- Rewrote plugin from scratch. Source code is now muuuuch cleaner and faster - Unload/dump now works with chests, double chests, shulkerboxes and barrels - InvUnload should now work with every protection plugin like WorldGuard, GriefPrevention, etc. by calling an InventoryOpenEvent. InvUnload will only put items into chests if that event is not cancelled by other plugins. - /dump will no longer take items from the player's hotbar - When using /dump, InvUnload will always run /unload first. The config option has been removed. - Permissions "invunload.unload" and "invunload.dump" have been renamed to "invunload.use" - InvUnload can use ChestSort to sort chests that have been affected by unloading/dumping. This can be disabled in the config and only works if the player has automatic chest sorting enabled - Particle types and sound effects can be set in the config.yml - Update-Checker interval is now configurable in the config.yml
This version is compatible with every Spigot version >= 1.12.2