AcceptTheRules | Forces players to read and accept your rules icon

AcceptTheRules | Forces players to read and accept your rules -----

Reward players by accepting rules | The rules plugin for your server


Please do not test this plugin with op permission.
There are some bypass permissions!


Many players do not read the server rules and cannot follow them. "Accept the rules" offers a remedy at this point. And it is free!

Players must accept the server rules once and then play with the others. The rules are displayed on different pages so that no rule can be overlooked. At the end the player is asked whether he wants to accept these rules or not.

At this point a simple configuration can be used to decide what should happen if the player accepts or rejects the rules. When accepting the rules, e.g. ranks can be assigned or special items can be given to the players. This is left to the owner of the server.

The ATR plugin also offers the possibility to freeze a player until the rules are accepted. This function can be set via the configuration.

Usually the rules do not remain unchanged. Of course this has been taken into account and therefore the version of the rules can be set. As a result, all players receive the changes and can follow the rules.

With "Accept the rules" there will never again be the excuse: "I didn't read the rules ..." or "I didn't know where the rules are ...". Take a step into the future and simplify the communication of your server rules to your players with "Accept the rules".



  • A welcome message for players who have not yet accepted the rules
  • Freeze players to read the rules
  • Read rules interactively by clicking buttons
  • Simple notification of rule changes
  • Use of colors for your rules or messages
  • Variable commands when accepting or denying the rules
  • Get information about players, whether the rules were accepted and in which version
  • Everything configurable
  • Prevents chat messages, executing commands (with exceptions), moving on the server or interacting with objects until the rules are read and accepted
  • Markdown for rules
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

GeyserMC / Bedrock Players

New bedrock gui for /rules


  1. Stop your server
  2. Drag and drop the jar file into your "plugins" folder
    1. Optional: Floodgate (Download here)
  3. Start your server
After starting the server a new folder "AcceptTheRules" with all configuration files will be created. From now on all personal settings can be made and the plugin can be used. Do not forget to reload the configuration ("/atr reload").

/rules - Shows the rules
/rule - Shows the rules

/rules [number] - Shows a specific rule
/rule [number] - Shows a specific rule
/atr - Shows the admin menu with all commands
/atr [player] - Shows information about the player
/atr report - Generate a zip-File for faster support
/atr reload - Reloads all configurations
/atr info - Shows some plugin infomation
/atr reset [name] - Resets the "accepted status" for a player
/atraccept [player] - Accept the rules for the player
/atr stats - Shows some user statistics
/atr player [player] - Shows information about the player

  • atr.user.rules - default: true
  • atr.user.atrgui - default: true
  • atr.admin.atr - default: op (permission to use "/atr")
  • atr.admin.* - (all admin permissions)
  • atr.admin.reload (permission to use "/atr reload")
  • (permission to use "/atr help")
  • atr.admin.playerInfo (permission to use "/atr [name]")
  • (permission to use "/atr info")
  • atr.user.bypass (permission to ignore the period re-acception)
  • atr.admin.acceptOthers (permission to accept the rules for another player)
  • atr.admin.updateCheck (permission to use the update checker)
  • atr.admin.reset (permission to reset the "accepted status" for a single player)
Permissions for normal players:
default: true

  • atr.user.rules
  • atr.user.atrnext
  • atr.user.atrback
  • atr.user.atraccept
  • atr.user.atrdeny
  • atr.user.atrgui

  • %player% - player name
  • %page% - current rules page
  • %maxPage% - max. rules page number
  • %asPlayer% - executes the commands as player, with his permission
All over the world

AcceptTheRules is already used all over the world. Let us convince you how it works, like others before you:

  • Taiwan
  • Spain
  • India
  • Czech Republic
  • Australia
  • United Kingdom
  • Finland
  • Netherlands
  • Germany
  • Canada
  • United States
  • France
  • Chile
  • Netherlands
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Belgium
These are not even all countries, but only a small selection.

Code (YAML):
#The Menu are the buttons for navigating the rule pages. The Minecraft Color codes can be used here.
#Space = between "Back" & "Next" button and "accept" & "deny" button
: '&3<< &2Back'
: '&2Next &3>>'
: '&2>> Accept <<'
: '&4>> Deny <<'
: '               '
#"RulesPerPage" is the number of rules to be listed per page. This will automatically calculate the page numbers.
#"RulesCooldown" is the time (in seconds) the player has to wait until he can click on "Next". This prevents the rules from being skipped
: 4
: 3
#The "Parting" are the headlines & footers for the individual pages / sections. The Minecraft Color Codes can be used for this.
: '&6__________________ [ %page% / %maxpage% ]_____________________'
: '&6_____________________________________________'
: '&6_____________________________________________'
: '&6_____________________________________________'
: '&6_____________________________________________'
: '&6_____________________________________________'
: '&6_____________________________________________'
#A list of commands that is executed when the player clicks on the "Accept" or "Deny" button.
#The commands are executed by the console, so the player does not need to have permission for the command. With "%player%" the player name can be used.
#The Minecraft Color Codes can be used for messages or commands.
#If you want the commands to be executed as if the player were doing it manually (with the player's permissions), add "%asPlayer%" at the end of the command.
#Note: If the player does not have permission for this command, he may receive the message "You do not have permission for this command", even though the player does not even know that he has executed a command
 - atrpublic &6 %player% &fhas accepted the server rules!
 - atrpublic &3 %player% &f has denied the rules!
#Commands a player is allowed to enter while he has not yet accepted the rules and the option "Prevent -> Commands = true" is set
 - rules
  - rule
  - atrnext
  - atrback
  - atraccept
  - atrdeny
  - atrprivate
  - atrpublic
#Send a start message (can be set in the messages.yml file), and a delay sending the message (in seconds).
: true
: 0
#Freezes the player to concentrate on reading the rules.
#To prevent the player from being spammed with messages when he moves anyway, there is "MessageCooldown" (given in seconds)
: false
: 3
#Prevents the player from using the actions. If the value is set to "true", the player is NOT allowed to do so (i.e. the protection is set to active).
#The Cooldown Message is specified in seconds
: false
: false
: false
: 3
#If you want the players to read and accept the rules every X days, you can set the value "Enable" to "true".
#After the specified days, the player must automatically accept the rules again.
#The days count in "Real Life" and have nothing to do with the online time of the player
: false
: 90

Support / Bugs / Suggestion
For requests, comments or upcoming errors, I am happy to help. In order to be able to help quickly, I would be pleased if the following information is already filled in during the inquiry:
  1. Execute „/atr report“
  2. Send me your file „“ from your plugins folder („.../plugins/AcceptTheRules/“)
  3. Give a short description of your problem
Requests can be made in German and English.


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If you want to support me, this is not about a donation. I would like to make the plugin available for free and will gladly give the best support.

A review helps me much more than a donation, because through the donation only I have something. But if you write a comment, then others have something of it and can get a suitable picture of my plugin.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25,566
First Release: Feb 25, 2018
Last Update: Oct 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
38 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings