Jumpscares ⭐ 39 different auto-sent screamers icon

Jumpscares ⭐ 39 different auto-sent screamers -----

Make your incredible horror server and impress your players! :D

Version: 1.22.1
plugin inactive, nothing new lately
players get used to scares very quickly

The future of servers is in the use of textures, it would be nice if it was compatible with textures (Oraxen, itemsadder) and to be able to customize the scares. At first Jumpscares is a good plugin but it gets repetitive and boring, players are already bored

Version: 1.21.2
Very user friendly! Great for spooky season and I love the options to disable by default and timing, lighting etc. Absolutely awesome plugin!
Author's response
Thanks!!! :3

Version: 1.21.1
During the time I've been using the plugin it's been really good and doesn't cause any lag. The only problem is that players get used to the jump scares and know them by heart, more jump scares on the list would be awesome!
Author's response
Hi! Thank you :3
Yes, people quickly get used to everything :c
There are new screamers in the plans, I'm just looking for time to implement them :)

Version: 1.21.1
Very good plugin. I hope that soon there will be support for oraxen and modelengine to use 3D models in scares

Version: 1.21.0
Лучший плагин со скримерами! Большой функционал, хорошая поддержка. Разработчик реализовал мои предложения, за что ему отдельное больше спасибо! Подходит как для обычного троллинга игроков так и для ивента на Хэллоуин.

Перевод на английский:

The best plugin with jump scares! Great functionality, good support. The developer implemented my suggestions, for which I am especially grateful! Suitable for both regular trolling of players and for a Halloween event.
Author's response
Thank you! ^_^

Version: 1.20.1
Love this plugin it genuinely scared me on one of the auto sent ones but I wish there was an option in the config to disabled sounds on certain ones

Version: 1.20.0
Наконец-то я нашёл замечательный плагин на скримеры!
Хотелось бы GUI к нему, подобно тому, что показан в обзоре плагина. Так-же ждем новых скримеров.
Author's response
Спасибо за покупку и за отзыв :)
Рад, что плагин тебе нравится)

Version: 1.18.9
Really nice plugin and the developer responds very fast with great support and listens to the customers of the plugin.

Asked for a feature and got it done within some hours.

Overall, the plugin is also very nice to have. I have used it in a horror hide and seek on my server and as a Halloween event where players would go around and find 30 minipumpkins in a area with worldguard support.

Keep up the good work!
Author's response
Thank you! ^_^
I am very glad that you liked my plugin :)

Version: 1.18.5
wonderful and fun plugin especially to scare your streamer friends! if you can add more jumpscare :D
Author's response
Hahah, thanks! :))

Version: 1.18.2
Honestly, I love this plugin. I installed it on my Survival server and i have never been on edge more in minecraft then i am now. 10/10 would recommend!
Author's response
Thank you!!! ^_^

Version: 1.14.8
One of my players almost shit themselves 10/10 would use again
One of my players actually did piss themselves too so 20/10 will use every server
Author's response

Version: 1.14.6
I recommend this plugin, this is the best horror plugin on Spigot, congrats to the creator!
Author's response
I am pleased, thank you! :)

Version: 1.14.6
the best halloween plugins you can see on spigot, top 1 .
Author's response
Yay, thanks! :)

Version: 1.11.0
Fun plugin, an good addition to the servers.

can screamers be divided in to layers, somelike how ores are done?

Version: 1.10.8
I like the plugin I hope it keeps adding epic stuff. good dev.
good plugin and good screamers
Author's response
Thx! :3

Version: 1.10.5
I love it. I never have bugs and it works with the plugin FearFeeling
And I use blood moon too and the 3 plugins works together well
Author's response
I'm glad it works fine :) Thanks!

Version: 1.10.5
Very funny and scary, a must have for tricksters like me.

That'd be great to be able to disable the chat message when a player get scared so it makes them question if they're really crazy.

I can't seem to make some of the scares work (like SOMETHING_INSIDE, nothing happens when I open a door).

But really cool!
Author's response
Hi! Thanks :)
Messages are visible only when you send a screamer to a player via the scare command. Scared players don't see them.
Check the "triggers-with-conditions" setting in your config. Trigger-screamers won't be triggered If it set to true and it is daytime or bright.

Version: 1.10.4
sorry,Это мир без настройки, а авторский плагин великолепен, и мне это нравится qwq
Author's response
Thank you спасибо !)

Version: 1.10.0
This is the best plugin on spigotmc.org

Seriously, be careful. Some of these will 100% give someone a heart attack.
Author's response
Thank you! ^_^

Version: 1.5.0
Extremely efficient. Very simple to use. Really really scary ! Thanks for this plugin :3
Author's response
Thank you for the review :3

Version: 1.3.0
Cool plugin, good for my creepy server :) Developer helped me with the plugin settings. You can try this plugin on my server mc.slendernight.ru (Russian)

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 359
First Release: Sep 22, 2021
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
Version -----
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