✨ BankPlus ✨ icon

✨ BankPlus ✨ -----

One of the best bank plugin out there! Unlimited features, lightweight and high quality plugin!

New Big Update, New Big News!
The new 6.2 comes with a lot of new features, hotfixes and stability updates!

- A lot of well known bugs have been fixed and the overall stability has been increased with a new anti-crash and debug system.

[Load & Save System]
- There is a new load & save system, optimizing the server performance and the usage of the memory.
- This new intelligent system will always try to use the least amount of memory to keep track of the player balances to fast and easy access, and will free space once the player logged out.

[New Features]
A lot of new features have been added:
- Interest can now be delivered on vault balance.
- You can skip the interest message if lower than the specified amount.
- More per bank-level properties.
- Ability to place the same bank item in more slots.
- Automatic support when opening the bank from another gui (before you had to force the player to close his menu before opening the bank)
- New anti-crash value loader with debug built-in.
- Minor improvements for stability and performance.

[Important Known Bugs Fixed]
- MySQL save failing.
- MySQL failing create new tables.
- MySQL not checking for storage type.
- Negative Interest.
- Bank open not checking for permission.
- Deposit not checking if the bank was available.
- Major bug of duping balance when spamming deposit / withdraw.
- BankTop NPE when trying to get a non-existing player.
- Minor bug fixes and typo corrections
----------, Jun 28, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 43,038
First Release: Jun 9, 2021
Last Update: Sep 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
68 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings