known bugs-
jerky block and jerky block reversion not showing in recipe book (working on sorting this out but registering recipe namespaces with custom items is a pain)
----------, Apr 27, 2024

added new item/recipe (Sanity Juice)
this item can be crafted using two diamonds and a water bucket like shown in the picture bellow (the item used for diamond can be configured)
upon consuming the sanity juice the players insanity will decrease by 0.081
this value is gotten by adding the recovery rate with juice rate both can be configured in the config
the color of this juice can be changed in the config but will default to red
the apoc-reload command will now not only reload the config but also the insanity bar and the color of the sanity juice to maintain the non requirement of reloading the whole server to apply all parts of the config changes
----------, Apr 25, 2024

there was an issue with a runtime false-stop timeout on check/reload insanity functions due to the slow laod in animation so it has been removed unfortunately but all is working now
----------, Apr 24, 2024

added new config node
this will define the color of the bossbar for insanity allowed values are shown in the config
/apoc-reload now also reloads the insanity bar to effectively apply the color changes from the config
/checkinsanity now slowly loads in the players saved insanity as a fun little animation style rather than statically setting it immediately to the saved value (this also applies to when the bar is reloaded via apoc-reload)
----------, Apr 24, 2024

fixed some small typos and polished some finishing touces for a release candidate (if you have any suggestions to add please feel free to comment on this resource)
----------, Apr 24, 2024

added new feature!
resonation reveal: upon placing a bell in the target world a display tag will
appear above it that will say "show zombies" upon ringing this bell all
zombies in a 60 block radius (this can be configured) will glow red (this
color can be configured as well) for 15 seconds or 300 ticks (this can be
configured too)
new command
/apoc-reload - this will reload the config for the plugin to prevent the requirement of reloading or restarting the server

please ensure your config file is updated with the new fields added in this beta

New config values
glow_radius: 60
bell_text: Show %s's
glow_color: RED
----------, Apr 23, 2024

fixed issue with insanity bar not returning. or setting ot the player if they are in the target world already on reload

added insanity level save function to keep note of the last known insanity level upon leaving the target world
this function will also recall last saved insanity back to the player upon return to the target world

new command /checkinsanity <player> will check if the player has a saved insanity level and recall it to the targeted player

all commands will require the permission node apocolypse.admin unless opped
----------, Apr 22, 2024

- implimented insanity system
- this system works where upon entering the target world for apocolypse config a new bossbar is given to the player called insanity this bar will guage how insane you have become after killing zombies each zombie kill will increase your insanity by a specified value (default 0.01) and your sanity will recover at the rate defined (default 0.001) every second if your insanity is above 0.5 the recovery rate is the defined recovery rate plus 0.002 if it is above 0.75 the recovery will be recovery rate plus 0.005 and if insanity is above 0.9 it will be recovery rate plus 0.01 when insanity is above 0.5 you will randomly have a chance to get effects as of right now 0.5-0.75 is hunger, 0.75-0.9 is hunger and nausea and 0.9+ is hunger blindness and nausea (these effects will be removed once sanity has recovered past the range they are applied in, upon leaving the target world the bossbar for insanity will be removed and sanity score will be reset

-working on for next beta
- a way to maintain previous sanity score upon leaving and coming back to the target world
- a way for the insanity bar to apply to the player if they are already in the target world on plugin load
----------, Apr 22, 2024

fixed issue with day night message broadcasting during the wrong worlds time (if target world is not main world)

fixed herd notifications
----------, Apr 19, 2024

Discrepancy with version string fixed
----------, Apr 19, 2024

had to fix the update checker spigot resource id so the plugin will maintain searching for the proper resource updates
----------, Apr 19, 2024

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 453
First Release: Apr 19, 2024
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Find more info at wiki.ycs.canvaswrite.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings