- Enabled commands auto completion
- New command: /revent tp <id> : with this you can teleport to the arenas of the events to change the map
- Now you can set permissions for events so players without the permission of a specific event cant enter it
- Gamemode is now configurable per event (This should fix players trying to bug TNT RUN, set them to gamemode adventure to avoid that)
- Added Hunger and Health to the inventory save
- Two new placeholders %randomevents_player_event_name% and %randomevents_player_event_type%
- Hide attributes on stats GUI
- Fixed bug potion effects not being removed correctly
- Fixed bug players getting invencible ingame
- Fixed bug players avoiding fall on tnt run by staying on the corner of a block at the start of the game
- New options in config:
Code (YAML):
##If true this will show the description of the minigame on player join instead of on match begin
: true
##Force gamemode survival on minigames
: true