GUI polishes, bug fixes and finally, a 7 hour long play testing session
Yes, you have read right. I finally gathered some friends ans was able to test the plugin, tried to destroy it (from minecraft), stress test it, etc.
Because of this, we found many bugs / issues with the plugin. All got noted in a todo list and some of them are already fixed.
GUI: The faction settings gui finally has a working rank swap. It features 3 new permissions, kick, ban and manage ranks
Ranks now have a face (death to the grass block icons!)
Bug fixes (I can remember): Fixed the annying bug, that lang files randomly decided to get unloadable for around 30 - 50 reloads. It was weird, was weird to fix, but now it should be patched
Factions shouldn't disappear randomly (Dedicaded to the same saving problem)
Added more stacktraceable files
Home extension no longer tells that the file could be corrupted
Fixed the problem when you tried to set a home outside of your territory