In this update, some bugs with the leaderboards have been fixed and a new option has been added that allows you to take away experience and lower the level of those whose blocks have been painted over. To enable it, set the value of the
removePixelsWhenPainted.enable parameter to true and the value of the
removePixelsWhenPainted.removeExp parameter to true as well.
Please note that if you have already installed the PixelBattle plugin, you will need to make some configuration changes:
Remove the settings.removePixelsWhenPainted parameter
Add the removePixelsWhenPainted block to the settings section:
Code (YAML):
# If true, when painting over, this block will be taken away from the previous one who painted over removePixelsWhenPainted:
enable: false
# If true, experience will also be taken away for the block, the level can also be lowered removeExp: true
Add the levelDown block to the messages section:
Code (YAML):
levelDown: # Used with leveling.enable = true chat:
enable: true
lines: -
"&7Your level has been lowered to &c%level%" title:
enable: true
line1: "&c&lLevel is lowered..." # %pLevel% is the previous level. %level% - new level line2: "&a%pLevel%&7->&c%level%" fadeIn: 20
# 1 sec stay: 60
# 3 sec fadeOut: 20
# 1 sec actionBar:
enable: false
message: "&7&lNew level: &c%level%" sound: # Take the names of the sounds from the site enable: true
name: "BLOCK_ANVIL_BREAK" broadcast:
enable: true
lines: -
"&7Player level &c%player% &7is lowered from &a&l%pLevel% &7to &c&l%level%"
Add the expLost block to the messages section:
Code (YAML):
expLost: # Used with leveling.enable = true actionBar:
enable: true
message: "&c-%exp% EXP" sound: # Take the names of the sounds from the site enable: true