Hello friends! After a year we are glad to introduce brand new version of your favourite plug-in AdventSeason!
What’s new and improved?
- Separated into multiple modules. If you want to use only Advent Calendar, Christmas Mail module can be disabled to increase performance of the server.
- Support of multi localization. Player can use different locale. (You just need to translate messages info new language and create new file. Check WIKI for more info.)
- Translatable commands.
- Command to set mode of the Figure.
- Improved prevention before loosing items at claiming reward, because of full inventory.
- St. Nicholas gives back consumed boots at claiming gift.
- RewardGUI - Added multiple consumer of items. You can place up to 9 items at once.
- Command to change locale if more than one language is supported
- Command to remove stats of one window of player’s calendar
- Season duration at playing carols.
- Ability to not using filling items(Black glass panes) at calendar. Can be replaced only with one slot as an info item.
- New reward choice types. Probability has weight on choosing the random reward.
- Filter at GUI where too much items were listed
- Removed support of PlayerPoints. The functionality can be simply replaced by invoking commands.
- Refactoring and reworked as a maven project
- Small improvements
- BugFixes
Idea “Fully configurable” has a much bigger meaning, now!
Every year, there are months of development and providing support as much as possible. If you purchased plugin more than 2 years ago and still value my work, please consider to support me with donation at https://paypal.me/innouniq.
Before installing/updating this plugin, please ensure you have installed the latest version of TheCore and ProfileStorage!
Hope you will love it!
Also, don't forget to join our
Development of spigot plugin is my huge passion. I am trying to do my best and fulfill you requests as much as possible. Also at supporting on Discord. If you appreciate my time and what I am doing, please support me with donation at
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