✨ RandomEvents ✨ Perfect Minigame Addon icon

✨ RandomEvents ✨ Perfect Minigame Addon -----

✨ NEW BLOCK PARTY AND HIDE & SEEK MINIGAME!! ✨ Up to 37 types of minigames.

- Open sourced
----------, Jun 10, 2024

- Solved a problem with Hide & Seekers minigame bugging the plugin after the end of the match if a player disconnected before it ends
----------, Feb 26, 2024

- Fixed /revent join, when a player doesnt have permission to enter a revent, now a message explaining it will show and wont allow to enter

- On TNT Tag now the effects are not removed when tagged/untagged (Except for Speed)

- Now the Beast or the Seekers get the inventory on the lobby waiting room

- New config to avoid team chestplates

- PvP can be enabled in Block Party now

- New translatable icon "All_Time" in stats gui

- New options in config:
Code (YAML):
##If true, on RandomEvents team matches each player will have a chestplate with the team color. (With NameTagEdit plugin u can set this to false)
: true

##If true, there will be PvP in block party games
: false
----------, Jan 18, 2024

- Fixed /revent nexttimer

- Now you can set permissions to start specific events

- Anti-Afk fixed in games like spleef

- Now you can choose the minigames blocks shown in GUIs

- New options in config:
Code (YAML):

##If true if you have permissions to start revents you will still need the permission to start an specific revent.
##For example, a revent called "Test Match" will need randomevent.start.Test_Match
: false

: 'TNT'
: 'TNT'
: 'EGG'
: 'BOW'
: 'BEEF'
: 'DIRT'
: 'SNOW'
: 'MAP'

----------, Dec 1, 2023

- Solved flag to deny pvp en glasswalk

- Secured minigames like blockparty from breaking

- Solved problems with /randomevents forcebegin duplicating events

- /revent begin now allows to spawn a randomevent with her filename instead of the id of the match, to know the name, you can go to the "events" folder of the plugin.
For example to spawn the one revent of Race with name TestRace, the file will be "RACE_TestRace.json" so i can call it with /revent begin RACE_TestRace

So just remove the ".json" of the name and you will be able to call the revent this way
----------, Sep 26, 2023

- Patch to avoid worldguard avoiding player to teleport back after a disconnection

- Glass walk bug fixes

- New option in config:
Code (YAML):
##Convert the glasses platform on 3x3 platform (The configuration map doesnt change, just put 1 glass it will convert to 3x3 square platform when match begin
: false
----------, Sep 18, 2023

- Fixed minor bugs

- Fixed some bugs with OITC, TOPKILL not giving full health after respawning

- New command: /revent toggleannouncement

- New config options:

Code (YAML):
##These players wont count for the minPlayers config
   - 'examplePlayerName'

##Slow effect applied after going back to checkpoint
: true

##                         GLASS WALK                               ##

##Is pvp allowed on GlassWalk
: true

KNOWN BUGS: SurvivalGames barrier cant be seen on latest spigot versions due to a problem with packets, I am working to solve it ASAP
----------, Sep 15, 2023

- Fixed minor bugs

- Fixed some bugs with OITC, TOPKILL not giving full health after respawning

- New command: /revent toggleannouncement

- New config options:

Code (YAML):
##These players wont count for the minPlayers config
   - 'examplePlayerName'

##Slow effect applied after going back to checkpoint
: true

##                         GLASS WALK                               ##

##Is pvp allowed on GlassWalk
: true

KNOWN BUGS: SurvivalGames barrier cant be seen on latest spigot versions due to a problem with packets, I am working to solve it ASAP
----------, Sep 15, 2023

- NEW MINIGAME: Glass Walk: Inspired on the Squid Game minigame
----------, Apr 22, 2023

- Fixed bug with the stats of the 2 new minigame
- Fixed commands on Kill configured in each event
- Compatibility added for Quality Armory plugin
- Fixed a fake death happening in strange situations
----------, Apr 13, 2023

- NEW MINIGAME: Block Party
- NEW MINIGAME: Hide And Seek

- Partial recode
- New options to put commands per kill /eliminarion/start of each event
- Fixed a bug where ender crystal or tnt primed entities where not being removed from the map
- New options in config:

Code (YAML):
##                         BLOCK PARTY                              ##

##Material on the map that will be replaced by the blockPartyBlocks

##Material for the wait item

##Blocks to use in BlockParty as colors
----------, Mar 14, 2023

- Fixed an error where people were dying when they had still enough health
- Fixed a bug with enderpearls treatment
- Now the worldborder can be seen by spectators too
- Solved the totem using problem on some minigames
----------, Mar 8, 2023

- Added checks on vehicle events to avoid the player quit their mount
- Added checks to prevent players breaking blocks when the match ends
- Added support for some blocks that were not regenerating after match
- Anti-AFK system for spleef added
- Fixed a bug where armor contents where not being dropped properly
- Now you have an option to activate/disactivate glowing a player ( to avoid disguising )
- New options in config:

Code (YAML):
##Flag to allow using glow on certains events
: false

##Activate Idle damage on spleef to avoid afk camping
: false
----------, Mar 6, 2023

- Added new config on SurvivalGames and Skywars games to allow refilling chest.
- Added protection on races to disable getting out of the vehicle
- Added more checks to avoid breaking blocks/entities on minigames that shouldnt be allowed
- Added new messages on config
----------, Feb 16, 2023

- Fixed bug: You could to back to the minigame if you were killed after throwing a enderpearl
- Scoreboard updated
- Totem of undying now work in events
- Fixed \n characters in messages
----------, Feb 9, 2023

- Support 1.19.3 Version
- Solved problem: Potion effects were being removed even when you disconnected outside an event
----------, Jan 9, 2023

Thats the first part of the 2.7.3 UPDATE, the second part is coming in a few days

- Improvements on the start of the plugin (Check last Lib1711 version too)
- New commands for reset credits, tries and wins (Check plugin page)
- Bug fixes for events
- Posibility to allow spectator teleport
- Now on Survival Games you can set the blocks per shrink
- Quake deaths now doesnt show on titles
- HEX COLOR supported
- Position of items in chests are now randomized
- Messages on join/leave from match
----------, Jun 10, 2022

- Changed system outputs to logger
- Fix for inventories bug
----------, Apr 1, 2022

- Added config to avoid knockback for splegg and spleef
- Bugfix for dropper
----------, Mar 23, 2022

- Hotfix for players not dying from fall
----------, Mar 22, 2022

- Hotfix for gamemodes with respawn not changing again to survival gamemode
- Hotfix for description of minigames being shown to all the players in the match instead of the user joining
----------, Mar 17, 2022

- Enabled commands auto completion

- New command: /revent tp <id> : with this you can teleport to the arenas of the events to change the map

- Now you can set permissions for events so players without the permission of a specific event cant enter it

- Gamemode is now configurable per event (This should fix players trying to bug TNT RUN, set them to gamemode adventure to avoid that)

- Added Hunger and Health to the inventory save

- Two new placeholders %randomevents_player_event_name% and %randomevents_player_event_type%

- Hide attributes on stats GUI

- Fixed bug potion effects not being removed correctly

- Fixed bug players getting invencible ingame

- Fixed bug players avoiding fall on tnt run by staying on the corner of a block at the start of the game

- New options in config:
Code (YAML):
##If true this will show the description of the minigame on player join instead of on match begin
: true

##Force gamemode survival on minigames
: true
----------, Mar 16, 2022

- Bug fix on load games with no configured scheduled property
----------, Jan 20, 2022

- This new version needs Lib1711 v2.9 to work
- Recoded a part of the plugin to work properly for 1.18.1
- Scoreboard fix for 1.18.1
- Solved dual events starting at the same moment and being bugged
- New API Methods:
- getPlayers()
- getSpectators()
- getMinigame()
- getMatchName()

- New commands to disable/enable matches for schedule
- Fixed explosions on certain minigames not regenerating the map
- Commands on join are now executed before deleting the player inventory
- Option to give invincibility after game to avoid deaths for falling after teleporting the player out of the match
- The horses now spawn with the same jump and speed attributes
- New Options / Changes on config:
Code (YAML):

##You can concatenate diferent alias with ';' (DONT USE CAPS HERE)
: 'revent;event'

##Ticks invincible after game
: 0

##Respawn on a random spawn in team games
: false

##Restrict to certain worlds
: false
##Allowed worlds for broadcast (DONT USE CAPS HERE)
   - 'world'
----------, Jan 17, 2022

- Solved the bug with the config icksAfterMusicStopToKill for red-green light minigame

- Added Run and Stop message on red-green light minigame

- Added a new option when creating a minigame with breakable blocks to allow all blocks to be placed and removed

- Solved a bug that didnt give you the team chestplate after dying in a team game

- Added an option for invincibility after respawning on a Top Kill minigame:
Code (YAML):

##Seconds that a player is invincible after respawning in a top kill event (Put 0 to disable)
: 2
----------, Nov 24, 2021

- New Minigame: Squid Game - Red Light, Green light! It needs NoteBlockAPI and Citizens to work as intended!

- Added an option to use your own inventory configured per revent instead of global config
----------, Oct 29, 2021

- White team color changed for brown on Team Minigames
- Custom heads textures now are correctly saved and retrieved on inventory save
- Custom Potions now are correctly saved and retrieved on inventory save
- Now you can translate the time left message
- Kills messages now doesnt show on title
- Empty messages are not shown in the chat now
- Map Shrink Bug in Survival Games solved!
- Solved bugs in team top killer
- New option in config :
Code (YAML):
##Distance to clear entities when a match end, this will clear dropped items when the match finish
: 20
- New minigame: Paintball Top Killer
- Total recode to solve a lot of bugs with the 1.17 version!

Remember to update Lib1711 too!
----------, Oct 7, 2021

- Glow bug solved
----------, Aug 14, 2021

- Reupload after scan for security reasons
----------, Aug 2, 2021

- Solved bug with Splatoon
- Solved bugs with Skywars and Survival Games
- Added Glow effect to the holder of the bomb in TNT Tag (Needs LibDisguises)
- Added new event to the API ReventSpawnEvent
----------, Aug 1, 2021

Update v2.3 Changes ->
QUICKLY AND IMPORTANT REMINDER If you use Spigot 1.17 or higher use Lib1711 v2.7, if you use a lower version use Lib1711 v2.6.1.1
- Team Battle Royale
- Team Top Killer
- Team Skywars
- Team Survival Games
(The older versions of these minigames now are Duo Battle Royale, Duo Skywars, ... )
- Total refactor of the configuration, now the config is prettier and easier to understand, and the comments remains! (Spoiler: https://imgur.com/kLdemeA)
- Now the names of the minigames are translatable
- The command /revent ban now admits a reason with spaces
- Option to water kill added for some more minigames
- Spleef and Hoe hoe hoe bug fixes
- Solved /revent cancel command being bugged sometimes
- Attributes on items of GUI's now are hidden
- The fireball of Bombardment minigames should now break now
- System for infinity snowballs on paintball
- On TNT Tag you can now configure the radius of the explosion of the TNT and if you want to kill only the carrier or the people around him
- Koth bug fix when a player capturing disconnected.
- Now on battle royale minigames you loss hunger and regain health

----------, Jul 15, 2021

- Recode to improve the quality of the code
- Now you can set less spawns than the amount of player so it will be easier to configure events for hundred of players
----------, May 22, 2021

- Fixed the system to regenerate the arenas for 1.13+

- Fixed Lava and Water bucket usage on arenas

- Improvements and bug fixes
----------, May 14, 2021

- New BETA feature, Disguising players to avoid teamings! (Needs LibsDisguises to work)

- New check for teleports to avoid people not leaving the arena

- Solved the map shrinking on latest versions

- Higher entity removing range on some minigames as boat race

- New placeholders: %randomevents_player_in_event_as_player% and %randomevents_player_in_event%

- New options in config:

Code (YAML):

#Random disguise players to avoid teams (NEEDS LIBSDISGUISES TO WORK)
: false
: 'Dinnerbone'
----------, May 12, 2021

- Solved a wrong way of the Quake particle
- Fix ban description, and now the description is shown to all connected players
- Solved minor bugs
- Fixed tournaments
- Fixed game descriptions
- Fixed hoehoehoe bugs in 1.16.5
----------, Apr 21, 2021

- Fixed tournaments
- Fixed kits names not being shown correctly
- Minor bug fixes
----------, Apr 4, 2021

- New cmd to see and edit kits

- New cmd to ban a player with reason

- Now you can configure commands on kills

- Multiple bug fixes

- New Options in config:

Code (YAML):
#Enable this to make a player lose when they fall into water in bombardment minigames
: false

#Disable the multiple winners when they have the same points
: false

#Offset of Y coord on bombardment, if you see your bombs on the minigame go higher than the foots of your player put this to -1 or -2
: 0

#Commands that will be done each time a player kill another one in certain Random Events
: [ ]
----------, Mar 28, 2021

- KITS UPDATE: You can now create kits for the matches so you can configure several kits that your players will be able to choose. You can create kits that depends of a required permission!

- Quakecraft
- Paintball
- KoTH
- Fish slap
- Hoe hoe hoe
- Splatoon
- Bombardment

- PAPI Hook change

- You can configure a minimum announcements before the match begins.

- Now you cant teleport on spectator mode

- You can configure commands on event fire

- You can configure the TNT Tag head of the holder

- You can choose your kit and team now

- Your name color will change to the color of your team

- Created a private chat for the matches

- Solved a lot of encoding problems

- Now all the team get the reward even if they were killed

- Bow kills fixed

- Gem Crawler Bug fixes

- Fixed secondary item offhand not being saved

- More bug fixes!

- New options in config:

Code (YAML):
#Quake give default weapon so you dont need to put it in the kit
: true

#Quake shoot distance
: 50

#Cooldown to make a shoot on quake
: 1.5

#Cooldown to make a jump on quake
: 2.5

#Hoehoehoe give default weapon so you dont need to put it in the kit
: true

#Paint games give default weapon so you dont need to put it in the kit
: true

#Number of blocks that are paint in the radius
: 10

#Radios of blocks that are going to be painted on splatoon
: 2

#Cooldown before respawning again in minigames with respawn
: 4

#Splatoon Egg Damage
: 5

#Activate private chat
: false

#Minimum time to begin the match if the min players are already inside
: 0

#Equilibrate teams
: true

#Force non empty teams. Only works if  equilibrateTeams is enabled
: true

#Commands that will be done each time a RandomEvent is fired
: [ ]

----------, Mar 21, 2021

- Changed the format of /revent next
- Created a new placeholder %randomevents_next_event% for PlaceholderAPI which shows the next event coming if scheduled

- New option in config to change maxLifeTime of Mysql connection:
Code (YAML):
: false
: false
: localhost
: 3306
: database
: user
: password
----------, Mar 11, 2021

- Changed the encoding to allow all codifications
- Added a system that allows to get a snowball when you break a block in spleef
- Arrow kills on topkill works now
- New options in config:

Code (YAML):
#Enable getting snowballs that will break the floor on spleef
: false

#Enable this to make a player lose when they fall into water in survival games minigames
: false

#Enable this to make a player lose when they fall into water in skywars minigames
: false

#Speed duration on seconds for tnttag
: 100
----------, Mar 9, 2021

- Fixed bug when players die on the SG storm
- Fixed bug when the max health of a player is limited
- In Spleef now you cant throw eggs
- Now you can enable an option to enter a random event with just /revent join
- Now you can choose your encoding to avoid languages get their item names corrupted
- New options in config:

Code (YAML):
#If true you will only be able to join by clicking on the alert, if false you can do /revent join to join an event
: true
#Options: ISO_8859_1 ; US_ASCII ; UTF_16 ; UTF_16BE ; UTF_16LE ; UTF_8    
: 'UTF_8'
----------, Mar 1, 2021

- Fixed bug when players die on the SG storm
- Fixed bug when the max health of a player is limited
- In Spleef now you cant throw eggs
- Now you can enable an option to enter a random event with just /revent join
- New option in config:

Code (YAML):
#If true you will only be able to join by clicking on the alert, if false you can do /revent join to join an event
: true
----------, Mar 1, 2021

- Fixed cmd alias, now its not case sensitive
- Fixed map region damage for SG games
- Fixed bugs
----------, Feb 18, 2021

- Fixed the issue when a player died from the area of SG
----------, Feb 17, 2021

- New item for vanish the other players on races or water drop events
- Now the damage of the area is configurable
- Now you can configure the alias of the cmd
- Fixed Battle Knight bugs
- Fixed Crackshot compatibility
- Fixed Anvil Spleef for 1.13+
- Fixed Scoreboard problems
- Added another safe system for inventory
- Preparing code for a huge update!
- New options in config:
Code (YAML):

: 'revent'

#Survival Games Area damage
: 1

#Item material for vanish item

----------, Feb 17, 2021

- Solved a bug when using revent gui without MySQL configured
----------, Jan 27, 2021

- Specified useSSL false to avoid random alerts when using mysql without proper certificate.
- Now you can spectate matches with /revent spec
- New system of credits to allow users to force Random Event as 'keys'
- You can give credits to specific or random events
- You can give users the permission randomevent.gui.cooldown so the player can begin an event without using credits each X time configured on config.yml

- New options in config:
Code (YAML):
#Cooldown for users that doesnt have the cooldown bypass permission for beginning a Random Event without using credits in /revent gui ( On seconds )
: 3600

#Force the players to enter the random event spectating ( It will works only if forcePlayersToEnter is enabled )
: false
----------, Jan 26, 2021

- Removed cooldown when forcing a random event spawn before the event was really spawned.

- Fixed the config forceClearsInventoryToJoin

- Fixed bug on arena regeneration 1.9+
----------, Jan 17, 2021

- Bug fixes for gem crawler and tnt_run for 1.13+
----------, Jan 16, 2021

- Solved a bug with Battle Royale and KnockbackDuel
----------, Jan 15, 2021

- Solved CrackShot compatibility
- Armor contentes now checked when force inventory empty
- Minor bug fixes
- Solved fill stats item, now it checks data number
- New options in config:

#Heal killer after a kill in OITC Minigame
oitcHealAfterKill: true

#Heal killer after a kill in Top Killer Minigame
topKillerHealAfterKill: true

#Cooldown before respawning again in minigames with respawn
cooldownAfterDeath: false

#Force the players to enter the random event when its spawned
forcePlayersToEnter: false
----------, Jan 15, 2021

- Added api-version to match with Lib1711
- Fixed minor bugs
- Stats Fill item can now be changed even for colored blocks
- New system for knockback duel, now you can allow that when players fall into water they get kicked out of the match
- Speed for runners and holder of the tnt in tnt tag is now configurable. And the system of the speed effect has improved.
- Checkpoint item for Race is now configurable
- Damage that deals arrows in arrow rain is now configurable
- New message "bowkill" for kills by an arrow in OITC
- The plugin now saves a backup of the messages to avoid losings in case of malforming the yml by error.
- Fixed team battles.
- Fixed Gem Crawler Scoreboard
- Improvements on the system that clear horses and boats after the event ends in minigames like boat/horse run, etc.
- Improvements in TNT Run
- Improvements on regions check for goals.
- New options in config:
Code (YAML):

#Item material for checkpoint item

#Arrow damage in arrow rain minigame
: 10

#Enable this to make a player lose when they fall into water in knockback duel minigames
: false

#Lvl of the speed for the runners on tnttag
: 3

#Lvl of the speed for the holder of the tnt on tnttag
: 6
----------, Jan 9, 2021

- NEW MINIGAME! Water Drop! You can create several scenes for a match!
- Changes in the messages for announce.
- Fix when loading a big scoreboard
- Minor bug fixes
----------, Jan 6, 2021

- New Minigame! Anvil Spleef
- The stats menu is now configurable
- Changed the system to shrink the map in Survival Games
- Deleted blank spaces hardcoded
- Now the plugin forces gamemode SURVIVAL in matches and return the player to their original gamemode after match ends
- New options in the config:
#Advanced spectator mode
advancedSpectatorMode: false

#Use -1 to hide a stat in the GUI
BR: 10
BRT2: 11
LJ: 12
TKLL: 13
TKLLT2: 14
KBD: 15
EARR: 16
GEMC: 19
BOMB: 20
RACE: 24
OITC: 30
SG: 31
TSG: 32
SW: 33
TSW: 34
----------, Dec 23, 2020

- Added an item to return to checkpoint on Race minigame
- Now you can use a material on tnt for TNT_RUN, like sand/clay or whatever you want.
- New commands for delete, disables or enables a randomevent.
- Bug fixes with scoreboards
- Bug fixes with Splegg in 1.16
- New options in config:
#Commands that will be done each time a user join a random event, use it in case you need to get the god mode off, to set the gamemode to survival, etc
- 'psa %player%'

#Commands that will be done when the match begin for all players, use it in case you need to get the god mode off, to set the gamemode to survival, etc
- 'broadcast %event% has ended'
----------, Dec 21, 2020

Tournaments added!

New minigames! Races and Escape from the beast!
----------, Sep 8, 2020

Compatibility for 1.16.2
----------, Aug 30, 2020

Fully support from 1.8 to 1.16

Solved an error that allowed players to take the item in their cursor out of the random event
----------, Aug 18, 2020

- Fixed clear inventory not clearing the crafting section
- Efficiency improvements in boat race event
----------, Jul 22, 2020

- Added compatibility for 1.16
----------, Jul 18, 2020

- Added CrackShot compatibility! Now you can use guns in your events!
----------, Jul 12, 2020

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 789
First Release: Jul 10, 2020
Last Update: Jun 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
54 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings