New features and improvements.
- Added getRequiredItems cmd to get the required items specified in the bank level.
- Fixed possible data loss bug.
- Implemented the afk interest system with more features. (flurbudurbur)
- Implemented the more specific required item system. (broken1arrow)
- Fixed a bug found in the interest limiter.
New Big Update, New Big News!
The new 6.2 comes with a lot of new features, hotfixes and stability updates!
- A lot of well known bugs have been fixed and the overall stability has been increased with a new anti-crash and debug system.
[Load & Save System]
- There is a new load & save system, optimizing the server performance and the usage of the memory.
- This new intelligent system will always try to use the least amount of memory to keep track of the player balances to fast and easy access, and will free space once the player logged out.
[New Features]
A lot of new features have been added:
- Interest can now be delivered on vault balance.
- You can skip the interest message if lower than the specified amount.
- More per bank-level properties.
- Ability to place the same bank item in more slots.
- Automatic support when opening the bank from another gui (before you had to force the player to close his menu before opening the bank)
- New anti-crash value loader with debug built-in.
- Minor improvements for stability and performance.
[Important Known Bugs Fixed]
- MySQL save failing.
- MySQL failing create new tables.
- MySQL not checking for storage type.
- Negative Interest.
- Bank open not checking for permission.
- Deposit not checking if the bank was available.
- Major bug of duping balance when spamming deposit / withdraw.
- BankTop NPE when trying to get a non-existing player.
- Minor bug fixes and typo corrections
New Big Update, New Big News!
The new 6.2 comes with a lot of new features, hotfixes and stability updates!
- A lot of well known bugs have been fixed and the overall stability has been increased with a new anti-crash and debug system.
[Load & Save System]
- There is a new load & save system, optimizing the server performance and the usage of the memory.
- This new intelligent system will always try to use the least amount of memory to keep track of the player balances to fast and easy access, and will free space once the player logged out.
[New Features]
A lot of new features have been added:
- Interest can now be delivered on vault balance.
- You can skip the interest message if lower than the specified amount.
- More per bank-level properties.
- Ability to place the same bank item in more slots.
- Automatic support when opening the bank from another gui (before you had to force the player to close his menu before opening the bank)
- New anti-crash value loader with debug built-in.
- Minor improvements for stability and performance.
[Important Known Bugs Fixed]
- MySQL save failing.
- MySQL failing create new tables.
- MySQL not checking for storage type.
- Negative Interest.
- Bank open not checking for permission.
- Deposit not checking if the bank was available.
- Major bug of duping balance when spamming deposit / withdraw.
- BankTop NPE when trying to get a non-existing player.
- Minor bug fixes and typo corrections
- Fixed BankTop not loading and showing placeholders correctly + Improved the code to avoid more errors if a wrong input was entered.
- Fixed typo in reload and required items messages.
- Fixed severe bug with bankplus transaction.
- Fixed bug with loading bank-to-player loans.
- Added MySQL support
- Improved and fixed a lot of things in the plugin commands, events and methods
- Fixed a serius memory leak when opening the bank gui.
- Fixed bank loans + you can now request loans to banks.
- fixed withdraw taxes
- fixed the pay command
- fixed the fake-spamm bug when starting and reloading the server.
- added %bankplus_next_level% placeholder
- added %bankplus_next_level_capacity% placeholder
- added %bankplus_next_level_interest_rate% placeholder
- added %bankplus_offline_interest_rate% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_deposit_taxes_number_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_deposit_taxes_percentage_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_withdraw_taxes_number_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_withdraw_taxes_percentage_{num}% placeholder
For more info about about the placeholders:
- fixed withdraw taxes
- fixed the pay command
- fixed the fake-spamm bug when starting and reloading the server.
- added %bankplus_next_level% placeholder
- added %bankplus_next_level_capacity% placeholder
- added %bankplus_next_level_interest_rate% placeholder
- added %bankplus_offline_interest_rate% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_deposit_taxes_number_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_deposit_taxes_percentage_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_withdraw_taxes_number_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_withdraw_taxes_percentage_{num}% placeholder
For more info about about the placeholders:
- fixed withdraw taxes
- fixed the pay command
- fixed the fake-spamm bug when starting and reloading the server.
- added %bankplus_next_level% placeholder
- added %bankplus_next_level_capacity% placeholder
- added %bankplus_next_level_interest_rate% placeholder
- added %bankplus_offline_interest_rate% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_deposit_taxes_number_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_deposit_taxes_percentage_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_withdraw_taxes_number_{num}% placeholder
- added %bankplus_calculate_withdraw_taxes_percentage_{num}% placeholder
For more info about about the placeholders:
- Fixed the banklistgui size bug.
- Optimized the banks show method in the banks list gui.
- Fixed the multi banks gui showing in the banks list.
- Fixed the error with the multiple banks gui size.
- Edited economy manager classes so they will be efficient and understandable.
- Made few optimizations.
- Fixed huge problem with the bank gui actions and optimized a bit the code.
- Added per-bank interest feature.
- Fixed a potential error when getting the capacity of an offline player.
- Fixed the error when showing the bank force-open message + few more bugs.
- Fixed a bug in the forceupgrade command.
- Reorganized the BanksManager class which is now called BankReader
- Added the offline interest rate customizable (config and banks)
- Made a lot of optimizations to the commands and the value loader classes.
- Removed the method to automatically update the banks to the new format because too invasive and not always working, instead now, the plugin will warn if the bank file still use the old format while still accepting it.
- Fixed the fake-warn of the custom interest rate in the bank file when it was missing.
- Fixed a bug with the next bank level placeholder.
- Fixed a bug where in the bank list gui the 2* bank wasn't found
- Fixed a bug where when opening a bank from the bank list gui the bank wasn't updating it's lore
- Fixed an error where the player couldn't open the bank even if was forced
- Fixed an error with the tab completion where the bank list gui were showed
- Fixed the bank list gui "Shows-Not-Available-Banks" option that wasn't working
- Fixed the bank list gui "Directly-Open-If-1-Is-Available" option that wasn't working fixed.
- New awesome command system 100% customizable and now api-friendly to allow other dev to add more custom commands to BankPlus

- Fixed pay cmd.
- Added loan system.
- Optimized many methods.
- Added the debt system.
- Added custom transaction event to easily manage the transactions with debts.
- Fixed deposit cmd and withdraw taxes.
- Fixed the banklistgui size bug.
- Optimized the banks show method in the banks list gui.
- Fixed the multi banks gui showing in the banks list.
- Fixed the error with the multiple banks gui size.
- Edited economy manager classes so they will be efficient and understandable.
- Made few optimizations.
- Fixed huge problem with the bank gui actions and optimized a bit the code.
- Added per-bank interest feature.
- Fixed a potential error when getting the capacity of an offline player.
- Fixed the error when showing the bank force-open message + few more bugs.
- Fixed a bug in the forceupgrade command.
- Reorganized the BanksManager class which is now called BankReader
- Added the offline interest rate customizable (config and banks)
- Made a lot of optimizations to the commands and the value loader classes.
- Removed the method to automatically update the banks to the new format because too invasive and not always working, instead now, the plugin will warn if the bank file still use the old format while still accepting it.
- Fixed the fake-warn of the custom interest rate in the bank file when it was missing.
- Fixed a bug with the next bank level placeholder.
- Fixed a bug where in the bank list gui the 2* bank wasn't found
- Fixed a bug where when opening a bank from the bank list gui the bank wasn't updating it's lore
- Fixed an error where the player couldn't open the bank even if was forced
- Fixed an error with the tab completion where the bank list gui were showed
- Fixed the bank list gui "Shows-Not-Available-Banks" option that wasn't working
- Fixed the bank list gui "Directly-Open-If-1-Is-Available" option that wasn't working fixed.
- New awesome command system 100% customizable and now api-friendly to allow other dev to add more custom commands to BankPlus

- Fixed pay cmd.
- Added loan system.
- Optimized many methods.
- Added the debt system.
- Added custom transaction event to easily manage the transactions with debts.
[Fix] Fixed a tiny logic error the withdraw method.
[Add] Added a taxes feature for withdraw and deposit system.
[Fix] Fixed a problem with the Chat-Exit-Commands.
[Edit] Now the update delay of the bank is changed from seconds to ticks ( 20 ticks = 1 second ).
[Add] Added a new multiple-bank system.
[Add] Added bank upgrades and banks settings.
[Add] Added the ability to set custom model data to gui items.
* Added many new placeholders and permissions, check the plugin description too see the changes.
[Fix] Fixed an error with the validation of the players.yml if using the name storing type.
[Fix] Fixed and error where the plugin was withdrawing money with the deposit button.
[Add] Now the command to validate the file players.yml won't need the players to leave the server anymore.
Added a missing part for the gui debugger in the jar for the version 5.5 + Fixed an error when typing in chat an amount ( Because moved to the AsyncPlayerChatEvent instead of the PlayerChatEvent )
[Fix] Fixed a bug with the interest placeholder where you weren't able to put a cooldown higher than 59 minutes.
[Fix] Fixed many bugs related to loading and saving balances from "players.yml".
[Fix] Fixed a startup error where the plugin was failing his startup process and, as result, disabling itself.
[Add] Added 2 suggestions: you can now sync the AFK status with Essentials + you can now choose a permission that is required to receive offline interest.
[Add] Added a debug command for chat, gui and interest, to understand better the situation in case an users is having problems with the plugin.
[Fix] Fixed a bug with the interest placeholder where you weren't able to put a cooldown higher than 59 minutes.
[Fix] Fixed many bugs related to loading and saving balances from "players.yml".
[Fix] Fixed a startup error where the plugin was failing his startup process and, as result, disabling itself.
[Add] Added 2 suggestions, you can now sync the AFK status with Essentials + you can now choose a permission that is required to receive offline interest.
[Add] Added a debug command for chat, gui and interest, to understand better the situation in case an users is having problems with the plugin.
[Fix] Fixed a bug with the interest placeholder where you weren't able to put a cooldown higher than 59 minutes.
[Fix] Fixed many bugs related to loading and saving balances from "players.yml".
[Fix] Fixed a startup error where the plugin was failing his startup process and, as result, disabling itself.
[Add] Added 2 suggestions, you can now sync the AFK status with Essentials + you can now choose a permission that is required to receive offline interest.
[Add] Added a debug command for chat, gui and interest, to understand better the situation in case an users is having problems with the plugin.
I am really really sorry for posting a second update in a day, but that was essential for everyone.. it contains a lot of bug fixes, and allows older versions to load correctly the file players.yml without any problems anymore.
[Fix] Fixed a startup version.
[Fix] Fixed the bug with reading players balances
[Fix] Fixed a bug with the BankTop
[Fix] Fixed a very annoying bug with the interest placeholder
[Add] Added a totally customizable banktop system ( As requested from the suggestions channel )
[Add] Added few features like a save system to prevent players from loosing their money if the server crash
[Fix] Fixed a very annoying bug with the interest placeholder
[Add] Added a totally customizable banktop system ( As requested from the suggestions channel )
[Add] Added few features like a save system to prevent players from loosing their money if the server crash
[Add] Added a new mechanism that will automatically update and correct the config files (both config.yml and messages.yml)
[Add] Added a feature to limit the numbers decimals
[Fix] Fixed a possible bug with the interest placeholder
[Fix] Fixed a bug with the gui bank listener
[Fix] Fixed a huge bug where when depositing, it wasn't removing the money from the main balance and you could dupe money.
[Add] Added a new mechanism that will automatically update and correct the config files (both config.yml and messages.yml)
[Add] Added a feature to limit the numbers decimals
[Fix] Fixed a possible bug with the interest placeholder
[Fix] Fixed a bug with the gui bank listener
[Fix] Fixed a huge bug where when depositing, it wasn't removing the money from the main balance and you could dupe money.
[Add] Added a new unlimited money storage feature.
[Add] Added a new placeholder "%bankplus_next_interest%" with all format types, that will return the expected amount of money from the next interest.
[Add] Added the possibility to edit the message to type to exit from typing the custom amount in chat.
[Add] Added a new time format that contains seconds, minutes, hours and days, everything customizable at 100% (Check the config for the edited parts! Very important!!)
[Edit] Now all the messages will have the prefix only if putting the local placeholder "%prefix%".
[Fix] Fixed an error where if not enabling the "Ignore-AFK-Players" the interest weren't adding money to players.
[Fix] Fixed a save problem when the server shutdown.
[Optimize] Made a huge optimization to the saving / loading methods of the bank account.
[Add] Added a new feature where you can ignore AFK players while giving the interest ( Check the config.yml for any edits )
[Fix] Fixed a bug related to the max deposit / withdraw amount.
* The configs are not changed, you don't need to update them or check for any edits.
[HotFixes] Fixed a huge bug related to the offline interest and many more fixes with the deposit / withdraw commands
[Add] Added 2 new commands to give the interest and check the time left (/bank giveInterest / interest)
[Fix] Fixed a lot of messages that weren't showing correctly
[Fix] Fixed the huge and annoying bug where the heads were switching when many players were opening the bank at the same time
[Add] Added a new /bank pay command to send the money from your bank directly to another player
[Fix] Fixed a lot of messages that weren't showing correctly
[Fix] Fixed the huge and annoying bug where the heads were switching when many players were opening the bank at the same time
[Add] Added a new /bank pay command to send the money from your bank directly to another player
[Fix] Various fixes for the offline interest, the exit function and other few things
[Add] Added a list of commands executable when typing "exit" in the custom withdraw /deposit amount, check the config for any edits
[Fix] Fixed a little bug with the offline interest.
[Fix] Fixed the bug for some servers where the head wasn't showing his displayname.
[Fix] Fixed a visual bug for the offline interest.
+ some really tiny code optimizations.
[Fix] Fixed the fake update message bug.
[Fix] Fixed the fake update message bug.
[Fix] Fixed a huge memory leak problem
[Optimize] Optimized a lot the gui with his update system, if you find any bugs, please report them in my discord.
[Fix] Fixed the placeholder %player_name% not showing the name correctly
[Edit] Now if a player has earned 0 money while being offline, the message won't be displayed
[Fix] Fixed the huge bug where you was able to insert a negative number and duplicate money
[Optimize] Basically made the plugin 3 times faster
[Add] Added the ability to choose a minimum number to deposit / withdraw
[Add] Added the command /bank open <player> to force other players to open their bank
Remember to update your configs to avoid any type of problems
[Fix] Fixed the CUSTOM, ALL and HALF amount for depositing and withrawing
[Add] Added the command /bank balance to see your personal balance
[Add] Added the ability to edit the item amount in the gui
[Performance] Improved the GuiListener class to improve the plugin lightweight
[Fix] "Fixed" few things to avoid spamm errors
[Fix] Fixed the IndexOutOfBoundsException when disabling Interest and opening the bank
[Fix] Fixed the NPE "Nodes must be provided"
[Fix] Fixed the GuiBank renaming items in the inventory
[Add] Readded the option to store players money with names
[Optimization] Revamped some classes to make the plugin more lightweight
[Fix] Fixed the error with Interest placeholder when disabled
[Fix] Fixed a bug where if having interest set to false, the GuiBank wasn't working
[Fix] Fixed a Tab-Completion command
[Fix] Should be fixed the gui renaming other player inventory items
[Revamp] Revamped the
GuiBank and
EconomyManager code to completelly remove the lag:
* The plugin should now run at 100% of speed, with a tick usage lower than 0.08%
[Add] Added the ability to deposit ALL / HALF deposit / withdraw amount
[Add] Added a new feature to notify players how much Offline interest they have earned
[Fix] Fixed a but where was sending 2 messages when depositing an amount
[Fix] Should be fixed the GUI for newer versions
[Fix] Fixed the bug where the GuiBank was renaming items in the players inventory
[Add] Added the new placeholder %bankplus_balance_long%, to make it compatible with LeaderBoards
* Note that this is an Alpha version, so not official, i am busy with other things but there was a critical bug of the Inventory Renaming
[Fix] Fixed the annoying bug of the bank displaying more accounts contemporaneally
[Fix] Fixed lots of messages that wasn't displaying properly
[Edit] Edited the placeholder %bankplus_balance%, that will now be displayed with commas
[Add] Added world blacklist to disable the bank in some worlds, ( by-pass permission -> bankplus.worlds.blacklist.bypass )
[Add] Added the interest working for offline players
[Revamp] Revamped the GuiListener, Gui, Interest, PlayerJoin and Commands class to make the plugin work at 100% of the speed without causing lag
[Fix] Fixed the Update-Checker issue, that was the cause of most of the server-lag.
[Fix] Fixed the withdraw / deposit messages, that was not working correctly for a little error.
[Fix] Fixed the fake-report for the "InvalidSoundType"
[Fix] Fixed the interest that was giving money to players that had 0 money in their bank
[Add] Added an anti-messages-crash-system, that suppress errors if the plugin can't find that message
[Fix] Fixed the /deposit command doesn't work proprely
[Fix] Fixed the Chat Custom withdraw / deposit amount
[Fix] Fixed the interest where it doesn't stop on the MaxBankCapacity
[Fix] Fixed the Withdraw / Deposit limitations
[Optmize] Optimized the code for Updated-Checker and Interest
[Fix] Definitely fixed the huge bug where Interest wasn't updating
[Add] Added an option to limit the withdraw / deposit amount
* The config has changed 2 values,
Interest.Money-Given from "0.05" to 0.05 ( no more a string)
Interest-Delay from "5" to 5 ( no more a string )
Make sure to edit these values in the config, and make sure to reload the plugin and type /bank interest restart.
[Fix] Fixed some little bugs related to the Custom Amount Deposit / Withdraw
[Add] Added the possibility to limit the amount of the amount of money that can be deposit in the bank
[HotFix] Fixed a huge bug where the Interest-Cooldown wasn't updating
[Edit] From this version, you will be able to use custom heads from Minecraft-Heads website using the Value
[Add] Added the Data Manager, just put a ":" after the Item-Material and specify the number of the Data
[Fix] Fixed the NPE when typing a non-number in the custom amount
[Fix] Fixed the /bank view command and now works with offline players too
[Fix] Fixed the Bank Interest cooldown not working correctly
[Fix] Fixed a lot of code and optimized a lot for better performance
[Edit] Edited the Titles part in "messages.yml", now you have 2 titles for Deposit and Withdraw, ( look the config in the description page )
[Add] Added the option "Reopen-Bank-After-Chat" to reopen the Gui Bank after typing the amount
[Fix] Fixed some placeholders that wasn't working correctly
[Add] Added CUSTOM HEADS support ( Created a new Wiki for helping )
[Optimize] Optimized a lot the code and made some fixes
[Add] Added
non flicker gui updater
[Add] Added a max interest amount option
[Add] Added a new
custom amount to deposit / withdraw, by typing in the chat
[Optimize] Optimized the code and made some fixed
Its recommended to and add the new features in the config, refering to the config.yml in the description page
[Add] Added the permission bankplus.receive.interest to be able to manage interest for players
[Fix] Little fixes in the code and optimized a lot
[Add] Added anti gui crash prevention
[Add] Re-Added old
local placeholders in case some one doesn't have PlaceholderAPI installed
[Fix] Fixed GUI-Filler that didn't fill the gui higher than 3 lines
[Important] Added version compatibility from
1.7 to
[Add] Now you can customize placeholders via config (
its recommended to regenerate Config.yml )
[Add] Added
PlaceholderAPI Support for items lore's and displayname's
[Fix] Now
All placeholders works without errors
[Fix] Fixed the
Gui crash when putting lines to 6
[Important] Optimized big part of the code and now its a lot more lightweight and fast!
[Add] Added %bankplus_balance_formatted_long% placeholder to display balance formatted without "."
[Edit] Edited the Placeholder %bankplus_balance_formatted%, that works as the old %bankplus_balance_formatted%, but now with decimals!
[Fix] Fixed some old messages not displaying correctly placeholders, Is strongly recommended to recreate Messages.yml for make sure that everything will work correctly!
[Add] Added the command /bank interest restart with permission bankplus.interest.restart
[Add] Added a new placehodler %bankplus_interest_cooldown% already formatted
[Add] Added new messages in Messages.yml
[Edit] Edited some config parts, now the Interest delay will be only in minutes
[Fix] Fixed the local placeholder for Interest-Broadcast message [
Fix] Fixed some commands parts where messages doesn't get displayed correctly
[Fix] Fixed the spamm bug when Broadcasting the Interest message
[Add] Added %amount% / %amount_formatted% to the Interest message
[Add] Added the possibility to store players stats with Names and not UUIDs
[Add] Added a broadcast message when the plugin give Interest
[Edit] Moved the "Join-Start-Amount" to General Section
[Fix] Fixed the placeholder for the GuiBank %balance_formatted%
[Fix] Fixed placeholders for DisplayName of GuiBank
[Fix] Fixed Other little bugs related to GuiOptions
[Fix] Now the GuiBank will update
[Fix] Fixed NPE related to Sounds
[Add] Added Update Checker
[Fix] Fixed NPE related to Sounds