This page provides a list of the features for CombatLogX and all bundled expansions.
- Tag players into combat with other players.
- Check for updates.
- Kill players for logging out during combat.
- Run commands when players are tagged, untagged, and punished.
- Link pets, projectiles, tnt, and fishing rods.
- Use a global or permission-based combat timer.
/combatlogx help View the list of sub-commands for CombatLogX.
/combatlogx about <expansion> View information about an expansion.
/combatlogx reload Reload the configuration files for the plugin and expansions.
/combatlogx toggle <bossbar/actionbar/scoreboard> Toggle the action bar, boss bar, and scoreboard for yourself.
/combatlogx tag <player> Force a player to be tagged into combat.
/combatlogx untag <player> Force a player to be untagged from combat.
/combatlogx version View version information and a list of enabled expansions.
/combat-timer Check how much time you have left in combat.
/combat-timer <player> Check how much time a player has left in combat.
- combatlogx.bypass Default bypass permission, can be changed in the config.yml file.
- combatlogx.bypass.force.field Default bypass permission for the force field, can be changed in the configuration file for the force field expansion.
- combatlogx.command.combat-timer Gives access to the /combat-timer command.
- combatlogx.command.togglepvp Gives access to the /togglepvp command from the NewbieHelper expansion.
- combatlogx.command.togglepvp.admin Gives access to the admin features of the /togglepvp command.
- combatlogx.command.combatlogx Gives access to the base /combatlogx command, but not the sub-commands.
- combatlogx.command.combatlogx.toggle Gives access to /combatlogx toggle command to toggle boss bar, action bar, and scoreboard.
- combatlogx.command.combatlogx.about Gives access to information about expansions with /combatlogx about.
- Gives access to information about CombatLogX commands with /combatlogx help.
- combatlogx.command.combatlogx.reload Gives access to reload configurations with /combatlogx reload.
- combatlogx.command.combatlogx.version Gives access to version information with /combatlogx version.
- combatlogx.command.combatlogx.tag Gives access to force tag players with /combatlogx tag.
- combatlogx.command.combatlogx.untag Gives access to force players out of combat with /combatlogx untag.
Normal Expansions
Action Bar
- Display a message above a player's hot bar during combat that shows the amount of time remaining.
- Customizable bar feature with unicode characters.
Boss Bar
- Display a message as a fake boss progress bar on top of the screen.
- Customizable boss bar colors and type (requires Spigot 1.9+)
Cheat Prevention
Cheat Prevention can be used to prevent players from escaping during combat.
This expansion is
not a hacking prevention tool.
- Prevent players from breaking, placing, and interaction for blocks.
- Prevent players from creating nether and end portals. (requires 1.14+)
- Prevent players from emptying and filling buckets.
- Prevent players from typing in chat.
- Prevent players from typing commands.
- Prevent players from interacting with entities.
- Prevent players from flying or keep them tagged while flying.
- Prevent players from using elytra or keep them tagged while gliding.
- Prevent players from switching game modes, or untag players when their game mode changes.
- Force players into a specific game mode when tagged.
- Force close inventories and prevent players from opening new ones.
- Prevent players from dropping and picking up items.
- Prevent players from using the riptide enchantment.
- Prevent players from using totems of undying.
- Prevent players from entering combat with potion effects.
- Prevent players from teleporting away or untag them when they've been teleported.
- Renew a player's combat tag when they use an ender pearl.
Damage Effects
- Add blood effect every time a player is attacked.
Damage Tagger
Damage Tagger can tag players when they are damaged by the environment.
Known Damage Types:
- BLOCK_EXPLOSION: Explosions created by plugins.
- CONTACT: Touching a cactus or a berry bush.
- CRAMMING: Standing in an enclosed space with too many other mobs.
- CUSTOM: Custom damage created by plugins.
- DROWNING: Staying under water for too long.
- FALL: Falling from a high place.
- FALLING_BLOCK: Damage from a falling block, such as an anvil.
- FIRE: Touching a fire block.
- FIRE_TICK: Being on fire after touching a source of heat.
- FLY_INTO_WALL: Damage caused by lack of elytra training.
- HOT_FLOOR: Standing on magma blocks.
- LAVA: Touching or swimming in lava.
- MAGIC: Damage from the Instant Damage potion
- POISON: Damage from a Poison potion due to witches or plugins.
- STARVATION: Running out of food.
- SUFFOCATION: Buried in sand or teleported into a wall.
- WITHER: Wither effect caused by wither skeletons, roses, and bosses.
Death Effects
- Spawn a lightning bolt effect when a player is killed.
- Create a blood effect with redstone particles when a player is killed.
End Crystal Helper
End Crystal Helper requires Spigot 1.9 or higher.
- Links placed 'End Crystal' entities to players during combat.
Force Field
Force Field requires the ProtocolLib plugin and at least one of the Region Compatibility expansions listed below.
- Create a force field of blocks around non-pvp areas.
- Customizable block type and radius.
- The force field is a nice visual effect that shows players the areas they cannot enter.
- The force field should not be used as entry prevention, as players can just ignore the fake block packets that are sent to them.
- For the actual entry prevention options, please check the configuration for your region expansion.
- If your server has weak hardware, or if you have a lot of players online, we recommend disabling the force field effect.
- You can try to enable unsafe mode and see if performance improves, but the recommended option is to disable the force field.
Glowing requires Spigot 1.9 or higher.
- Make a player glow when tagged into combat.
- The glow effect will be removed when the player is removed from combat.
- Save details about different combat events to files.
- Change the name and format of the log files.
- Configurable log message and date format.
- Option to log every CombatLogX event and the EntityDamageByEntityEvent.
Loot Protection
- Protect dropped items from players logging out during combat.
- Prevent players from stealing items from players that they did not kill.
- Restore dropped items to the enemy if the player dies in the void.
- Configurable amount of time to protect the loot.
Mob Tagger
- Allow mobs to tag players into combat.
- Configurable list of mobs that can tag players.
- Prevent certain types of mobs from tagging players.
- Prevent mobs spawned for certain reasons from tagging players. (e.g. spawners)
Newbie Helper
Newbie Helper can be used to protect new players from pvp.
- Prevent new players from being attacked for a configurable amount of time.
- Remove protection from newbies when they attack someone.
- Toggle your own ability to PVP.
- (Admin Only) Force a certain player to have pvp enabled/disabled.
- Adds a command '/togglepvp' to enable and disable PVP.
Rewards can be used to execute commands whenever a player kills a mob or another player.
- Customizable rewards.
- Enabled/Disabled worlds per reward.
- Specific entity types per reward.
- Chance based rewards.
- Rewards with custom requirements:
- Vault Economy balance.
- Experience Points.
- More coming soon...
- Display messages about the player's combat tag on the side bar.
- Customizable title and lines with no flickering.
Compatibility Expansions
Region Compatibility Expansions
The following expansions link into a region plugin and can be used to prevent entry into non-pvp areas.
- CrashClaim Compatibility
- Factions Compatibility
- GriefDefender Compatibility
- GriefPrevention Compatibility
- HuskTowns Compatibility
- KingdomsX Compatibility
- Konquest Compatibility
- Lands Compatibility
- PreciousStones Compatibility
- ProtectionStones Compatibility
- RedProtect Compatibility
- Residence Compatibility
- Towny Compatibility
- UltimateClaims Compatibility
- WorldGuard Compatibility
WorldGuard Compatibility
The WorldGuard compatibility has the following custom flags
- no-tagging: TRUE: CombatLogX will not tag players that are within the region.
- damage-combat: DENY: Prevent entry for players that were tagged by generic damage.
- mob-combat: DENY: Prevent entry for players in combat with mobs.
- mythic-mob-combat: DENY: Prevent entry for players in combat with a Mythic mob.
- player-combat: DENY: Prevent entry for players in combat with other players.
- unknown-combat: DENY: Prevent entry for players in combat for an unknown reason.
- prevent-leaving: custom_id: Prevents players from leaving a region during combat. Regions with the same id will allow players to move between them.
SkyBlock Compatibility Expansions
The following expansions link into a SkyBlock plugin and prevent teams from tagging each other.
- ASkyBlock Compatibility
- BSkyBlock Compatibility
- FabledSkyBlock Compatibility
- IridiumSkyblock Compatibility
- SuperiorSkyblock Compatibility
- uSkyBlock Compatibility
Vanish Compatibility Expansions
The following expansions link into a vanish plugin and prevent vanished players from tagging other players and getting tagged.
- CMI Compatibility
- EssentialsX Compatibility
- SuperVanish Compatibility
- VanishNoPacket Compatibility
Disguise Compatibility Expansions
The following expansions link into a disguise plugin and remove disguises when player are tagged.
- iDisguise Compatibility
- LibsDisguises Compatibility
AngelChest Compatibility
- Prevent players from opening angel chests during combat.
- Prevent players from breaking angel chests during combat.
- Prevent players from fast looting angel chests during combat.
Citizens Compatibility
- Create an NPC instead of running the normal player punishments.
- Store last location, health, and inventory items.
- Support for Sentinel to make NPCs attack players.
- Prevent players from logging in until their NPC is removed.
CrackShot Compatibility
- Link CrackShot weapons to their shooter for tagging.
EssentialsX Compatibility
- Vanish compatibility support.
- Prevent players from creating teleport requests during combat.
FeatherBoard Compatibility
- Sends trigger for FeatherBoard when players are tagged and untagged.
HuskSync Compatibility
- Fixes some bugs caused when using CombatLogX and HuskSync together.
HuskHomes Compatibility
- Prevents players from teleporting to their home during combat.
LuckPerms Compatibility
- Adds custom contexts for LuckPerms permissions.
- You can find context details here
MarriageMaster Compatibility
- Prevent partners from teleporting to each other during combat.
MythicMobs Compatibility
- Prevent some mythic mobs from tagging players.
- Force some mythic mobs to always tag players.
PlaceholderAPI Compatibility
- Add support for placeholders from CombatLogX.
- You can find a list of placeholders here.
PlayerParticles Compatibility
- Disable a player's particle effects when tagged.
- Enable a player's particle effects when combat ends.