- Added new config
RunInOffHandOnly(still can use old config, just add if you want to allow only jetpack in offhand)
Code (YAML):
# jetpack id is VIP VIP: # Display the item name DisplayName: '&8&l
# Lore item Lore: - '&3&m&l
[&r &8 &b&lINFO &8 &3&m&l
- '&9Rank: &6&lVIP' - ''
- '&3&m&l
[&b &lUSAGE &3&m&l
- '&9Sneak to toggle on/off'
- '&9Double jump to fly'
- ''
- '&7Fuel: &a#{fuel_value} &b
#{fuel}' # Permission to use this jetpack # use #id will replace the jetpack id # example: fjetpack2reloaded.#id -> fjetpack2reloaded.vip Permission: 'fjetpack2reloaded.
#id' # The minecraft item id (Supports all items) Item: CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE
# ItemColor for leather armor only! # Example for colored leather armor: # Red armor -> R=255 G=0 B=0 ItemColor:
R: 255
G: 0
B: 0
# Set jetpack to unbreakable Unbreakable: true
# Event when player out of fuel! # Bypass using permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.keep.on.empty # Remove - Remove Jetpack on Fuel is empty # Drop - Drop Jetpack on Fuel is empty # None - Nothing to do OnEmptyFuel: NONE # Event when player died # Bypass using permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.keep.on.death # Remove - Remove Jetpack on Player died # Drop - Drop Jetpack on Player died # None - Nothing to do OnDeath: NONE # Set Custom Model Data, -1 to disable CustomModelData: -1
# Set jetpack fly speed in float # Maximum speed value is -10 to 10! Speed: 1.1
# If you don't want to use flags set to [] Flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
# If you don't want to use enchantment set to [] # Enchant under version 1.17 server, use old method enchantments. Like "DURABILITY:3" # unbreaking:3 for newer server version 1.17+ Enchantments: - 'unbreaking:3'
# Blocked worlds BlockedWorlds: [] # Allow player to use jetpack item only in offhand RunInOffHandOnly: false
# Refill fuel only work survival mode not creative! # Refill permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.fuel.refill Fuel: # Custom Fuel set NONE to disable # Case sensitive CustomFuel: CVIP
# The Fuel Item Material ID # If using custom fuel set item material from custom fuel Item: COAL
# Fuel cost amount Cost: 1
# Sprint Fuel cost amount SprintCost: 1
# Set Custom Model Data, -1 to disable CustomModelData: -1
# Burn rate in seconds BurnRate: 5
# Warn Out of Fuel equals/below than 5 # Disable set to -1 WarnRunOutBelow: 5
# Allow player to bypass fuel cost with permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.fuel AllowBypassCost: false
# Allow player to bypass fuel sprint cost with permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.fuel.sprint AllowBypassSprintCost: false
# optional - can be removed Particle: # active particle effect? Enable: true
# particle effect name Effect: CLOUD
# Amount of particle Amount: 0
# Particle delay in ticks Delay: 4
# optional GriefPrevention: # active hook to GriefPrevention? Enable: false
# Only allow jetpack to fly inside player own Grief Prevention claim # this is not work if allowInsideAllClaim is true OnlyAllowInsideOwnClaim: true
# Allow to bypass claim with permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.gp.claim AllowBypassClaim: false
# Only allow jetpack to fly inside all Grief Prevention claim AllowInsideAllClaim: false
# optional SuperiorSkyblock2: # active hook to SuperiorSkyblock2? Enable: false
# fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.ss2.flag AllowBypassFlag: false
# fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.ss2.privilege AllowBypassPrivilege: false
# too lazy create new jetpack with default config but little different? # You also can simplify configuration like this Member:
DisplayName: '&8&l
Lore: - '&3&m&l
[&r &8 &b&lINFO &8 &3&m&l
- '&9Rank: &b&lMember' - ''
- '&3&m&l
[&b &lUSAGE &3&m&l
- '&9Sneak to toggle on/off'
- '&9Double jump to fly'
- ''
- '&7Fuel: &a#{fuel_value} &b
#{fuel}' Permission: 'fjetpack2reloaded.
R: 255
Item: COAL
SprintCost: 2
- Simplify configuration
Code (YAML):
# too lazy create new jetpack with default config but little different? # You also can simplify configuration like this Member:
DisplayName: '&8&l
Lore: - '&3&m&l
[&r &8 &b&lINFO &8 &3&m&l
- '&9Rank: &b&lMember' - ''
- '&3&m&l
[&b &lUSAGE &3&m&l
- '&9Sneak to toggle on/off'
- '&9Double jump to fly'
- ''
- '&7Fuel: &a#{fuel_value} &b
#{fuel}' Permission: 'fjetpack2reloaded.
R: 255
Item: COAL
SprintCost: 2