The best lives plugin I saw, I recomend it a lot.
Only one thing is bad, I need for me server a specific setting for disable worlds, like I want to have little events and all players will die in that event except one that is the winner. The thing is I don't want to people in the event to lose a live. I think it's easy and will be soo good.
I love the add-on, it's just what I need, there's just one detail that should implement some placeholders that return the player's lives and another that returns the number of lives, but in hearts ♥ it would be something like %SemiHardcore_lives% and %SemiHardcore_lives_hearts%
Thanks for enjoying it! I can't reproduce your issue though. Could you go to the discussion section and tell me what you changed in messages.yml and caused it to reset?
Version: 2.2.1
Awesome plugin for my server. The hardcore revival datapack goes really good with this too.