✅ Homestead ⚔️ Regions & Grief Prevention  [1.21+] icon

✅ Homestead ⚔️ Regions & Grief Prevention [1.21+] -----

A chunk-based land claiming plugin, with multiple APIs support!

⚠️ This version is a pre-release version. It may contain some bugs and exploits, proceed at your own risk! ⚠️

+ Added Sub-Area system;
Region owners can create sub-areas in their regions, with specific flags for global players.
+ Fixed one non-critical exploit; Region owners can change the state of a disabled flag for their region members.
----------, 3 mins ago

+ Config and language files validator; Instead of deleting the config.yml and language file after installing a new version of the plugin, Homestead automatically checks if there is any difference between your current files and the newly updated files. If there is a missing key (or more), the plugin will update your current files.
+ Rating regions can be disabled in config.yml.
+ Added new commands:

  • /region home: Teleports you to your targeted region, instead of using /region visit [region].
  • /region claimlist: Opens the claims list menu.
+ New filters for ranking regions: by rating or by members count.
+ Fixed player teleporting on top of the Bedrock layer in Nether worlds;
The plugin attempts to find a safe location below the bedrock layer. If there is no safe location, it will cancel the teleportation and tell to the player that the location is not safe.
+ Fixed commands argument suggestions.
+ Fixed Mojang Brigadier.
----------, Feb 18, 2025

+ The plugin now supports Mojang's Brigadier.

Before the version 2.3.3:

After the version 2.3.3:
----------, Feb 17, 2025

+ The plugin's code was cleaned; Non-used functions and configuration keys were removed.
+ Fixed 2 exploits:

  • Players bypass their owned regions count limit; They could use an alternative account, create regions, and transfer ownership to their main account.
  • Players bypass any region's maximum members count; Region owners may invite too many players, and the invited players can accept the invitation while the region owners' region has reached its limit.
----------, Feb 16, 2025

+ The plugin now supports Pl3xMap and Squaremap. ( GitHub Issue #2)
+ All external plugin APIs will be loaded after all plugins get enabled.
----------, Feb 15, 2025

⚠️If you are upgrading from an older version to this version, you must delete the "claims" folder. ⚠️

+ Added special GUI for operators: Admin Dashboard;
Use "/rgadmin" to open the menu!
+ Added rating system.
+ You can transfer ownership of a region to another player!
+ Fixed non-critical bugs.
----------, Feb 14, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Added cooldown for changing flag status;
This feature was added to prevent players from writing their region data file millions of times every second (they may use an auto clicker).
+ Added new flag: windcharge-burst
+ Fixed Bamboo and other plants not growing inside a claimed region. ( GitHub Issue #1)
+ Fixed minecarts getting removed while moving from a chunk to another chunk inside a claimed region. ( GitHub Issue #1)
+ Fixed trees bypassing the flag plant-growth.
+ Fixed player input.

+ Upgraded top command;
The command now opens a pagination menu, which ranks all regions (by bank or chunks).
- Removed all text components that execute commands for players.
----------, Feb 3, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Added 9 new flags:
use-bells, trigger-tripwire, block-trampling, item-frame-rotation, no-fall-damage, wither-damage, grass-growth, sculk-spread, snowman-trails.
+ Players no longer break turtle eggs by standing or jumping on them; Players must have the new block-trampling flag to break the turtle eggs.
+ Region names and descriptions have custom maximum length, changeable config.yml.
+ You can disable some unnecessary features, like /region chat or /region map.
+ You can disable some flags, which disallow region owners from changing their state.
+ Players have a delay when teleporting to a region or a chunk;
Server operators teleport instantly, without any delay.
+ dynmap and BlueMap now have specific configurations; Enable or disable, claim border and fill color, and hover text.
+ Prices have a maximum limit, changeable in config.yml.
+ Added sounds to special events.
For example, a specific sound is played when a player receives an invite, or when a region owner changes a flag's state.
+ Changed flags' value type, from integer to long due to many flags. This change caused some flag changes, for example, the flag vehicles used to be 1048576, but now it's 16777216.
+ Fixed non-critical bugs.
----------, Jan 26, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Fixed the Actionbar message when a player enters a region or wilderness.
+ Fixed limits for groups:
If a group were not found in the limits (from config.yml), it would return 0 by default, instead of NullPointerException error.
+ Fixed chunk particles: Sometimes the particles won't spawn on another side of a chunk, so it's fixed.
----------, Jan 25, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Added Advanced GUI, including Normal and Pagination Menus.

This menu shows up once you select a region from the player's region list.


+ Added 4 World Flags:
  • ice-melting: Allow ice to melt?
  • snow-melting: Allow snow to melt?
  • player-glowing: Allow players to glow once they enter the region?
  • wilderness-minecarts: Allow wilderness minecarts (any minecart) to enter your region?
+ Sending an invite to a player is no longer temporary, it is now a permanent request.
+ Added banning system, which bans players from entering a region.
+ Bugs fixed:

  • Players no longer extinguish fire, they now need ignite flag to do it.
  • Players no longer break decorated pots with a projectile (Windcharge and Arrow), they now need break-blocks flag to do it.
----------, Jan 24, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Fixed duplicating claimed chunks for dynmap.
+ Added new feature: Region chat;
This feature allows all region members to chat privately, including the region's owner.
+ Added Yellow colored particle for region border particles; On this release, the green color means you are the owner of the region, the yellow color means you are a member of the region, and the red color means you are not a member of the region.

The end of beta era! The plugin was tested with multiple cases, and all tested exploits have been fixed.
----------, Jan 17, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Implemented dynmap;
The map shows all claimed chunks.
+ Implemented BlueMap; The map shows the spawnpoint of all regions.
----------, Jan 17, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Added Map command:


+ Fixed config error.
----------, Jan 14, 2025

❌ This is an outdated version. You will NOT receive support for outdated versions. ❌

+ Added more placeholders.

+ Fixed duplicating Item Metadata.
+ Fixed negative prices when renting regions.
----------, Jan 13, 2025

+ Allow players to rent their regions to other players, with a price and a period.
+ Players must pay the taxes every 28 days (changeable in config) by the number of chunks they claimed and the number of members they trusted.
+ Fixed a bug when loading regions.

This is the beginning of the beta era. The plugin is new; Exploits and glitches always exist on the first releases of Homestead, so proceed at your own risk.
----------, Jan 13, 2025

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 293
First Release: Jan 11, 2025
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings