Expansion - Citizens Compatibility - Fixed PlayerNPC cannot be cast to Monster error for "mob targeting"
- Fixed "last location" typo causing locations not to be saved properly
- Added config option to prevent players from being tagged by NPCs
Expansion - Cheat Prevention - Made sure blocked commands ignore case
- Added config option to prevent right-clicking blocks during combat
Expansion - Placeholder Compatibility - New placeholders
combatlogx_is_newbie Check if a player is in newbie protection
combatlogx_newbie_time_left Check how much time a newbie has left in protection
Expansion - Newbie Protection - Added command "/pvpcheck" to check if a player has pvp disabled or not
Code (YAML):
cheat prevention:
interaction not allowed: "&c&oYou cannot right-click that during combat." placeholder compatibility:
newbie helper:
in protection: "&aProtected" not in protection: "&cNot Protected" newbie helper:
format: "&a{target} has pvp set to {setting}" setting enabled: "&aON" setting disabled: "&cOFF"
cheat prevention.yml
Code (YAML):
blocks: # Set this to true to prevent players from right-clicking any blocks during combat (e.g. doors, buttons, etc...) # # Default: true prevent right-click: true
Code (YAML):
citizens: # This option will prevent players from being tagged by NPC entities # Default: false prevent npc tagging: false