The plugins is quite good I think I should create a discord for help because the permissions are not working right I set everything right and it says I don't have a perm for the fuel gauge
make sure you doesn't have permission fjetpack2reloaded.<jetpack>.bypass.fuel
Version: 1.2-Beta
If you are looking for jetpack plugin for your server, you just found it.
I'm using FJetpack Reloaded since few versions (now fj2r). IMO its the best jetpack plugin :)
Question to PhantomXCraft: Is it possible for you to add keymapping in the config in future updates? My friends sometimes make my day, when they crouch near the edge and they fall down with their jetpack turned off accidently (you should see it ;D ), unfortunately its not so funny for them ^^
Is not possible :(. which is only possible if I add a lock command to lock the jetpack on/off status. if you want it you can open a request on my github :)
Version: 1.0-Beta
This is a amazing and very original plugin!! I hope you can updating this amazing plugin!
Would you add custom model data support for the ítems?