✅ Homestead ⚔️ Regions & Grief Prevention  [1.21+] icon

✅ Homestead ⚔️ Regions & Grief Prevention [1.21+] -----

A chunk-based land claiming plugin, with multiple APIs support!

Documentation: https://tfagaming.gitbook.io/homestead/

I. Quick Documentation
1. General:

To protect an area, you must create a region. Use /region create [region name] to create a new region.

Go inside your area and claim all the required chunks to protect your builds using the command /claim. If you are in the default group, you only have 10 chunks to claim (changeable in config.yml).

Each claimed chunk will be part of your region, and nobody else can take your region's chunks.

To unclaim a chunk, use /unclaim.

Other useful commands:
/region edit [region]: Set a region as a targeted region. Any command that manages a region will be applied to the targeted region.
/region bank deposit [amount]: Deposit an amount of money to your region.
/region bank withdraw [amount]: Withdraw an amount of money from your region.
/region members add [player]: Invite a player to join your region.
/region members remove [player]: Remove a player from your region.
/region members ban [player]: Ban a player from entering your region.
/region members unban [player]: Unban a player from your region.
/region members flags [player] [flag] [allow/deny]: Set permissions for a specific member.
/region leave [region]: Leave a region.
/region invites accept [region]: Accept an invitation from a region, and you will be added as a member of the region.
/region invites deny [region]: Deny an invitation from a region.
/region visit [region]: Teleport to a region's spawn point.
/region info [region]: Get details of a region.
/region rename [new name]: Rename your region.
/region setdescription [description]: Update your region's description.
/region setspawn: Update your region's spawn point to your current location.
/region flags players [flag] [allow/deny]: Set permissions for global players (excluding region's members).
/region flags world [flag] [allow/deny]: Set permissions for the environment of the region.

If you want to rate a public area (like an XP Farm, Trident Farm... etc), you can use /region rate [region] [1/2/3/4/5]. The numbers are the number of stars that you would give to the region.

2. Renting Regions
Are you renting your region to a player? Use /region rent get [price] [duration], you will receive an enchanted book, which you should give to a player so they can lease the region.

For example, if you use /region rent get 14250 4d, the player who will lease the region must pay $14.25k and they will stay in the region for only 4 days. Note that every payment is saved in the region's bank.

To cancel a lease, use /region rent cancel.

3. Taxes
Taxes are a simple method to force all players to upkeep their regions by paying an amount of money to the server. By default, players must pay taxes every 28 days (changeable in config.yml).

The amount to pay is calculated from this formula:
(number of region chunks × chunks price multiplier) + (number of region members × members price multiplier) = the amount to pay

For example, if your region has 16 chunks and 4 members, and the chunks multiplier is $2k and the members multiplier is $500, you must pay $34k.

If you fail to pay taxes, a random member and a random chunk will be removed from your region. After not paying taxes for a long time, all claimed chunks and all trusted members from your region will be removed.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 293
First Release: Jan 11, 2025
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
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