Jumpscares ⭐ 39 different auto-sent screamers icon

Jumpscares ⭐ 39 different auto-sent screamers -----

Make your incredible horror server and impress your players! :D


Everyone dreamed of trolling their players for punishment or just for fun. But this plugin isn't just fun. It sends screamers on random players automatically at nights or at dark places. There are 39 different screamers in this plugin! You can make the horror server! Screamers frighten with their suddenness and can cause violent reactions from players :D

Code (Text):
1. Angry Chest - when the player opens a chest, it closes and makes scary sounds
2. Angry Wolves - several wolves attack the player, exploding with bats when attacking
3. Bat On Head - a bat sits on the player's head, screams terribly and gives blindness every second
4. Burning Skull - a fiery skull flies towards the player
5. Crazy Guy - a creepy character flies towards the player with a very loud and scary sound
6. Creepy Laugh - the player hears a creepy laugh
7. Creepy Statue - a scary statue momentarily appears in front of the player, quickly rotating its head
8. Darkness - all light sources go out around the player for a while
9. Don't Turn Around - a creepy statue appears behind the player. if you look at it, it will quickly rush towards the player
10. Elder Curse - curse of the sea guard with scary sound
11. Fake Creeper - a creeper appears behind the player and instantly wants to explode, but it's fake
12. Fake Damage - the player begins to lose health for unknown reasons. and when health reaches zero, it will be replenished
13. Fake Lava - a pool of lava appears under the player, from where he cannot get out. when health reaches zero, the screamer will stop, and health will be replenished
14. Fake TNT - dynamite appears right at the player's place and instantly explodes
15. Falling Spiders - spiders spawn around the player in the air and die, making scary sounds
16. Fireworks - several fireworks will spawn in the player's place, making scary sounds
17. Funeral March - the funeral march is played to the player
18. Lightning - several lightning bolts will spawn around the player at intervals of half a second
19. Look At Ender - an enderman appears in front of the player, the player's camera is gradually aimed at his head, accompanied by terrible sounds
20. Look Down - the player instantly looks straight down, accompanied by a scary sound
21. Pumpkin Helmet - the effect of a pumpkin on the head appears 5 times per second with scary sounds
22. Pushing Mob - the next hit mob will instantly look at the player, scream and push the player far away
23. Something Inside - the next time the player tries to open the door, it will instantly close and something will start knocking on it
24. Sound Colossus - the player is given blindness and hears the sounds of an approaching iron colossus
25. Sound Scream - the player hears a random scary loud sound
26. Sound Steps - the player hears the steps of an approaching person
27. Spinning Mobs - some mobs around the player begin to rotate, making scary sounds. if hit, they explode into bats
28. Spinning Player - the player turns in different directions with scary sounds
29. They Are Watching You - eyes appear around the player, watching him
30. To The Heaven - the player is thrown high into the sky. he thinks he will crash, but it's fake
31. Trap Mob - the next animal that the player attacks will turn into an aggressive enderman with a scary sound
32. Watching Mobs - all mobs around the player freeze and begin to watch him
33. Weeping Angel - a statue appears that does not move when you look at it, but attacks in the back if you lose sight of it
34. Welcome Home - the next time the player opens the door, a scary statue will fly in his direction
35. Windows Crasher - all the glass around the player is knocked out with a terrible sound, but is restored over time
36. Poltergeist Doors - all the doors around the player open and close several times
37. Poltergeist Light - all the torches around the player flicker for a few seconds
38. Fake Skeleton - a fake skeleton runs behind the player's back and deals fake damage
39. Fake Warden - makes some sounds and effects to make a player think that the warden is spawning
/js reload - reload the plugin

/js toggle [player] - toggle screamers

/scare <player> <screamer> - scare the player with the screamer
JumpScares.scare - to access the /scare command
JumpScares.scare.<screamer> - for a certain screamer
JumpScares.scare.* - for ALL screamers

/scarepoint create <screamer> <radius> <mode> - create a scarepoint
/scarepoint list - scarepoints list
/scarepoint remove <id> - remove a scarepoint


You can use this plugin with FearFeeling to increase players' fear with screamers.
This plugin supports PlaceholderAPI. All placeholders are displayed in the console when your server starts.
There is the screamers-settings.yml file which allows to customize fear increasing by every existing screamer.
You can use the screamers flag with /rg flag <name> screamers deny if you have WorldGuard installed on your server.
Also, if you install the SlenderManX plugin, the server becomes incredibly creepy.

You can expand this section. Just send me a link to your youtube video :)


NOTE: the plugin works only on versions 1.13+
If you cannot buy my plugin via PayPal, please, contact me on Discord

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 359
First Release: Sep 22, 2021
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
20 ratings
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