Improved Factions icon

Improved Factions -----

A modern gui based faction plugin for spigot / paper. Just add new feautures with extensions

Version: 2.1.4-stable
Awesome developer lots of support, he even gave us access to an early version to fix some issues we were having. Incredible plugin does exactly what we need it to do and doesn't cause us any long term issues

Version: 2.1.1-stable
Good now. Small bugs. LMAO come and use it its great. FR

Version: 1.6.2
Great factions plugin! Gets the job done efficiently and works great on 1.20.1 PaperMC without any errors.

Version: 1.6.2
Good but can you add rank place holde with this return the Faction name with a rank specific number
Example : {facleaderboardrank: ranknumber}

Version: 1.6.2
Its ok . . .

Version: 1.6.2
İ liked your plugin it has realy good features like attacking other factions and other cool commands but the problem that im having is that it doesnt realy work for older versions like 1.16.5 - 1.14 could you make it compatible for older versions ?

Version: 1.6.1
Dev aktualy fiorget his had a plugyn. Shrug XD

Version: v1 pre release 5
there's no /f top... how is this improved, you can't edit GUI either, you can only disable some features. Highly unlikely you'd see this on bigger servers without updates.
Author's response
I'm very sorry for your anger about the missing features. I have noted them as suggestions. But because of this plugin being a free resource, I can only work on it after work, so that may take it's time.

Please use Sabafaction or some other resource, as these plugins are probably complete with all faction features features.

Have a great day

Version: v1 pre release 5
Can i stop players claiming the WorldGuard regions?
And can you explain to me how the "power" works? bcs i tested and after claiming chunk, the power was still the same
Author's response
Yeah, stopping them is simple - Run /f zones unclaimable
This needs to be done for each world guard chunk.

The power system:
- Faction has max power
- Per member join the faction gains max power
- Each time a player dies, the faction looses power
- Every hour, per online player, one power gets regenerated
- If the faction has more claims than power, it will be overclaimable.
Overclaiming can only be done on chunks touching the wilderness

Hope this helps, if you there's still something you aren't sure about, you can ask me on the discord server

Version: v1 pre release 4.2
Very good plugin, I missed factions, but I'm wondering if I can set it so it doesn't display a title everytime you walk in to a chunk but maybe a sub title or message?
Author's response
Use /f user. This gives you a GUI where you can disable it, change it to title, subtitle, actionbar and chat.
There are some other settings too

Version: v1 pre release 2
Great support, that helped us instantly, currently best faction plugin in Minecraft + fast and very good communication

Version: v1 pre release 2
Great plugin with a lot of ideas and lot of fun,.
Best Support ive ever had Thanks A lot.

Version: BETAv5.0.5
Its a great Factions Plugin, Make makes it even better is the dynmap ability and its price (FREE!) it is by far my favorite plugin I've seen in a long time.

Version: BETAv5.0.5
What do you mean by a bad performance in a large number of players?

How many players would you recommend to work at good performance?


Author's response
Depends on your RAM. For fast access everything is stored in the RAM.

So I was using a 1GB RAM Server and it began to lag with 10 Players.

I think so 20 Player would be max (At the same time), but just test. As I said, it depends on your RAM. But with <20 activie people you should be good

Version: BETAv5.0.5
ImprovedFactions::Combined Totalcount(3511) total(54.87% 156.89s, 361.50% of tick)avg(44.69ms per - 180.75ms/4.04 per tick

This plugin is entirely the reason why my server is having constant lag spikes/hiccups. Please optimize it better for paper
Author's response
Yes. It's not that great when it comes to performance (Therefore I'm rewriting it).

If you like to test out the optmised version (Not finished) you could ask me on discord to send it to you.

But a quick question: How many players where on your server? Because the current system loads every data into RAM (Not good, I know, but normally has a good access time when enough ram is provided). Maybe that's the problem.

Version: BETAv5.0.4
Keep up the work, so far I like it, everything is pretty simple and clear to understand. Easy to install

Version: BETAv5.0.4
Looks very promising! I'm going to try this out, so many factions plugins over the years but they never get active development or new features that people want.

Version: BETAv5.0.0
Great work! Please let me know if you need any development help.

Glad to see a 1.18 factions plugin.

Version: BETAv4.0.0
This plugin is good,So I want the Chinese people to know about this plugin.It is rare to have such a plugin on a high version.I want to thank this author.

Version: BETAv4.0.0
very promising, the developer seems attentive and the plugin delivers on everything it says

Version: BETAv2.1.1
Very promising, I really like the extentions management and everything is clear and concise.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 17,403
First Release: Aug 23, 2021
Last Update: Jun 8, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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