Now, to access the WEB tool, the plugin must pass the version. To use the creation of canvas images and timelaps, update the plugin.
There are no necessary changes in the config
In this update, some bugs have been fixed, the API has been updated and a new option has appeared in the config that allows you to format all numbers in a shorter form. For example, to have 1000 displayed as 1K and so on.
Please note that if you have already installed the PixelBattle plugin, you will need to make some configuration changes:
Add the numberFormatting block to the settings section:
Code (YAML):
# If true, all numbers will be presented in a shorter format. For example: 1000 = 1K, 1000000 = 1M and so on numberFormatting:
enable: false
# The number of digits after the decimal point fractionDigits: 1
In this update, the errors of the previous one were fixed and an additional option
removePixelsWhenPainted.onlyOther was added, the standard value of which is true. The option allows you to adjust the action of the
removePixelsWhenPainted function
In this update, some bugs with the leaderboards have been fixed and a new option has been added that allows you to take away experience and lower the level of those whose blocks have been painted over. To enable it, set the value of the
removePixelsWhenPainted.enable parameter to true and the value of the
removePixelsWhenPainted.removeExp parameter to true as well.
Please note that if you have already installed the PixelBattle plugin, you will need to make some configuration changes:
Remove the settings.removePixelsWhenPainted parameter
Add the removePixelsWhenPainted block to the settings section:
Code (YAML):
# If true, when painting over, this block will be taken away from the previous one who painted over removePixelsWhenPainted:
enable: false
# If true, experience will also be taken away for the block, the level can also be lowered removeExp: true
Add the levelDown block to the messages section:
Code (YAML):
levelDown: # Used with leveling.enable = true chat:
enable: true
lines: -
"&7Your level has been lowered to &c%level%" title:
enable: true
line1: "&c&lLevel is lowered..." # %pLevel% is the previous level. %level% - new level line2: "&a%pLevel%&7->&c%level%" fadeIn: 20
# 1 sec stay: 60
# 3 sec fadeOut: 20
# 1 sec actionBar:
enable: false
message: "&7&lNew level: &c%level%" sound: # Take the names of the sounds from the site enable: true
name: "BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK" broadcast:
enable: true
lines: -
"&7Player level &c%player% &7is lowered from &a&l%pLevel% &7to &c&l%level%"
Add the expLost block to the messages section:
Code (YAML):
expLost: # Used with leveling.enable = true actionBar:
enable: true
message: "&c-%exp% EXP" sound: # Take the names of the sounds from the site enable: true
In this update, it is now possible to view the history of colorings of each pixel on the canvas, and now you can set the right to display any menu item.
Please note that if you have already installed the PixelBattle plugin, you will need to make some configuration changes:
Remove the title variable from the gui section
Add the colorSelectionTitle variable to the gui section and assign it the value "&6&lColor selection"
Add the paintLogsTitle variable to the gui section and assign it the value "&b&lColoring history &8(&b%x%%y% %z%&8)"
Add the paintedPixelInfo block to the gui.items section
Code (YAML):
paintedPixelInfo: # Do not change this line # If true, players will be able to view the history of coloring each pixel, if false, this function will be unavailable enable: true
# The right to display this item. Set to '-' if not required permission: "-" name: "%colorName%" lore: # Lore setting (Can be removed) - "&7By player: &c%player%" - "&7Date: &e%date%(%time%)"
If necessary, add it to the gui.items.ITEM section. the permission variable, assigning it the value of the required right
You can also add the line "&7Repainted &e%paintedCount%&7 times" to the section
/pixelbattle users command has appeared, which allows you to manage player data.
Please note: If you already had the PixelBattle plugin installed, you will need to copy the command.users, messages.cmdHelp, messages.cmdUsersHelp and messages.cmdIncorrect sections from the standard config.
There is a new removePixelsWhenPainted parameter in the config. By default, it is set to false, but if set to true, when painting over an already painted block, one block from the number of painted blocks will be taken away from its previous owner
The plugin has a level system - players will gain experience for coloring, a level will be pumped for experience, and new colors and a reduced delay for coloring will be added for the level. By default, the level system is enabled, but you can also disable it, the
leveling section is responsible for this.
Please note that in order for the plugin to work correctly, it is necessary to supplement the plugin configuration with missing fragments and delete the pb_players table from the database, since changes have occurred in it.
In the message settings (the 'messages' section), you can now specify a broadcast in any of the messages, which will be displayed to all players on the server. An example of usage is attached to the 'welcome' and 'timelapseStarted' messages.
Any object can now be made to shimmer by setting the value of the glowing parameter to true, or, if necessary, add it to the object parameters.
For the plugin to work correctly, it is recommended to replace the outdated configuration with the current one. Do not start the server if the parameters of the canvas and database sections are incorrectly or not fully configured - data loss is possible.
If the problem persists, temporarily disable your antivirus or add the file to the exceptions. The plugin does not contain any viruses - the code is not obfuscated, anyone can decompile and verify this