################################ # # # Configuration for RHSignItem # # reworked by GeekLegend # # # ################################
# Just replace the default info with your own. :) # Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text! options: # Available placeholders: # %text% = lore | %group% = LuckPerms group prefix | %player% = player | %date% = current date | %time% = current time content: - '
%text%' - ' '
- '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date% %time%' date-format: 'dd.MM.yyyy'
time-format: 'HH:mm:ss'
# Do you want to enable the "/fsign" command? To use it, players need the permission "RHSignItem.fastsign"! fast-sign:
enabled: false
content: '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date%' # Do you want to use automatic signature locking? (No permission needed!) auto-lock: false
# Do you want to charge for using the commands? vault:
enabled: false
cost: 250.00
# Choose which commands should be charged. charged-commands:
sign: true
delete: true
lock: true
unlock: true
fsign: true
rename: true
# Do you want to send the "vault-withdraw-success" message, when the player has been charged? paid-message: false
# Set Maximum items in player hand. max-stack-size: 1
# Should items, that already contain a lore be blocked for "/sign" and "/fsign"? block-existing-lore: false
# Do you want to also use the LuckPerms group prefixes? luckperms-prefixes: false
# Do you want to have sounds, when executing commands? plugin-sounds: true
# Do you want to block certain items for signatures? Leave empty to disable. #item-blacklist: # - 'poisonous_potato' item-blacklist: [] messages: # This is the plugins chat prefix # If you don't want to use it, you can just remove %prefix% in the following messages prefix: '&8
usage: - '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/sign &7<&btext&7> &8-&7 signs the held item with &btext'
- ' &f/sign &edelete &8-&7 the signature gets &edeleted'
- ' &f/sign &elock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &elocked'
- ' &f/sign &eunlock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &eunlocked'
- ' &f/fsign &8-&7 quickly signs the held item'
- ''
- ' &f/renameitem &7<&btext&7>&8&o* &8-&7 &erenames&7 the item with &btext'
reload: '
%prefix% &7The configuration has been reloaded' no-permission: '
%prefix% &7You don''t have the permission for that' no-item-in-main-hand: '
%prefix% &7You have no item in your hand' item-lock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been locked' item-unlock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been unlocked' item-sign: '
%prefix% &7The item has been signed' item-delete: '
%prefix% &7The signature has been removed' item-rename: '
%prefix% &7The item has been renamed' item-not-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is not signed' item-not-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is not locked' item-already-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is already signed by &a%player%' item-already-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &a%player%' item-already-locked-owner: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &ayou' item-is-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is locked by &a%player%' item-is-blacklisted: '
%prefix% &7This item is blacklisted' item-wrong-owner: '
%prefix% &7You are not the owner of the item' above-stack-limit: '
%prefix% &7You are trying to sign too many items (max. %stacksize%)' blocked-lore: '
%prefix% &7You can''t sign this item, because it already contains a lore' fast-sign-disabled: '
%prefix% &7Fast item signing is currently disabled' vault-withdraw-success: '
%prefix% &7That action cost you $%cost%' vault-withdraw-fail: '
%prefix% &7You can''t afford to use this command'
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
- dropped official support for
1.18 and
1.19 You can still use it on these versions, but don't expect help if something goes horribly wrong!
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
+ added new parameter to the content;
time-format Works the exact same way, as the
date-format. Enabled by default. If you wish to not use it, remove the
%time% placeholder from the
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
+ added better lore support
/fsign command
You can now quickly sign an item with a short signature.
+ added
auto-lock feature
+ added new messages
+ added permission
~ fixed incorrect messages
~ better handling, when interacting with locked items
~ improved code structure
~ config file overhaul with new defaults
~ new keys to NBT data (making it incompatible with older signatures)
- cleaned up code
Important! Please delete your old
config.yml file and let the new defaults generate! You can edit them to your likings after that!
Code (YAML):
################################ # # # Configuration for RHSignItem # # reworked by GeekLegend # # # ################################
# Just replace the default info with your own. :) # Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text! options: # Available placeholders: # %text% = lore | %group% = LuckPerms group prefix | %player% = player | %date% = current date content: - '
%text%' - ' '
- '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date%' date-format: 'dd.MM.yyyy'
# Do you want to use fast signing on the /sign command instead of the normal signing? The player needs permission "RHSignItem.fastsign"! fast-sign:
enabled: false
content: '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date%' # Do you want to use automatic signature locking? (No permission needed!) auto-lock: false
# Set Maximum items in player hand. max-stack-size: 1
# Should items, that already contain a lore be blocked for /sign? block-existing-lore: false
# Do you want to also use the LuckPerms group prefixes? luckperms-prefixes: false
# Do you want to have sounds, when executing commands? plugin-sounds: true
# Do you want to block certain items for signatures? Leave empty to disable. #item-blacklist: # - 'poisonous_potato' item-blacklist: [] messages: # This is the plugins chat prefix # If you don't want to use it, you can just remove %prefix% in the following messages prefix: '&8
usage: - '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/sign &7<&btext&7> &8-&7 signs the held item with &btext'
- ' &f/sign &edelete &8-&7 the signature gets &edeleted'
- ' &f/sign &elock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &elocked'
- ' &f/sign &eunlock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &eunlocked'
- ' &f/fsign &8-&7 quickly signs the held item'
- ''
- ' &f/renameitem &7<&btext&7>&8&o* &8-&7 &erenames&7 the item with &btext'
reload: '
%prefix% &7The configuration has been reloaded' no-permission: '
%prefix% &7You don''t have the permission for that' no-item-in-main-hand: '
%prefix% &7You have no item in your hand' item-lock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been locked' item-unlock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been unlocked' item-sign: '
%prefix% &7The item has been signed' item-delete: '
%prefix% &7The signature has been removed' item-rename: '
%prefix% &7The item has been renamed' item-not-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is not signed' item-not-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is not locked' item-already-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is already signed by &a%player%' item-already-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &a%player%' item-already-locked-owner: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &ayou' item-is-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is locked by &a%player%' item-is-blacklisted: '
%prefix% &7This item is blacklisted' item-wrong-owner: '
%prefix% &7You are not the owner of the item' above-stack-limit: '
%prefix% &7You are trying to sign too many items (max. %stacksize%)' blocked-lore: '
%prefix% &7You can''t sign this item, because it already contains a lore' fast-sign-disabled: '
%prefix% &7Fast item signing is currently disabled'
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
+ added cooldown option for
/sign and
renameitem The cooldown can be configured with the
use-cooldown option. Be aware, that the cooldown will be reset on plugin reload or server restart!
+ added new permission
RHSignItem.bypass-cooldown This permission skips the cooldown and is default for op players.
~ fixed missing message on
/sign delete ~ fixed missing sounds for
/renameitem ~ corrected the permission checks
- code cleanup
Code (YAML):
# Do you want to apply a cooldown, when executing commands? use-cooldown:
sign-command: true
renameitem-command: true
cooldown-in-seconds: 180
Code (YAML):
player-cooldown: '
%prefix% &7You still have &e%cooldown% second(s) &7cooldown left'
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
~ fixed a bug with
/sign unlock Previously the command also did remove the player's name, that was embed into the NBT data.
That was not supposed to be!! Be informed, that those items are broken, until they are edited with
/sign delete
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
~ fixed the
config.yml file for 2 lines, that were wrongly configured
Please update your config file:
Code (YAML):
################################ # # # Configuration for RHSignItem # # reworked by GeekLegend # # # ################################
# Just replace the default info with your own. :) # Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text! sign: # Available placeholders: # %text% = lore | %group% = LuckPerms group prefix | %player% = player | %date% = current date content: - '
%text%' - ' '
- '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date%' date-format: 'dd.MM.yyyy'
# Should items, that already contain a lore be blocked for /sign? block-items-with-lore: false
# Maximum items in player hand max-stack-size: 1
# Do you want to also use the LuckPerms group prefixes? use-luckperms-prefix: false
# Do you want to have sounds, when executing commands? use-rhsignitem-sounds: true
messages: # This is the plugins chat prefix # If you don't want to use it, you can just remove %prefix% in the following messages prefix: '&8
usage: - '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/sign &7<&btext&7> &8-&7 signs the held item with &btext'
- ' &f/sign &edelete &8-&7 the signature gets &edeleted'
- ' &f/sign &elock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &elocked'
- ' &f/sign &eunlock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &eunlocked'
- ''
- ' &f/renameitem &7<&btext&7>&8&o* &8-&7 &erenames the item with &btext'
reload: '
%prefix% &7The configuration has been refreshed' no-permission: '
%prefix% &7You don''t have the permission for that' no-item-in-main-hand: '
%prefix% &7You have no item in your hand' item-blacklisted: '
%prefix% &7This item is blacklisted' item-unlocked: '
%prefix% &7The item has been unlocked' item-locked: '
%prefix% &7The item has been locked' item-signed: '
%prefix% &7The item has been signed' item-deleted: '
%prefix% &7The signature has been removed' item-renamed: '
%prefix% &7The item has been renamed' item-not-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is not signed' item-not-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is not locked' item-already-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is already signed by &a%player%' item-already-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &a%player%' item-wrong-owner: '
%prefix% &7You are not the owner of the item' above-stack-limit: '
%prefix% &7You are trying to sign too many items at once' blocked-lore: '
%prefix% &7You can''t sign this item, because it already contains a lore'
# You can exclude items from being signed #item-blacklist: # - 'poisonous_potato' item-blacklist: []
I am sorry for the inconvenience!
gomenasai >_<'
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
~ changed the way
/sign delete edits the lore
Instead of removing the entire lore of an item, it now removes the last
n lines of the lore, depending on the size of the
sign.content stringlist size.
Important! If you use special item data, such as custom lore (custom enchantments) make sure to make the
/sign <text> the last step of creating the item! Always make your custom stuff first and THEN use RHSignItem as the finishing step!
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
~ fixed the missing use of the
RHSignItem.sign permission
~ switched from
set to
add for the signature
This will contain the previous lore an item contains.
Important! Keep in mind, that
/sign delete still removes
the entire lore on the item! So be careful with it!
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
* complete rework of
RHSignItem thanks to
+ added
1.18.x support
yay! + added a blacklist
~ moved away from
NMS bye bye~ ~ modified /sign lock ~ modified the sign-content for more possible lore lines ~ the plugin prefix can now be removed ~ the sounds can now be deactivated
- dropped support for
1.12.x -
1.15.x - removed unssessary code
Important! The old
config.yml will
not work! Please delete the old file and let the new one generate!
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
****GeekLegend and I wish you a wonderful winter time!****
~ fixed
/sign lock I've had left a wrong string inside the plugins code, that I've used for testing purposes. Now I corrected it to the correct one. Sorry
Thank you for over
4.000 downloads! It makes me happy, that my plugin is so well used.
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
+ added
hex color support for the
config.yml file
Now every message output supports hex color codes!
+ added
LuckPerms Chat Formatter (LPC) as soft-depend
This helps catching the prefixes in combination with the PAPI expansion
+ added a new way of pre-configurate a signature inside the
- removed a ton of unnecessary code
The plugin is now more lightweight
~ changed
/rhsireload into
/sign reload I've changed the reload command, because some users got confused how to reload the plugin properly, while ingame. So, here is the solution
+ added
RHSignItem.unsign permission
I've added this in order to seperate the
RHSignItem.use permission node int
o sign and unsign.
Credits for this update to Hemanth, who came up with this idea:
Info You can still use
RHSignItem.use instead of
RHSignItem.sign, but you have to grant
RHSignItem.unsign seperatly to players in order to remove a signature!
I hope, that you enjoy my plugin!
If so please consider leaving a
~ fixed an issue with older Java versions like JRE-1.8
The plugin was compiled in Java 15 and did not run on older versions. Now it's remade on Java 8. All features are working fine
~ changed the
api-version inside of the
plugin.yml file
I changed it to
1.17, but that caused an incompatibility with older versions such
1.16 and prevented the plugin to load at all. It has been reverted back to
~ renamed the version number
I shortened the plugins version number from e.g.
1.15.5-1.16_R24 to e.g.
1.17_R1. It helps to keep it simple and also makes it easier to find in the
/plugins folder of your spigot server.
Thank you for over
3.000 downloads! I am so happy, that you enjoy my plugin so much!
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!
~ fixed the wrong message output, when a player does not have the
RHSignItem.lockitem permission
Also it used
RHSignItem.unlockitem instead of the upper permission, which was wrong
~ fixed the wrong message output, when an item was renamed
I've left the wrong text message active for testing and forgot to add the new '
item-renamed-msg' to the config file.
Gomenasai >-<' Important! Please reset your config file or just add the following:
Code (YAML):
# [DEU] Wenn das Item erfolgreich umbennant wurde # [ENG] If the item has been successfully renamed item-renamed-msg: '&7Item &aerfolgreich &7umbenannt.'
+ added the
/renameitem command
With this players have the possibililty to rename the held item. For this, they need the
RHSignItem.renameitem permission. It's recommended to leave this for the op's.
Two new lines were also added to the config file under '
sign-usage-msg'. However, you do not have to add these, if you want to keep the new command unknown for your players.
+ added the global permission
RHSignItem.* This permission overrides all other of
RHSignItem's permissions. It's pretty handy, if you don't want to spam your group permission file with more than one line of text.
~ fixed a tremendously error when trying to do
/sign delete on other lore variants (
2 -
Previously there was an error showing up, when trying to remove a lore with an other variant than
How the error looked like:
An internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command
Now you are (finally) able to delete the lore.
+ added two more variants to choose from for the signature (lore)
This update is delivered to you, because some users requested the possibilty to create
just the lore or
just the authors signature with date. So here it is! Just pick one of the two new settings on '
sign-item-lore-variant'; either
4 or
Take a look!
config.yml also got an adjustment. You don't need to recreate the config file.
I hope you enjoy this update. I am also sorry for this many updates I've posted recently
+ added a new method to prevent player signatures
If you have an item, that should be locked, to prevent any signatures from other players, just type in
/sign lock to lock the held item. If you want to remove the lock you can do that anytime with
/sign unlock.
Needed permissions
These new permissions are now listed inside the plugin.yml file together with the
RHSignItem.use and
Attention! You have to delete the current config.yml, as the plugin does not add these new lines for you if you just update the .jar file!
+ added the option '
block-items-with-lore' into the
config.yml If it is
true, then items, that already contain a lore can't be signed. Please know, that even admins can't sign those items until it is changed back to
false inside the config.
Attention! You have to delete the current config.yml, as the plugin does not add these new lines for you if you just update the .jar file!
~ fixed the charset of the
config.yml It is now set to
UTF-8 instead of the standard
Cp1252. Now you can use more characters instead of heaving your signature blasted by those nasty '
�'. Have fun!
+ added support for
LuckPerms group prefixes
They are available, if you change '
use-luckperms-prefix' to
true while using
LuckPerms along with
PlaceholderAPI and the LuckPerms expansion (
/papi ecloud download LuckPerms).
Attention! You have to delete the current config.yml, as the plugin does not add these new lines for you if you just update the .jar file!
Please read the whole changelog to prevent wrong usage! + now you are able to configure, how many items a player can sign at once
Info: You change the maximum amount with '
sign-item-maximum-items-in-main-hand'. But be told, that this changes also the value of amount, when the player wants to remove the signature!
Example: You have set the amount to '4'. Now a player can do /sign onto 4 items per command. But if the player wants to remove the signature from those items, he only can remove the same amount!
Attention! You have to delete the current config.yml, as the plugin does not add these new lines for you if you just update the .jar file!
- cleaned up the plugin with the removal of unnecessary and unused code
no-single-item-msg' was changed into '
~ fixed an small issue with the configuration
Ab sofort ist das Plugin universell einsetzbar. Das heißt, dass das Plugin auf dem neuesten Stand bleibt und ab der 1.12.0 bis hin zur neuesten Version (aktuell 1.16.2) funktioniert.
Ich gebe zu, dass dieses Update viel zu lange auf sich warten lassen hat, aber nun ist es soweit! Ich wünsche allen Server-Ownern und Usern meines Plugins viel Freude! ^_^/
Sollten irgendwelche Bugs auftauchen, dann meldet dies entweder im Forum, oder als Diskussion unter diesem Plugin!
Hallo, ich habe das Plugin aufgrund der Beliebtheit auf die 1.15.2 geupdated!
Plugin erscheint jetzt in zwei Ausführungen im .zip-Format für die Sprachen Deutsch (de) und Englisch (en). Bitte zieht die .jar-Datei in euren Plugins-Ordner, in welcher Sprache Ihr das Plugin nutzen wollt.
Shoutout an
Darutan, welcher um dieses Update bat
Ich hoffe sehr, dass euch das Plugin bisher gefällt und Ihr es auch weiterhin nutzt
**Schaut außerdem mal auf unserem Minecraftserver vorbei! -> raidersheaven.eu**
Hallo, aufgrund einer Nachfrage habe ich das Plugin auf die 1.14.4 geupdated. Ebenfalls ist nun ein kleiner Tipp eingebaut, für diejenigen, die nicht unbedingt eine Beschreibung zum Item hinzufügen möchten.
Neuer Pluginprefix (übernommen von unserem Freebuild-Server)
Im Code:
Neues Menü (mit /sign zu öffnen)
Neue Aliases für den Hauptbefehlt /sign
Sounds hinzugefügt
Ich hoffe sehr, dass euch das Plugin bisher gefällt und Ihr es auch weiterhin nutzt