[1.8 - 1.21.1] ⭐ Nick / Disguise Plugin ⭐ icon

[1.8 - 1.21.1] ⭐ Nick / Disguise Plugin ⭐ -----

A plugin to nick players as somebody else. Change the name above your head, tab and chat!

Version: 2.4
Best plugin, update 1.21.4


Version: 2.4
Best Nick-Plugin I have seen so far!
I am using it on gravijet.net
Thanks you for this great plugin!

Version: 2.4
It is veryy goed i use it on my kingdom server but i would like to see that i can use collor codes in it

Version: 2.4
Just started testing it and very impressed. Works as described only feature I'd want is to specifically change my skin too but besides that I really like it.

Version: 2.4
the plugin works great! Congratulations, but there is an error in the plugin: ”bedwars1058” where all the messages that happen during the match do not change the nick of the player who has the nick changed, EX: my nick is Simba, and I used the nick and became stone, When I enter the game it says: “Simba has entered the game”. That and the other messages that bw1058 makes. Is there any way you can fix this problem? I don't want to give up on this plugin it is very well made.

Version: 2.4
o plugin funciona muito bem! Parabéns, mais ele tem um erro no plugin: ”bedwars1058” aonde toda a mensagem que acontece na partida o nick do jogador que tem o nick trocado não troca, EX: meu nick é simba, ae eu usei o nick e virei o stone, quando eu entro na partida aparece: ”simba entrou no jogo”. Isso e nas outras mensagens que o bw1058 faz. Tem como você arrumar esse problema? Eu não quero desistir desse plugin ele é muito bem feito.

Version: 2.4
look, it works and it doesn't work :D, and if a pirate player is looking at an original, the nickname doesn't change, it remains the same, but when it's an original looking at a pirate, then the nickname changes :(

Version: 2.4
The plugin give me an error when use the /nick command.
The error is a tab API error

[10:48:42 ERROR]: null
org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'nick:nick' in plugin Nick v2.2
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:47) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(SimpleCommandMap.java:159) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_17_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(CraftServer.java:869) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.handleCommand(ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.java:2262) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.handleChat(ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.java:2073) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.network.ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.handleChat(ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.java:2054) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ServerboundChatPacket.handle(ServerboundChatPacket.java:46) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ServerboundChatPacket.a(ServerboundChatPacket.java:6) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.network.protocol.PacketUtils.lambda$ensureRunningOnSameThread$1(PacketUtils.java:56) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.TickTask.run(TickTask.java:18) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask(BlockableEventLoop.java:149) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask(ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.java:23) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask(MinecraftServer.java:1426) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.executeTask(MinecraftServer.java:192) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask(BlockableEventLoop.java:122) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal(MinecraftServer.java:1404) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask(MinecraftServer.java:1397) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock(BlockableEventLoop.java:132) ~[app:?]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick(MinecraftServer.java:1375) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(MinecraftServer.java:1286) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(MinecraftServer.java:319) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:840) ~[?:?]
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'me.neznamy.tab.api.nametag.NameTagManager me.neznamy.tab.api.TabAPI.getNameTagManager()'
at me.sk8ingduck.nick.manager.NickManagerTAB.unnick(NickManagerTAB.java:63) ~[Nick-2.4.jar:?]
at me.sk8ingduck.nick.manager.NickManager.unnickPlayer(NickManager.java:44) ~[Nick-2.4.jar:?]
at me.sk8ingduck.nick.command.NickCommand.unnickPlayer(NickCommand.java:255) ~[Nick-2.4.jar:?]
at me.sk8ingduck.nick.command.NickCommand.handleSelfNick(NickCommand.java:151) ~[Nick-2.4.jar:?]
at me.sk8ingduck.nick.command.NickCommand.onCommand(NickCommand.java:69) ~[Nick-2.4.jar:?]
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(PluginCommand.java:45) ~[patched_1.17.1.jar:git-Paper-408]
... 21 more

Version: 2.2
The nick is working but when i nick my self i need to login again with my login plugin and when i want to unnick i cant. But i have OP on the server and it does not give me an other rank, but i understand i dnot get an other rank. Soo dont download it and spend time on it!
Author's response
Sorry to hear that it doesnt work on your server.
This issue is that you have online mode disabled and you're using an Auth plugin that works with player names, but my nick plugin uses UUIDs. This unfortunately can lead to bugs, as you experienced it.

It's very hard to find a nick plugin that will work on your server setup, but I wish you best of luck finding such.

Version: 2.2
Great title plugin, but there is a small issue: when changing nicknames frequently, the server main thread will lag. Can you add a cooldown?
Author's response
Thank you! There is a cooldown, you can set it in the settings.yml config.
You probably have 'nick.bypasscooldown' permission that's why you are not affected by the cooldown.

Version: 2.1b
I usually never leave a review and this is my first time leaving a review in a minecraft plugin. This plugin author is super nice and helpful. I had an issue where whenever i rejoin my server nicked, my tab priority would get sorted as my original rank. The author fixed it and gave me the plugin jar after 5 minutes. We spent time adding something that already existed (I'm still sorry for wasting your time sk8ingduck haha)

This plugin is exactly what i was looking for.. It changes your user name in like literally every command (TAB, Nametag and a lot more) and there is a very minimal chance that a player would find out that you're nicked.

As i mentioned before, i usually never leave reviews but this author deserves it a lot. :)
Author's response
Thank you very much :)
Glad that I could help!

Version: 1.3
Es ist das beste Nick Plugin! Ich kann nur jedem empfehlen das Plugin zu nutzten. Der Support im Discord ist auch mega nett und hilfreich. Ich würde hier noch hinzufügen, dass man im Plugin Ordner die MySQL Daten eingeben muss. Ansonsten ist alles perfekt!

Version: 1.2
Hay Cooles Plugin könnten sie noch CloudNet Support einbauen?
Das wäre jetzt Super :D

Author's response
Hi, sorry für die späte Antwort. Das Plugin sollte eigentlich auch auf CloudNet netzwerken funktionieren.
Falls es doch Probleme gibt, dann kannst du gerne auf meinem Discord joinen und dort ein Ticket öffnen :)

Version: 1.2
Meilleurs plugin de /nick de tout l'univers. Je vous le conseil vraiment. Profitez s'en t'en qu'il est gratuit.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 7,144
First Release: Apr 4, 2023
Last Update: Sep 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
14 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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