AcceptTheRules | Forces players to read and accept your rules icon

AcceptTheRules | Forces players to read and accept your rules -----

Reward players by accepting rules | The rules plugin for your server

Version: 10.13
Plugin works as intended. Does the job it needs to and it is the only rule accepting plugin currently being updated as far as I can tell. Dev is super helpful and quick with replies :)

Version: 10.13
this plugin is good but it is unnecessary for the plugin to keep resetting when the player accepted the rule, probably because it keeps spamming "/atraccept" on join for a player who already read the rules
Author's response
Thanks for your review, but for bug reports please use the support section for it. I am very active there and can not help in review section

Version: 10.13
I LOVE this plugin, it works great in 1.20.2. I am using it sort of like a mini-tutorial when players join and I like that it was really easy to set up and use. I've had great feedback from my players too. Just a really great plugin.
Author's response
I'm very pleased that it was easy to set up for you as an admin and that it was great feedback for your players and community<3

Version: 10.13
Ignore the last review. This plugin is amazing! It's really helped me hold a few members accountable when they broke the rules. No more saying "I didn't see the rules when i joined.". The only issue I've ever had was on a rare occasion bedrock users have to re-accept the rules in order to play, but since you literaly just have to type a short command, it's not a big issue at all. 5/5 stars! Fantastic FREE plugin. Pat on the back to the developer for providing a plugin and keeping it updated for us to utilize. :)

Version: 10.12
Unfortunately, it is not working. The directory for the plugin was not generated and the console threw an error:
[12:10:42 INFO]: [ATR] Enabling AcceptTheRules v10.12
[12:10:43 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling AcceptTheRules v10.12 (Is it up to date?)
Author's response
Thanks for your review, but this section is not for bug reports. Please try out my support <3

Version: 10.11
Bedrock Edition clicks to agree to the agreement but what is executed is to decline! Please fix him!
Author's response
I am extremly active by using my support options, so for support, please use one of them:
1. Discord
2. Spigot DM
3. Spigot Discussions

See you in any of my provided support options <3

Version: 10.9
The perfect plugin to make sure player always read the rules before playing! Dev is really responsive aboout your problem and he listen to anysuggestion you made!

Version: 10.3
this is the best plugin for adding our rules and the plugin works on bungeecord if you know how to set up geysermc keep up the excellent work!!!

Version: 8.1
The server is lagging when there is a large online and this is proved by errors in the database.

This plugin is not suitable for large servers, but for small ones it is the best.
Author's response
It is a pity that you received error messages or found problems on bigger servers. I offer support through several avenues, so feel free to contact me with any error messages or problems.

For me it is very difficult to estimate what is "a big server" for you, so you are welcome to use the support possibilities. AcceptTheRules offers an extra command that helps to check data and support.

Feel free to contact me to let me know what is a bigger server for you or what messages you have received.

Version: 8.0
Amazing and intuitive Rules plugin that brings option to remove the excuse of “I didn’t see that in the rules” due to the fancy and handy movement limiter features. Additionally, active and often plugin updates alongside some of the best fast-response support you can get get! 100% recommend

Version: 7.7
This a a really great plugin!
Now my players cannot say that they don't know the rules and never seen it
100% recommended!

Version: 7.5
Great plugin. Does what it says. Nice and simple. Dev was very helpful in helping me get it up and running.

Version: 7.5
nice plugin for my SMP server
force players option is awesome
we need more updates :)
Author's response
Thank you for your review.

You need more updates? ATR has at the moment 49 updates and if you need something, please use the support options :-)

Version: 7.5
Hey this is a really nice plugin
But if you could add MySQL support that makes the plugin even better
Best regards
Banexplain DC: i_r0k_#2192

Version: 7.4
lmao =)) .like

Version: 7.3
Good plugin, Nice dev

and there stupid word limit lol how long it must be wtf man

Version: 7.2
Clean , easy, light plugin. Crisp and friendly responses, developer very knowledgeable. Updated consistently and when needed. Awesome job.

Version: 7.0
As I had written last time, this is an amazing Plugin :)
Thank You for adding support for the old Version 1.8
Hope that you add 1.17 as soon as possible :)
Best Regards
Banexplain | MC: i_r0k_ DC: i_r0k_#2192

Version: 6.1
Hey, the Plugin is amazing and has really good features.
I'm sorry for that below - I did't see this
Best Regards
Banexplain | MC: i_r0k_ DC: i_r0k_#2192

Hey, the Plugin is amazing and has really good features.
But for me one feature is missing:
- the option to execute console/player commands on accept
- the option to execute console/player commands on deny
With setup in the Config.
It will be amazing if you could add this.
Best Regards
Banexplain | MC: i_r0k_ DC: i_r0k_#2192

Today at 8:56 PM

Author's Response

This feature is not missing. It is in ATR :D

All commands will be executed as console (default).
To execute commands as player, you can add the prefix "%asplayer%"
- %asplayer% say This command will be executed as player
- say This command will be executed as console

Version: 5.1
I love this plugin! It does what it says :)

Continue the work! Thumbs up!

And something extra:

They shall bow before me!

You want to make the players Accept The Rules?

Done! Strike one!

The players are not allowed to move before they
Accept The Rules?

Done! Strike two!

Players cannot skip/accept the rules right away...

Done! Strrrrrike three!

Prevent the players from chat, doing cmd and interact before
they Accept The Rules?

Done! Strrrrrike four!

Set the cmd they can use before they
Accept The Rules?

Done! Strrrrrike five!


Author's response
I am glad to hear that AcceptTheRules can provide not one, but even 5 important functions through configuration. I like the plugin as well, just because it is so powerful and important at the same time :)

Version: 5.1
Nice plugin! But could you add if the player doesn't accept the rules, he can't move? This will be great !
Author's response
Thank you for your review. You are asking for a feature that has been in ATR for over 3 years. Have a look at the "Freeze" option.

Version: 5.1
Great solution to rules ignorance. Highly customizable. Excellent support. What more do you need?

Version: 4.4
Excellent plugin from a kind, responsive, and patient developer. Useful features and regularly updated.

Version: 4.4
Its an excellent plugin. I really like it. Its easy to setup.
I will appreciate if there is authme integration or some "accept gui".
Thanks for this great plugin!
Author's response
Thanks for your feedback.

A GUI integration (for example via an inventory) is currently not available for a specific reason:

Here, depending on the length of the rule, truncated rules can occur, which in most cases makes the player not take the rules seriously anymore. So I deliberately decided against a GUI, because the goal is that the players really read the rules and take them seriously. Maybe there will be a nicer way to do this in the future, because books again contain a security problem.

I haven't quite understood the integration of Authme yet, or what exactly kind of integration do you envision here? I don't use Authme myself on my server, so I don't know the full functionality here.

Feel free to send me your feedback on the Authme topic in Discord, in the discussion area or via private message.

Version: 4.4

Nice plugin and simple to setup in config file.

Have you got an example to give users a book there have not
accepted the server rules?

Maybe you can give an update to an extra file like rules_book.yml ?

Author's response
There is no direct example of a book of rules, because AcceptTheRules is not done through books, but runs through chat.

I would also not like to do this via books, as this has caused security problems in the past in the server area. In case you don't know the topic:
In the past, manipulated books were used to execute commands that gave a normal player (bad player) more permissions. Thus, I see a book more as an obstacle.

If books as rules are still interesting for you, I'm pretty sure that there will be one or the other plugin for it here in the forum. But the security concerns and problems I can not ignore, so I would not insert a rule book.

Version: 3.0
Great Plugin, good author.
Had some bugs at beginning but the author helpd me alot to fix it or workaround.

Version: 2.6
Deleted my previuous review because there was a spelling error in my config file. Besides this, the plugin works absolutely great and the author immediately contacted me to find the problem! Keep up the work!

Version: 2.5
Works absolutly fine and the Support is the fastest I've ever had and super friendly. Absoluty love this plugin and would recommend it to everyone:)

Version: 2.0
The plugin works great and as intended, I'm able to block players from moving / chatting / using commands until they accept the rules.

There's also a setting to delay how long a player can move to the next page of rules - preventing someone from just click spamming their way through the rules.

For my usecase my server is hosting an easter event and we need all players to understand and accept the rules of the event since they'll be all either be participating or be around players who are. This is great for disseminating that information!

Highly recommended.

Version: 2.0
Excellent Plugin to help ensure your players know the rules. With the option to prevent movement on login or to allow them to move about but remind them they must accept the rules this is nearly perfect. And yes it can be configured easily as well. Simply replace the text with your own text and that is that. Then choose a few simple config options if you want and reload the plugin in-game and boom you're done.
We are extremely pleased with the plugin and the dev who is active and responsive. Overall this is a 5 of 5 from all of us.
Author's response
Thanks for your feedback.

I'm glad that you like the plugin with its configurations and possibilities as well as the feedback from the community or me.

Version: 2.0
Nice plugin to reinforce the rules for the newcomers before they get down to business. Recommend for survival buildings servers.

Version: 2.0
1. Spigot 1.13
2. ATR 1.8.2
3. No crash (recomended version crashed 2.0)
4.The plugin works but there is no ATR folder
Author's response
Thank you for your review.

I am happy to discuss your points, even if they are actually part of my support readiness, which I normally do not follow in the review section:

To 3:
I've published a modified download, which is especially meant for version 1.13 and lower. By the re-download, you get a ".zip" directory in which you find the version ATR 2.0 for your server version. Please use this version on your server.

To 4:
The plugin has created a folder called "ATR" in the previous version. Starting with version 2.0, the directory and all configuration files have been changed. The new directory is "AcceptTheRules". More information about version 2.0 can be found in the patch notes at "".

If you have further questions or requests for help, I would be happy if you use the support options provided, as I and the community behind ATR can help you there much faster.

Version: 1.8.2
Very good plugin but could you turn WARN Message into INFO when we close the server ? I mean this message: WARN [ATR] Version 1.8.2 is disabled!
Author's response
Thank you for your comment. Your wish has already been implemented in Preview Version 2.0.
This can be found on the Discord (Note: With many more changes).

Version: 1.8.2
Best plugin of Force-TOS(Terms of Services) addon.
Thanks to editor!

Easily configurable, user friendly!

Version: 1.8.2
Love it. hands down best non-bungeecord rules accepting thing. straight to the point without BS, so its simple for players to understand.

only issue is that it doesn't seem to run the commands for accept or deny other than the first default "say" command.
Author's response
Thanks for your feedback. I am happy that you like the plugin.

To your problem:
Normally all commands specified in the configuration should be executed.

If you like, you are welcome to send me your configuration with commands that are not currently executed. Then I would take a look at this and give you a feedback.

You can send me the file either by discord or by direct message in spigot (e.g.: by pastebin).

Then we can solve the problem quickly.

Version: 1.8.0
This is the plugin I've been looking for since 1.12.2!

It works flawlessly, easily configurable, straight forward, and user friendly.

If you're looking for a /rules plugin, this is absolutely the one you've been looking for!

Version: 1.6.1
Nice! Easy to setup, and a player's first comment was "nicely organized, and looks good!" Sums it up for me, except I'd also add "works exactly as intended" :)
Author's response
Thank you for your feedback.

I'm glad if you like the plugin as well as the players on your server, feel the same way.

Version: 1.6.1
Amazing plugin, works whitout any issue. And the dev is an amazing guy.

If you have any issue he help you right away, same goes for functions request, i have requested multiple things, and it was always added not long after i asked for it.

So, as i said, He is like > (an amazing Dev)

Version: 1.4.0
Add support for 1.7.x

Author's response
An update to the version 1.7.X will not exist anymore. The last version of 1.7.X (1.7.10) was released in 2014. This is a very old version and from version 1.7.X to 1.12.X a lot has changed. Downgrading to 1.7.X will no longer be compatible with this plugin.

The plugin already supports more than 5 different major versions of Minecraft and soon there will be more. Unfortunately, I will not be able to offer you support for the 1.7.X version. It is due to the fact that functions, which this plugin uses in the version 1.7.X of Spigot were not yet supported. So I can not change that, unfortunately.

Version: 1.1.1
Just what I needed! Works great so far. Keeps players in one spot until they actually read the rules.

Version: 1.0.0
Super good plugin that works perfectly !
Continue your work !

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 26,623
First Release: Feb 25, 2018
Last Update: Oct 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
38 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings