In this update, it is now possible to view the history of colorings of each pixel on the canvas, and now you can set the right to display any menu item.
Please note that if you have already installed the PixelBattle plugin, you will need to make some configuration changes:
Remove the title variable from the gui section
Add the colorSelectionTitle variable to the gui section and assign it the value "&6&lColor selection"
Add the paintLogsTitle variable to the gui section and assign it the value "&b&lColoring history &8(&b%x%%y% %z%&8)"
Add the paintedPixelInfo block to the gui.items section
Code (YAML):
paintedPixelInfo: # Do not change this line # If true, players will be able to view the history of coloring each pixel, if false, this function will be unavailable enable: true
# The right to display this item. Set to '-' if not required permission: "-" name: "%colorName%" lore: # Lore setting (Can be removed) - "&7By player: &c%player%" - "&7Date: &e%date%(%time%)"
If necessary, add it to the gui.items.ITEM section. the permission variable, assigning it the value of the required right
You can also add the line "&7Repainted &e%paintedCount%&7 times" to the section