+ added better lore support
/fsign command
You can now quickly sign an item with a short signature.
+ added
auto-lock feature
+ added new messages
+ added permission
~ fixed incorrect messages
~ better handling, when interacting with locked items
~ improved code structure
~ config file overhaul with new defaults
~ new keys to NBT data (making it incompatible with older signatures)
- cleaned up code
Important! Please delete your old
config.yml file and let the new defaults generate! You can edit them to your likings after that!
Code (YAML):
################################ # # # Configuration for RHSignItem # # reworked by GeekLegend # # # ################################
# Just replace the default info with your own. :) # Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text! options: # Available placeholders: # %text% = lore | %group% = LuckPerms group prefix | %player% = player | %date% = current date content: - '
%text%' - ' '
- '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date%' date-format: 'dd.MM.yyyy'
# Do you want to use fast signing on the /sign command instead of the normal signing? The player needs permission "RHSignItem.fastsign"! fast-sign:
enabled: false
content: '&7Signed by
%group%&a&l%player%&r &7on &e&l%date%' # Do you want to use automatic signature locking? (No permission needed!) auto-lock: false
# Set Maximum items in player hand. max-stack-size: 1
# Should items, that already contain a lore be blocked for /sign? block-existing-lore: false
# Do you want to also use the LuckPerms group prefixes? luckperms-prefixes: false
# Do you want to have sounds, when executing commands? plugin-sounds: true
# Do you want to block certain items for signatures? Leave empty to disable. #item-blacklist: # - 'poisonous_potato' item-blacklist: [] messages: # This is the plugins chat prefix # If you don't want to use it, you can just remove %prefix% in the following messages prefix: '&8
usage: - '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/sign &7<&btext&7> &8-&7 signs the held item with &btext'
- ' &f/sign &edelete &8-&7 the signature gets &edeleted'
- ' &f/sign &elock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &elocked'
- ' &f/sign &eunlock&8&o* &8-&7 the item gets &eunlocked'
- ' &f/fsign &8-&7 quickly signs the held item'
- ''
- ' &f/renameitem &7<&btext&7>&8&o* &8-&7 &erenames&7 the item with &btext'
reload: '
%prefix% &7The configuration has been reloaded' no-permission: '
%prefix% &7You don''t have the permission for that' no-item-in-main-hand: '
%prefix% &7You have no item in your hand' item-lock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been locked' item-unlock: '
%prefix% &7The item has been unlocked' item-sign: '
%prefix% &7The item has been signed' item-delete: '
%prefix% &7The signature has been removed' item-rename: '
%prefix% &7The item has been renamed' item-not-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is not signed' item-not-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is not locked' item-already-signed: '
%prefix% &7This item is already signed by &a%player%' item-already-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &a%player%' item-already-locked-owner: '
%prefix% &7This item is already locked by &ayou' item-is-locked: '
%prefix% &7This item is locked by &a%player%' item-is-blacklisted: '
%prefix% &7This item is blacklisted' item-wrong-owner: '
%prefix% &7You are not the owner of the item' above-stack-limit: '
%prefix% &7You are trying to sign too many items (max. %stacksize%)' blocked-lore: '
%prefix% &7You can''t sign this item, because it already contains a lore' fast-sign-disabled: '
%prefix% &7Fast item signing is currently disabled'
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!