- Fixed the banklistgui size bug.
- Optimized the banks show method in the banks list gui.
- Fixed the multi banks gui showing in the banks list.
- Fixed the error with the multiple banks gui size.
- Edited economy manager classes so they will be efficient and understandable.
- Made few optimizations.
- Fixed huge problem with the bank gui actions and optimized a bit the code.
- Added per-bank interest feature.
- Fixed a potential error when getting the capacity of an offline player.
- Fixed the error when showing the bank force-open message + few more bugs.
- Fixed a bug in the forceupgrade command.
- Reorganized the BanksManager class which is now called BankReader
- Added the offline interest rate customizable (config and banks)
- Made a lot of optimizations to the commands and the value loader classes.
- Removed the method to automatically update the banks to the new format because too invasive and not always working, instead now, the plugin will warn if the bank file still use the old format while still accepting it.
- Fixed the fake-warn of the custom interest rate in the bank file when it was missing.
- Fixed a bug with the next bank level placeholder.
- Fixed a bug where in the bank list gui the 2* bank wasn't found
- Fixed a bug where when opening a bank from the bank list gui the bank wasn't updating it's lore
- Fixed an error where the player couldn't open the bank even if was forced
- Fixed an error with the tab completion where the bank list gui were showed
- Fixed the bank list gui "Shows-Not-Available-Banks" option that wasn't working
- Fixed the bank list gui "Directly-Open-If-1-Is-Available" option that wasn't working fixed.
- New awesome command system 100% customizable and now api-friendly to allow other dev to add more custom commands to BankPlus

- Fixed pay cmd.
- Added loan system.
- Optimized many methods.
- Added the debt system.
- Added custom transaction event to easily manage the transactions with debts.
- Fixed deposit cmd and withdraw taxes.