the plugin is wonderful my players love it but i have a problem due to another plugin
I use the plugin "gamemodeinventories"
Basically this plugin allows to use creative blocking chests so that players cannot pass things from gm creative to gm survival, but with the command / unload and / dump, players can pass things from their creative to chests
Could you add some support for the plugin?
translation to Spanish
##### Spanish
message-could-not-unload: "&7No hay nada para vaciar. ¿talvez no tienes espacio en los cofres?"
message-radius-too-high: "&cError:&7El radio no puede ser mas alto de %d bloques."
message-no-chests-nearby: "&7No hay cofres cerca. Ajusta el radio o ponte cerca de algun cofre."
message-error-not-a-number: "&cError:&7 '%s' este no es un numero valido."