With this plugin you can disguise yourself or other players as whoever you want.
Change Skin
Change Name above head
Change Name in Tablist (and sort)
Random Group Prefix (with probability)
Remove original name from tab completion
Nick on Join
Random Nickname list
Nickname blacklist
Everything is configurable
Nick Example
/nick help - Show help
/nick - Nick/unnick yourself (with random group and name)
/nick <nick> - Nick yourself (with given nick)
/nick <group> - Nick yourself (with given group)
/nick <group> <nick> - Nick yourself (with given nick/group)
/nick <player> - Nick other player (with random group/name)
/nick <player> <nick> - Nick other player (with given nick)
/nick <player> <group> - Nick other player (with given group)
/nick <player> <group> <nick> - Nick other player (with given nick/group)
/unnick - Unnick yourself
/unnick <player> - Unnick player
The specified group has to be a valid group in LuckPerms or NametagEdit!
/nick realname <player> - Show the realname of a nicked player
/nick reload - Reload the configs
nick.nick - Nick yourself
nick.custom.name - Nick with custom name
nick.custom.group - Nick with custom group
nick.custom.group.<GroupPermission> - Nick with custom group
nick.other.nick - Nick other player
nick.other.custom.name - Nick other player with custom name
nick.other.custom.group - Nick other player with custom group
nick.other.custom.group.<GroupPermission> - Nick other player with custom group
unnick.self - Unnick yourself
unnick.other - Unnick other players
nick.relaod - Reload the configs
- nick.realname - Show the realname of a player
- nick.item - Get nick item on join
- nick.bypasscooldown - Bypass the cooldown for command usage
- nick.bypassblacklist - Bypass the blacklisted names
For more information see Configs section!
Supported Plugins
You will need one of those plugins if you want to change your prefix in the tablist and above your head.
Discord Support
This as an example, how you can specify your groups.
A player can only nick himself with a group if he has the permission nick.custom.group
AND the group permission (for example nick.custom.group.owner)
OR if the group permission is null.
The probability is used if you dont specify a group in the nick command and therefore get assigned with a random group.
IMPORTANT: The group name has to be a valid group name from NametagEdit or LuckPerms!