- Install on your server
- start server
When the server started, you can join and give yourself op.
After you have done that, you can type
/f and should be able to select some sub commands.
Extension Installation:
- Start server
- Join server
- Type /f extension download <Extension> (Only op)
Extension Update:
- Start server
- Join server
- Type /f extension update - All installed extensions are getting updated. When it's done you get a message
MassiveCraft Faction data converting:
- Download the latest ImprovedFaction version (BETAv4.0.0 - 28.12.2021 or later)
- After downloading, put in in your `/plugins/` folder of your server
- If you have used the plugin before, backup your old data from /plugins/ImprovedFactions/. Just renmae it from `ImprovedFactions` to `ImprovedFactions - Backup`
- Now there should no folder with the name `ImprovedFactions` in /plugins/. If there is one, go back to step 3.
- Start your server and join.
- After server has started, enter `/f extension download MCoreConverter`. If a error occurred, try again. If it still happends after three tries, report it on spigot / discord
- After successfull installtion, make a backup of your old mstore folder (It is in /mstore, same layer as /plugins). Just make a copy and rename it to `mstore - Backup`.
- Now you need to remove the RAM limitation of your server. YOu don't need to do it, but if you do, it does take less time. The converting needs alot of RAM and proccess power. Close everything that isn't the server to make sure you have the most avaible power.
- Now you can start reload your server. You will notice, that the server gets stuck on Loading MCoreConverter. It is **not** stuck and don't stop it while doing so. It could damage your data. Its just loading all your data. This can take much time, depending on your old data size.
- You will notice (depending on how your data is saved) that some claimed chunks cann't be loaded. This could be caused by many things. Maybe the chunk got already claimed before. But don't worry. It should not be a problem, unless yoou see that it can't load any chunk (Many many error messages with less time between being printed), If this happends to you, let the proccess finish, remove the /plugins/ImprovedFactions folder and try again. If it still aint working, report it on spigot / discord
- When the server loaded successfully, you should stop it, go to /plugins/ImprovedFactions/Extension/ and remove MCoreExtenion.jar. After you have done that, you can add your RAm limiation back and start it.
- The server should now be starting up quicker & shoudn't use that much RAm again.
If any problems occurred, please report them, so I can fix them. If you fixed them yourself, tell me about it and I will try to fix it, so others don't have the problem too
Language files:
- Start server
- go to "plugins/ImprovedFactions/lang/" and there you will find a en_us.lang file. If you have installed everything, copy the file and rename it. For example: from "en_us.lang" (English) to "de_de.lang" (German) and translate all messages.
- When you switch to another language (German), you should she, some commands are now having your translations