apocolypse icon

apocolypse -----

the dead walk amongst you!

insanity update
- implimented insanity system
- this system works where upon entering the target world for apocolypse config a new bossbar is given to the player called insanity this bar will guage how insane you have become after killing zombies each zombie kill will increase your insanity by a specified value (default 0.01) and your sanity will recover at the rate defined (default 0.001) every second if your insanity is above 0.5 the recovery rate is the defined recovery rate plus 0.002 if it is above 0.75 the recovery will be recovery rate plus 0.005 and if insanity is above 0.9 it will be recovery rate plus 0.01 when insanity is above 0.5 you will randomly have a chance to get effects as of right now 0.5-0.75 is hunger, 0.75-0.9 is hunger and nausea and 0.9+ is hunger blindness and nausea (these effects will be removed once sanity has recovered past the range they are applied in, upon leaving the target world the bossbar for insanity will be removed and sanity score will be reset

-working on for next beta
- a way to maintain previous sanity score upon leaving and coming back to the target world
- a way for the insanity bar to apply to the player if they are already in the target world on plugin load
----------, Apr 22, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 454
First Release: Apr 19, 2024
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
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