Features Support all
armor items
Multi Jetpack with permission
Custom DisplayName and Lore
Customizeable Messages
Custom Jetpack Speed
Custom Fuel
Particle Effect
and Other
Usage 1.Use jetpack item
2.You must refill the fuel first
3.Sneak toggle jetpack on/off
Aliases: /fj2r
/fj2r -- Show all command list
/fj2r get|give (player) [Jetpack] <Fuel> -- Get or give jetpack item
/fj2r getfuel|givefuel (player) [CustomFuel] <Fuel> -- Get or give custom fuel item
/fj2r Set [Jetpack] <Fuel> -- Set Jetpack in hand
/fj2r SetFuel <Amount> -- Set amount fuel Jetpack in hand
/fj2r reload -- Reload config
fjetpack2reloaded.help -- Allow player to use command /fj
fjetpack2reloaded.get|give -- Allow player to use command /fj get|give <name>
fjetpack2reloaded.getfuel|givefuel -- Allow player to use command /fj getfuel|give fuel<name>
fjetpack2reloaded.set -- Allow player to use commnd /fj set <jetpack>
fjetpack2reloaded.setfuel -- Allow player to use commnd /fj setfuel <amount>
fjetpack2reloaded.reload -- Allow player to use command /fj reload
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack> -- Allow player to use jetpack (from config)
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.fuel.refill -- Allow player to refuel jetpack
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.keep.on.empty -- Allow player to bypass on empty fuel
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.keep.on.death -- Allow player to bypass on death fuel
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.bypass.fuel -- Allow player to bypass on fuel cost
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.bypass.fuel.sprint -- Allow player to bypass on sprint fuel cost
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.bypass.ss2.flag -- Allow player to bypass SuperiorSkyblock2 flag
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.bypass.ss2.privilege -- Allow player to bypass SuperiorSkyblock2 privilege
fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.bypass.gp.claim -- Allow player to bypass GriefPrevention claim
# jetpack id is VIP VIP: # Display the item name DisplayName: '&8&l
# Lore item Lore: - '&3&m&l
[&r &8 &b&lINFO &8 &3&m&l
- '&9Rank: &6&lVIP' - ''
- '&3&m&l
[&b &lUSAGE &3&m&l
- '&9Sneak to toggle on/off'
- '&9Double jump to fly'
- ''
- '&7Fuel: &a#{fuel_value} &b
#{fuel}' # Permission to use this jetpack # use #id will replace the jetpack id # example: fjetpack2reloaded.#id -> fjetpack2reloaded.vip Permission: 'fjetpack2reloaded.
#id' # The minecraft item id (Supports all items) Item: CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE
# ItemColor for leather armor only! # Example for colored leather armor: # Red armor -> R=255 G=0 B=0 ItemColor:
R: 255
G: 0
B: 0
# Set jetpack to unbreakable Unbreakable: true
# Event when player out of fuel! # Bypass using permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.keep.on.empty # Remove - Remove Jetpack on Fuel is empty # Drop - Drop Jetpack on Fuel is empty # None - Nothing to do OnEmptyFuel: NONE # Event when player died # Bypass using permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.keep.on.death # Remove - Remove Jetpack on Player died # Drop - Drop Jetpack on Player died # None - Nothing to do OnDeath: NONE # Set Custom Model Data, -1 to disable CustomModelData: -1
# Set jetpack fly speed in float # Maximum speed value is -10 to 10! Speed: 1.1
# If you don't want to use flags set to [] Flags: - HIDE_ATTRIBUTES
# If you don't want to use enchantment set to [] # Enchant under version 1.17 server, use old method enchantments. Like "DURABILITY:3" # unbreaking:3 for newer server version 1.17+ Enchantments: - 'unbreaking:3'
# Blocked worlds BlockedWorlds: [] # Allow player to use jetpack item only in offhand RunInOffHandOnly: false
# Refill fuel only work survival mode not creative! # Refill permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.fuel.refill Fuel: # Custom Fuel set NONE to disable # Case sensitive CustomFuel: CVIP
# The Fuel Item Material ID # If using custom fuel set item material from custom fuel Item: COAL
# Fuel cost amount Cost: 1
# Sprint Fuel cost amount SprintCost: 1
# Set Custom Model Data, -1 to disable CustomModelData: -1
# Burn rate in seconds BurnRate: 5
# Warn Out of Fuel equals/below than 5 # Disable set to -1 WarnRunOutBelow: 5
# Allow player to bypass fuel cost with permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.fuel AllowBypassCost: false
# Allow player to bypass fuel sprint cost with permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.fuel.sprint AllowBypassSprintCost: false
# optional - can be removed Particle: # active particle effect? Enable: true
# particle effect name Effect: CLOUD
# Amount of particle Amount: 0
# Particle delay in ticks Delay: 4
# optional GriefPrevention: # active hook to GriefPrevention? Enable: false
# Only allow jetpack to fly inside player own Grief Prevention claim # this is not work if allowInsideAllClaim is true OnlyAllowInsideOwnClaim: true
# Allow to bypass claim with permission fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.gp.claim AllowBypassClaim: false
# Only allow jetpack to fly inside all Grief Prevention claim AllowInsideAllClaim: false
# optional SuperiorSkyblock2: # active hook to SuperiorSkyblock2? Enable: false
# fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.ss2.flag AllowBypassFlag: false
# fjetpack2reloaded.#id.bypass.ss2.privilege AllowBypassPrivilege: false
# too lazy create new jetpack with default config but little different? # You also can simplify configuration like this Member:
DisplayName: '&8&l
Lore: - '&3&m&l
[&r &8 &b&lINFO &8 &3&m&l
- '&9Rank: &b&lMember' - ''
- '&3&m&l
[&b &lUSAGE &3&m&l
- '&9Sneak to toggle on/off'
- '&9Double jump to fly'
- ''
- '&7Fuel: &a#{fuel_value} &b
#{fuel}' Permission: 'fjetpack2reloaded.
R: 255
Item: COAL
SprintCost: 2
Code (YAML):
# Leave Empty message will disable the message # # Message prefix Prefix: '&e&l
# When jetpack turned on TurnOn: '&a&lON'
# When jetpack turned off TurnOff: '&4&lOFF'
# Player don't have premission NoPermission: "&cYou don't have permission!" # Jetpack removed from equipment Detached: '&cYou take off your Jetpack, making you fall to the ground'
# Jetpack out of fuel OutOfFuel: '&cYou are out of fuel!'
# Player using jetpack in blocked worlds BlockedWorlds: "&cYou can't use Jetpack in this World!" # Jetpack don't have enough fuel NoFuel: "&cYou don't have fuel to fly!" # When the jetpack runs out of fuel, it will fall to the ground OnEmptyFuelDropped: '&cJetpack out of fuel has been dropped!'
# When the jetpack runs out of fuel, it will removed from player OnEmptyFuelRemoved: '&cJetpack out of fuel has been removed!'
# When player died, iit will fall to the ground OnDeathDropped: '&cYou died jetpack has been dropped!'
# When player died, it will removed from player OnDeathRemoved: '&cYou died jetpack has been removed!'
# Turn on jetpack, but outside claim! GriefPreventionOutsideClaim: "&cYou didn't inside claim!" # Turn off jetpack if player outside claim while flying GriefPreventionTurnedOffOutsideClaim: '&cYou outside claim jetpack is turned off'
# Turn on jetpack, but outside player own claim GriefPreventionOutsideOwnClaim: '&cYou are not in your own claim!'
# If island flag is not allowed to fly inside island SuperiorSkyblock2NoFlag: "&cYou're not allowed to fly in this island!" # If player doesn't have permission to fly inside island SuperiorSkyblock2NoPermission: "&cYou don't have permission to fly in this island!" # If player outside island SuperiorSkyblock2OutsideIsland: "&cJetpack turned off, you're outside the island!" WarnRunOutBelow: "&cFuel will run out, only &l#{amount}&c fuel's left" CmdGetSelf: "&aGive item &6#{jetpack} &aJetpack with fuel &6&lx#{fuel_value}&r &ato your self success!" CmdGiveSuccess: "&aGive item to &6#{jetpack} &aJetpack with fuel &6&lx#{fuel_value}&r &ato player &e#{player}&a success!" CmdSet: '&aSuccess set item to jetpack
#{jetpack} with fuel amount &6&lx#{fuel_value}' CmdGiveReceived: '&aYou have been given a &6
#{jetpack}&a Jetpack with fuel &6&lx#{fuel_value}&r &afrom &e#{sender}' CmdReload: '&aReload Config Success!'
CmdFuelSet: '&aSuccess set fuel jetpack to &6
#{amount}' CmdFuelGetSelf: "&aGive item &6#{custom_fuel} &aJetpack with fuel &6&lx#{amount}&r &ato your self success!" CmdFuelGiveSuccess: "&aGive item to &6#{custom_fuel} &aCustomFuel with amount &6&lx#{amount}&r &ato player &e#{player}&a success!" CmdFuelGiveReceived: '&aYou have been given a &6
#{custom_fuel}&a Custom fuel with amount &6&lx#{amount}&r &afrom &e#{sender}' CmdPlayerOnly: '&cThis command can run only in game as player!'
NoItemInMainHand: "&cYou not holding any item!" InventoryFull: "&cInventory is full!, dropped the item. location: #{x} #{y} #{z}" NotJetpackItem: "&cThis item is not Jetpack item!" InvalidNumber: "&cInvalid number input!" NoUpdate: '&aThere is not a new update available. You are using the latest version'
UsingDevVersion: '&aThere is not a new update available. You are using the latest dev build version'
FoundUpdate: '&aThere is a new update available! v
Installation 1.Download and drag the plugin .jar file into your plugins folder.
2.Load plugin using
PlugManX or Restart server.