InvUnload icon

InvUnload -----

Automatically puts your stuff into the right chests. Supports WorldGuard, etc. (+auto config update)

Please post feature requests and bug reports in the discussion or at GitHub.
Automatically puts your stuff into the right chests

You don't have time to open every chest in your storage room to tidy up your inventory?
Fear no more! You have no more excuses for having chests full of random garbage!



InvUnload does two brilliant things:

When you enter /unload, it checks if there are chests nearby.
For each chest, the player's inventory will be searched for matching items. If there are any, they will be put into the chest.

You can also /dump your complete inventory (except hotbar and armor slots) into any chests nearby.

Includes English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish language. Of course, all messages are customizable.

You can also change the default and max. chest distance.

This version is for 1.12.2+ only.

Videos / Screenshots


/unload [radius]

Unloads player's inventory (except hotbar) into matching chests.
If radius is not set, the default (10 blocks) is used. You can define a maximum radius in the config file.

/unload hotbar
Toggles per player whether your hotbar items will also be unloaded

/dump [radius]
Dumps player's inventory (except hotbar) into any chests nearby.
If radius is not set, the default (10 blocks) is used. You can define a maximum radius in the config file.

/dump hotbar
Toggles per player whether your hotbar items will also be dumped

/unloadinfo or /dumpinfo
Shows a text summary that explains what items have been put into what chest (see screenshot above).

/searchitem [item] or /search [item]
Searches for items in nearby chests

/blacklist [add|remove] [items]
Adds/removes items to your personal blacklist. Those items will not be unloaded / dumped.

/unload reload
Reloads configuration file

Allow usage of the commands /unload, /dump, /unloadinfo and /dumpinfo
Allow usage of the command /searchitem

Allows to reload the config using /unload reload

You have a chest with Sand in it.
Your player holds sand and gravel in his inventory.
When using /unload, the sand will be put in the chest, but the gravel will remain in the player's inventory.

You have two chests, one with sand and gravel, and one with gold blocks.
Your player holds sand, gravel, gold blocks and grass blocks.
When using /unload, the sand and gravel is put into the first chest, the gold blocks will be put into the second chest and the grass blocks will remain in the player's inventory.

You have two chests, one is half filled with dirt and the other one is empty. You carry stone and dirt in your inventory. When using /dump, the dirt is put into the first chest, and all your stone is put into the empty chest.

Custom Groups
You can define custom groups in the file groups.yml to control the default-chest-radius and max-chest-radius per player. Players will need the "<groupname>" permission.

3rd party plugin integration
Players cannot unload or dump their stuff into chests that are not accessible for that players because of Worldguard, GriefPrevetion etc. To check this, InvUnload calls a PlayerInteractEvent and call some API methods of 3rd party plugins like Spartan Anti-Cheat and PlotSquared.

Source code:

InvUnload uses bStats to gather statistics. You can disable this by editing the plugins/bstats/config.yml file. View the statistics here:

If your language is not yet supported, just change the messages in the config file yourself. We will be happy to include the language in the next update if you send us your translation.

Default configuration
The configuration file is automatically generated if it does not exist. On every new InvUnload release, the config file will be updated to include the newest options. Your changes will be kept.

You can view the default configuration file here.

Other Plugins by me
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 11,521
First Release: Aug 21, 2018
Last Update: Oct 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings