⚡️ WildStacker ⚡️ Spawners | Entities | Drops | Blocks ⚡️ 1.21.3 support! icon

⚡️ WildStacker ⚡️ Spawners | Entities | Drops | Blocks ⚡️ 1.21.3 support! -----

Stack Mobs :: Stack Items :: Stack Blocks :: Stack Spawners :: Stack Buckets :: Stack Stews

Commit #9fe91a - Fixed issues with CrazyEnchantments (#957)
Commit #1588b5 - Fixed EntityDamageEvent is not called in some cases (#974)
Commit #217d78 - Adds support to SparklyPaper (#970)
Commit #438bf6 - Inject custom HandlerList to EntityDamageEvent that will forward all damage events only to WildStacker
Commit #52d420 - Fix Illusioner loot tables don't include ominous bottles in 1.21 (#969)
Commit #fefbc0 - Fix MacOS's .DS_Store file are loaded as loot tables (#973)
Commit #0d7826 - Fix captain filter is not applied to loot pairs (#969)
Commit #6e6f33 - Fix bogged and strays not dropping tipped arrows (#969)
Commit #e196c4 - Raid captains should now drop ominous bottles in 1.21+ (#969)
Commit #9f74c4 - Do not give omen effect when killing raid captains in 1.21 (#969)
Commit #847917 - Fixed breeze wind charges dupe (#971)
Commit #89dc0b - Fixed incorrect field name in 1.21.1
Commit #6f116f - Fix return-to-sender not awarded (#965)
Commit #c37101 - Fixed animals are not spawned as babies when smart-breeding is enabled (#967)
Commit #a288db - Fixed entities are still stacked when their spawn reason is blacklisted (#966)
Commit #e017fc - Adds support to 1.21.3
Commit #23ac4e - Fixed a dupe glitch when having buckets stacking enable and consuming a bucket of milk in 1.21 (#963)
Commit #74ea2b - Optimization to EntityExplodeEvent logic
Commit #ddc048 - Patch dupe glitch with wind charges (#960)
Commit #e4186f - Fixed chance of TIDE_ARMOR_TRIM_SMITHING_TEMPLATE to be dropped from elder guards from 100% to 20% (#955)
Commit #d7d3b2 - Force listenPaperPreSpawnEvent to false if the event does not exist (#952)
Commit #f2cbcd - Fixed memory leak due to keeping opened FileReader
Commit #2e3c1a - Fixed loot table of the specific version is not chosen
Commit #5fe028 - Fixed elder guardian loot tables are not accurate
----------, Nov 23, 2024

Commit #2f8bef - Add debug message to recursive calls to SpawnerWatcherTickingBlockEntity#tick (#950)
Commit #6ad268 - Fixed entities not stacking from spawners in 1.8 when stacked spawners is disabled (#952)
Commit #fb9661 - Adds support to 1.21.1
----------, Aug 31, 2024

Commit #1350a3 - Fixed glow enchantment causing errors in 1.21 on Purpur
Commit #db1948 - Fixed detection of burning mobs when one-hitting them with fire aspect (#935)
Commit #c8c7a9 - Fixed EntityBreedEvent is called only after the child entity is spawned
Commit #f7037a - Fix SNOW_GOLEM not registered as valid EntityTypes (#934)
Commit #f45b58 - Fixed an error when having NBT-API installed without NBTInjector (#933)
Commit #5344ec - Fixed spawners turn into pigs in 1.21 (#933)
Commit #b5982c - Fixed upgraded mobs are considered as having name tags (#925)
Commit #d26143 - Fix compiling errors in 1.21
Commit #7d032b - Add missing spawn causes from 1.21 (#929)
Commit #b71c9a - Fixed an error caused when inventories collect items (#930)
Commit #483b46 - Fix names and name tags of entities that are spawned from eggs not working properly
Commit #412d1d - Fixed corpses dropping leash (#924)
Commit #07b1d3 - Fix support to mcMMO 2.2 (#921)
Commit #1c8283 - Adds support to 1.21 & removed support for 1.20-1.20.3
Commit #cae4f8 - Removed glow enchantment from 1.20.5/6
Commit #694cd5 - Support CoreProtect API v10
Commit #e7aeb8 - Fixed incorrectly detecting nametagged entities when they spawn with a name already
Commit #15a6b5 - Fix detection of mobs that spawned with a name already, not treated as nametagged ones (#911)
Commit #7fbbca - Reduced the time that entities have their health set to 0 (#861)
Commit #8368b9 - Fixed spawners not working properly in 1.16 or below (#916)
Commit #5b97c2 - Fixed errors when creating EntityDeathEvent (#918)
----------, Aug 4, 2024

Commit #267be3 - Fixed mobs stay dead after being unstacked (#914)
Commit #de3c5f - Adds support to 1.20.6
Commit #e0239d - Fix clean task running before copyAPI
Commit #0a6dad - Support to 1.20.5 (#910)
Commit #bdfef3 - Fix incorrect reflection fields in 1.20.4
Commit #e745f6 - Fixed the ability to breed tamable entities that are not tamed yet
Commit #201e5b - Fixed a dupe glitch when breeding mules, donkeys and llamas (#907)
Commit #092265 - Fixed calling spawnEntityWithoutStacking using incorrect entity type class (#899)
Commit #1fd917 - Clear entity flags when possible (#892)
Commit #8d3c1a - Fixed glitched item occurred due to the fix of the pickup animation (#903)
Commit #ffc734 - Replace usage of System.out.println with a proper logger
Commit #39969c - Fixed sweeping edge affecting spread-damage (#879)
Commit #22d6b9 - Fixed detection of events when trying to get the used hand (#898)
Commit #814171 - Another attempt on fixing freezing spawners (#753)
Commit #0431d8 - Small optimization to nearby entities lookup when calculating minimum required
Commit #af3186 - Fix pickup animation not working and making item turn invincible (#862)
Commit #f748d6 - Fix errors due to the new watcher tile entities
Commit #e77120 - Potential fix for spawners freezing (#753)
Commit #221f1b - Fix loot filters not being checked correctly (#888)
Commit #539bc0 - Adds support to EpicSpawners 8
Commit #70548b - Fix the plugin not removing all items from inventory when changing spawners using a spawn egg (#886)
Commit #15c5a4 - Adds support to Creeper Charged status as loot table filter + fix killer must be a valid stackable entity (#877)
Commit #88538e - Adds support to 1.20.4
Commit #198e17 - Fixed entities that shouldn't be merged get merged when having spawners-override disabled and running on Paper (#870)
Commit #2b1854 - Fixed nearby entities merged together when spawners-override is disabled and running on Paper
Commit #e41a59 - Added the ability to filter out drops by slime-size (#869)
Commit #40f601 - Fixed an integer-overflow that may result crashing of the server, due to spawners spawning way too many individual entities (#854)
Commit #cec5c9 - Adds API to get drops of an entity without the actual LivingEntity object
Commit #2540ca - Fixed not checking for unstack results, causing potential dupes when plugins disable the unstack events
Commit #a5295f - Fixed detection of PlotSquared version (#864)
Commit #9180ba - Fixed the plugin not loading on regular Spigot servers
Commit #d3aefd - Fixed spawners lose their spawn delay when reloading the chunk (#858)
Commit #f179dc - Potential fix for spawners stop functioning (#753)
Commit #269df9 - Fixed circular plugin loading errors on Paper servers
----------, May 11, 2024

Commit #4c81ba - Fixed upgraded spawners not having their entities stacked to nearby entities
Commit #b1c5bc - Added support to 1.20.2
Commit #e362bd - Fixed detection of supported and unsupported versions
Commit #60d01e - Removed support for 1.19 versions that are not recent
Commit #a6a75d - Fixed detection of the fireball shooter
Commit #1cd3f2 - Fixed detection of matching spawners in the amounts menu for spawners with default upgrade
Commit #df471d - Added cache for entity killers when calculating mob drops to prevent illegal async calls
Commit #9473f2 - Changed ArrayList to LinkedList when calculating drops for better performance
Commit #c35738 - Added support for latest versions of MiniaturePets
Commit #4cb3df - Fixed the unstack-source in EntityUnstackEvent not referring to the player when possible
Commit #9d7fb2 - Fixed the ability to bypass `only-one-spawner` restriction when placing spawners that exceed spawners limit
Commit #451486 - Fixed a potential NPE when placing spawners
Commit #53e346 - Added `METAMORPHOSIS` as a filtered transformation by default
Commit #f2f983 - Fixed detection and removal of items from inventory can cause dupes in some cases
Commit #6d8c64 - Fixed spawners sometimes not working correctly and act as one spawner
----------, Sep 30, 2023

Commit #a0abe4 - Added missing method to the WorldEntityListener for WineSpigot
Commit #4d1a52 - Added support to 1.20.1
Commit #c4e951 - Fixed the name of the glow enchantment is wrong
Commit #4edee8 - Fixed villagers that turn into zombies not staying in their vehicle
Commit #0a5323 - Potential fix for picking up arrows throwing errors
Commit #2d689e - Removed unused methods
Commit #f4146d - Fixed entities are always 2-shot in 1.8
----------, Jun 24, 2023

Commit #85eaff - Removed support for 1.18.1
Commit #c9e70b - Fixed crossbow shots are not awarding advancements
Commit #79bf89 - Potential optimization for breaking stacked blocks may cause lag
Commit #5ac449 - Fixed mobs with armor taking much less damage when entities module is enabled
Commit #448b30 - Fixed entities have a health of 0 for a few ticks between the damage event and the death event
Commit #040cfd - Added support for 1.19.4
Commit #fe1aa9 - Removed debug messages
Commit #18aa7d - Fixed incorrectly triggering real death of entities in 1.8, causing custom drops to not function properly
Commit #95020b - Resolved handleEntityCacheClear not clearing EntityStorage data
Commit #2b9dd2 - Fixed restoring damage data in MONITOR still having other listeners use the non-wanted data
Commit #174422 - Fixed entities that are being removed from the world not always having their data saved
Commit #ad8cdd - Potential fix for hurting multiple entities at the same time causing them to disappear
Commit #4e089c - Fixed ChunkLoadEvent and ChunkUnloadEvent not having entities in them when they are called in latest versions of Paper
Commit #9e71f4 - Fixed an OOB error when interacting with menu
Commit #832cab - Fixed spawners sometime not work if placed in survival
Commit #bb8211 - Fixed stacked entities having their death ticks reach to 20 causing them to disappear
Commit #2e59dc - Fixed incorrect setting the last damage cause
Commit #074718 - Removed the restriction of not placing barrels in off hand
Commit #f0c802 - Changed entity metadata to be removed in delay after entities are removed
Commit #ad5f45 - Fixed a NPE when using WildStacker in 1.19.3 while having spawners override enabled
Commit #a029e3 - Removed ENTITY_LIVING_DEAD field in 1.8.8 (it just doesn't exist)
Commit #a0f329 - Fixed infinite recursive calls when other plugins call custom EntityDamageEvent events
Commit #a22253 - Added support for `ALL` key in place and break charges
Commit #3de6bd - Potential fix for issues with mcmmo and other plugins when entities die
Commit #e76965 - Added better detection for the source damager of entities
Commit #a828ba - Fixed in some cases mobs not being killed correctly and causing them to stay in game but invulnerable
Commit #7e9269 - Changed all plugin dependencies to a different repository
Commit #c692bb - Changed all plugin dependencies to a different repository
Commit #b2627e - Fixed a dupe glitch caused by incorrectly picking up removed items
Commit #74afb0 - Added support for 1.19.3
Commit #eea729 - Fixed detection of stackable items
Commit #8062c7 - Fixed mobs can decrease when spawned by spawners in some cases
Commit #151003 - Fixed incorrect detection of stackable items
Commit #07aed9 - Fixed incorrect detection of when to reduce durability of tools
Commit #39838f - Fixed waxing copper blocks causing the axe to get removed if copper blocks are whitelisted as barrel blocks
Commit #6ca561 - Patched a dupe glitch when picking up items after they were stacked
Commit #b331ed - Fixed spawning of display blocks for barrels not having all their attributes when event is called
Commit #1ddde3 - Fixed errors when mobs from minecart spawners are spawned
Commit #4054ef - Fixed wrong detection of unbreakable of items caused errors to be thrown in some versions
Commit #ce597d - Fixed entities spawn from spawners bypass minimum-required checks when having Paper and spawners disabled
Commit #09f5b4 - Fixed a NPE when checking for unbreakable
Commit #9b63a9 - Fixed entities spawn from spawners bypass minimum-required checks
Commit #a26e73 - Potential fix for glitched textures when using 1.8
Commit #4f8f3c - Fixed the plugin not working in 1.7 because of missing libraries
Commit #ccd482 - Added charge-bypass permission
----------, Mar 31, 2023

Commit #b068fc - Added more debug messages to spawners
Commit #ad29dd - Fixed errors when scute is dropped while scuteMultiply is true
Commit #bb6b71 - Fixed non-stacked entities don't have their drops overridden
Commit #17f7e3 - Added the ability to debug spawners
Commit #d47d89 - Fixed damaging entities not working correctly
Commit #2c00f0 - Fixed a NPE when killing mobs
Commit #2e7079 - Fixed the event not being cancelled if a second damage event was called
Commit #0ceb86 - Fixed the last entity damage event always have a damage value of 0
Commit #f11c93 - Fixed cast exception when villagers are killed by zombies
Commit #7ab835 - Fixed fix-stack not working properly
Commit #714a60 - Fixed a cast error when items are spawning in some versions
Commit #05ce78 - Potential fix for handling items pickup of stacked items
Commit #506094 - Removed internal events in favor of interface based listeners
Commit #47ed1a - Rearranged nms methods between different classes
Commit #268fb3 - Potential support for mcmmo healthbars
Commit #5eb75f - Fixed incorrect detection of non-stackable items within the SystemManager#spawnItemWithAmount method
Commit #b671a8 - Fixed a compiling error with newer versions of 1.19.2
Commit #b9da8e - Fixed missing field error with latest versions of Paper
Commit #1997de - Potential fix for spawners not being overridden by WildStacker
Commit #6629b0 - Changed "not enough space" failure-reason to only be shown if there are no others
Commit #4a5c2b - Fixed failure reason not shown in the manage menu of spawners
Commit #35ecf1 - Fixed spawn conditions are not fully overridden
Commit #0d0186 - Fixed an error when dropping exp causing mobs to be invinsible
----------, Oct 30, 2022

Commit #9ffb97 - Fixed experience orbs have a CUSTOM spawn reason (Paper)
Commit #122ca8 - Fixed experience orb spawn-reason is "CUSTOM" instead of "ENTITY_DEATH" in 1.17.1
Commit #d73f11 - Fixed some issues with spawners spawning infinite amount of entities, causing entities to not stack together and more
Commit #228fed - Fixed gear equipped when stacked items is enabled not having drop chance of 2
Commit #2559ff - Removed leftover debug code
Commit #ec3b8b - Removed obfuscated nms in favor of mojang-mappings jars
Commit #9e3fc8 - Added support for EntityDataContainer to save data in 1.8 instead of NBTInjector
Commit #e84016 - Fixed barrels filling with water disappearing
Commit #ccd50c - Fixed mushrooms tracker not resetting tracked data causing other mobs to have their stack sizes set as well
Commit #35d2fa - Fixed an error thrown when running on 1.8 or 1.7 due to missing EntityBreedEvent
Commit #3caec2 - Changed it so when the plugin fails to retrieve mappings for server the plugin doesn't fail to load
Commit #38b566 - Removed debug message
Commit #3719bc - Fixed smart breeding not calling EntityBreedEvent
Commit #88c38e - Removed debug spawning of skeletons
Commit #6c45f7 - Changed spawnItemWithAmount to not drop stacked items when items stacking is disabled
Commit #36d99e - Fixed detection of NBTInjector
Commit #ee012e - Fixed gameEvent of ENTITY_DIE not being fired when entities die
Commit #15e2f6 - Fixed an error caused when placing a slime spawner
Commit #599834 - Fixed incorrect detection of 1.19 methods
Commit #13b044 - Fixed incorrect check for loot filters
Commit #004350 - Fixed support for 1.19 (Untested)
Commit #58565b - Fixed defaultExp parameter not being used when getting exp of entities
Commit #316ad7 - Fixed async calls to get exp of entities in 1.19
Commit #a789ad - Fixed a duplication glitch
Commit #620e34 - Changed mappings checking to be done against a remote server instead of hardcoded values
----------, Sep 17, 2022

Commit #e5de5f - Corrected warning message when nms mappings are not supported
Commit #ae5430 - Added nms mappings check before loading the plugin
Commit #fbec4b - Fixed magma_cube1_19.json loot table generates in 1.19 after a restart
Commit #50cb7e - Removed test remaps
Commit #61c24f - Updated magma cube loot table for 1.19 with all froglight colors
Commit #bb6b19 - Added more deep filtering system for loot tables
Commit #1f74e4 - Moved all nms classes to be under their own version package
Commit #8cd2f1 - Added the ability to apply more than one Remap to method/fields/etc
Commit #4f1634 - Fixed all possible nms issues with 1.19 nms and reallocated all mapping classes
Commit #e8b330 - Fixed mamga cubes not dropping froglight when killed by frogs
Commit #22ac64 - Fixed errors with nms in 1.19.1, dropping support for 1.19
Commit #45e7cb - Added the ability to disable sneaking requirement for opening spawners menu
Commit #7684e7 - Fixed small slimes do not stack when spawning
Commit #e24706 - Fixed entities having their name tags when having a stack size of 0
Commit #fb46a1 - Potential fix for errors when calculating entity xp to drop in 1.19
Commit #7ebeae - Fixed typo in the lang file making color to not work
Commit #536b53 - Fixed incorrect detection of spawner upgrades causing spawners with different upgrades to merge together
Commit #081149 - Potentially fixed issues with the entities_stacking island flag not registered to SSB
Commit #85b179 - Fixed metrics throwing errors when gathering data
----------, Aug 5, 2022

Commit #5e6953 - Added 1.19 support
Commit #0f360d - Added permission field for loot commands
Commit #6e5002 - Added the ability to consume food from entire inventory when using smart-breeding
Commit #b5dba8 - Fixed different type of spawners cannot have two different ladders
Commit #af7a70 - Suppressed `Entity is already tracked!` error in 1.8
Commit #6150b9 - Fixed hex color support with item names
Commit #679541 - Fixed items not taken out of the hand of players when smart-breeding is enabled
Commit #2063b1 - Added checks listeners, so they don't work while barrels are disabled
Commit #010593 - Optimized detection of barrels when right clicking holograms
Commit #a7e863 - Added debug message when registering custom island flag
Commit #66f001 - Fixed mcmmo hook throwing errors when using Java 16
Commit #05ee74 - Potentially fixes issue with entities able to bypass chunk limits
Commit #3909db - Fixed breeding food is taken from entire inventory instead of only hand
Commit #715931 - Fixed detection of tool types causing them to not take damage
Commit #114780 - Fixed mob spawning from spawners taking a few ticks to occur causing other plugins to not work as intended
Commit #3dc945 - Fixed equipment from entities is dropped with full durability in 1.18.2
Commit #bddf7a - Fixed holograms being removed async when cache clear occurs
Commit #f1567a - Fixed pigs not detected when trasnformed into zombified piglins by a lightning
----------, Jun 18, 2022

Commit #9ebd74 - Added support for CoreProtect API v9
Commit #2d010a - Added support for MythicMobs 5
Commit #2acce6 - Fixed changing pickup delay of spawned items throwing errors in 1.18.2
Commit #5460bb - Added support for 1.18.2
Commit #d3760a - Fixed incorrect detection of biomes with spawn conditions
Commit #57f4cd - Fixed non-stackable error when exp orbs are spawned
Commit #c75f46 - Updated wrong reflection names in 1.18.1
Commit #26e771 - Removed support for 1.15
Commit #15ded7 - Fixed experience orbs having CUSTOM spawn reason instead of DEFAULT
Commit #942852 - Fixed issues with castings to EntityInsentient class in nms
Commit #8d34d4 - Potential fix for plugin's instance in the API class not being initialized
Commit #64c9e4 - Fixed a cast exception when awarding kill scores
Commit #324107 - Fixed sheared mobs not spawning with the correct spawn reason
Commit #8140f5 - Fixed reflection errors when villagers turn into zombie villagers
Commit #c70a0a - Fixed a NPE when mobs get damaged by non-entity sources
Commit #1f375e - Fixed infinite particles spawning when cancelling spawning of mobs of spawners
Commit #17b999 - Fixed picking up items not triggering achievements in 1.8 or below
Commit #4e88db - Fixed issues with giving achievements/advancements to players when killing entities
Commit #5bbe80 - Fixed transformed entities not stacking to nearby entities
Commit #22df02 - Made transformed entities to stack with nearby entities when they are transformed
Commit #8d9d5b - Added cache-clear for entities when their spawn events are cancelled
Commit #b809f9 - Fixed weird behaviors of the plugin when having Turkish as the system's language
Commit #184a80 - Fixed really old CoreProtect versions are not detected correctly
Commit #a71717 - Fixed entities entering vehicles causing an infinite event loop
----------, Mar 12, 2022

This version adds support for 1.17 and many more optimizations to the plugin.
You can see a full change-logs list on the github page.

Please note: I only update stable versions to Spigot. You can find dev builds on our website.
These builds are stable, just weren't fully tested.
----------, Jun 18, 2021

Added support for skulls in the menus.
Added two command aliases: /wstacker and /ws.
Added the ability to change the amount an entity is unstack by using the unstack event.
Added support for recent versions of FabledSkyblock.
Added support for EpicSpawners 7.
Added support for EliteBosses to have a custom spawn cause.
Added the ability to disable WildStacker from overriding spawners.
Added EntityFlags to the API (In other words, have the ability to check for certain data of entities and items)
Optimized calls for the BukkitScheduler.
Optimized the way the plugin checks for nearby entities.
Optimized the way names are parsed and set to objects.
Optimized generation of demo entities for spawners.
Fixed issues with chance of wither skeleton skulls to drop.
Fixed entity names not updated on chunk load correctly.
Fixed default unstack can be lower than 1 causing issues.
Fixed spawner upgrades of blacklisted spawners not saved in cache.
Fixed upgraded spawners spawning entities that don't have upgrades.
Fixed spawners with stack size of 1 not keeping their upgrade after chunks are unloaded.
Fixed SlimeSplitEvent called async.
Fixed calculation of loot pairs not working properly, causing weird results when mobs have a lot of drops (for example, witches).
Fixed a NPE when breaking an upgraded spawner.
Fixed mcMMO multipliers not working in all cases.
Fixed an error with Citizens implementation not set.
Fixed items dropped from entities clipping into walls and ground.
Fixed piglins bartering not working when they pick up gold.
Fixed an error with the sweeping edge enchantment being null causing the plugin to not load.
Fixed spawner upgrades not dropping upgraded spawner items.
Fixed issues with giving spawners with larger stack size of 127.
Fixed giving exp to players not calling the PlayerExpChangeEvent.
Fixed two entities can stack together when they are in love before the process ends, causing babies to not spawn.
Fixed SpawnerPlaceInventoryEvent isn't called.
Fixed items pickup not recorded by CoreProtect.
Fixed totem of undying not used by killed entities.
Fixed baby variants of mobs not dropping wither roses when killed by withers.
Fixed warnings in legacy versions about wither roses not being a valid items.
Fixed auto-exp-pickup not going towards mending.
Fixed death events that are fired by the Entity#damage method not having their drops and exp applied.
Fixed issues with iron golems and ocelots spawning in some versions.​
----------, Apr 3, 2021

Please note: If you haven't noticed yet, last update spawner upgrades were added to the plugin! You can read more about it here.

Changed the DB connector to SSB's one to fix random issues with spawners and barrels to not be saved.
Fixed issues with detecting WorldGuard 6 causing errors.
Fixed the item's name changed to "Air" for a second when picking them up.
Fixed random concurrent errors.
Fixed dolphins can spawn on blocks that are not water by default.
Fixed entities from spawners not saving their stack amounts in some minecraft versions.
Fixed dispenser shearing stacked sheep not working as it should.
Fixed default upgrades not detected properly causing them to be assigned to incorrect spawners.
Fixed spawning stacked entities even if the entity stacking setting in SuperiorSkyblock islands is disabled.​

If you like the update, make sure you hit the like button & add a positive review! <3
----------, Jan 10, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 25,484
First Release: Jan 3, 2021
Last Update: Nov 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
37 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings