+ added cooldown option for
/sign and
renameitem The cooldown can be configured with the
use-cooldown option. Be aware, that the cooldown will be reset on plugin reload or server restart!
+ added new permission
RHSignItem.bypass-cooldown This permission skips the cooldown and is default for op players.
~ fixed missing message on
/sign delete ~ fixed missing sounds for
/renameitem ~ corrected the permission checks
- code cleanup
Code (YAML):
# Do you want to apply a cooldown, when executing commands? use-cooldown:
sign-command: true
renameitem-command: true
cooldown-in-seconds: 180
Code (YAML):
player-cooldown: '
%prefix% &7You still have &e%cooldown% second(s) &7cooldown left'
As always, if you find bugs or have an idea for improvement, please do not hesitate to open a discussion
here or send me a direct message.
And if you like this or
my other plugins, then please leave a review!