Zombies Minigame | [1.8-1.20.1] (Permanent Discount Price) icon

Zombies Minigame | [1.8-1.20.1] (Permanent Discount Price) -----

Unique | MultiArena | BungeeCord | Custom Weapon & Monster

No Visible Plugin Update - Info Only.

I stopped working on this Project, if you are really interested in buying the source code, PM me.

The Plugin is now permanently discounted.
----------, Sep 1, 2024

Hey People that use Zombies, today i will release a pre fix for the issue you might have that some entities are still stuck.
What has been added?

When an entity died or despawned for no reason, it will be counted down from the left zombies like you would kill an entity, this should fix the issue if you have despawn settings at spigot setuped. What has been also added is an toggleable LivingTime for Entites in the main config.yml.
This new setting will automatically remove the entities after the seconds are over.

This is the default Configuration:

(The Value is an number in seconds)​

EntityLivingTime: 90
EntityLivingTimeEnabled: false
----------, Nov 14, 2023

Fixed the Issue that the RevivePlayer results in console errors
Added support for HEX Colors in Chat / Scoreboard

Important Information due to Hex Color Implementation
-> Only 6 Digit Long HEX Colors work for Example #000000 <-
-> Scoreboard currently only supports 32 Characters <-​
----------, Oct 5, 2023

Added an Option to do one door purchases, so other connectedDoors will open at the same time without beeing charged.​
----------, Jul 27, 2023

Fixed an Bug that after leaving the game, rejoining it next round will result an empty inventory.

Added a new Command /zombies togglePowerSwitchDoor <DoorName> <Name> to make an door require power switch to be active.​
----------, Jul 26, 2023

Added an configurable "CustomModelData" Number to the config for weapons so you can use custom resource packs​
----------, Jun 29, 2023

Updated to latest Spigot Version 1.20.1 - not compatible with older versions​
----------, Jun 26, 2023

Here is the Update everyone was waiting for, sorry for the late update but here it is! :)

Updated the hole Project to Spigot 1.19 ( tested with 1.19.2 - this is my preferred version to use for)
Fixed the Bug that Weapons didn't work anymore
Fixed the Item Drop Issue for duplicated Weapons
Fixed the Issue that Door / Window Blocks weren't reset like before
Fixed a Bug that players were able to get gold spammed using the Knife at the attack cooldown period, the gold at the attack period is now calculated by the cooldown.
Added an new Command "/zombies openDoor <DoorName> <MapName>" this Command will allow you to open Doors by Command instead of using Gold ( only available in Admin Mode )

There was no testing for older Spigot Versions, the Tests were made on the latest Update ( 1.19.2 ) this Version is recommended for Use, for using older Versions please use Systems like ViaVersion/ViaBackwards ect!
----------, Nov 1, 2022

Important Notice to everyone that is using Zombies since Version 1.7.3 on Spigot Version 1.17

Spigot 1.17 is not compatible with Zombies, due to declaring method change inside of the spigot version, it is impossible to combine multi multi spigot version from now.
If you need an older Spigot Version, that please use an older Zombies Version ( 1.7.2 and lower ) if you are using Zombies version 1.7.3 - 1.7.5 (latest) it is important to use Spigot 1.18!

Front Page with Informations have been updated.
Sorry for that response would be glad about better news :/


Zombies Countdown on Start & End is fully customizeable even with colors, they are all configurable now.​
----------, Mar 27, 2022

Fixed an Issue with the latest Spigot Version due to invalid skull texture loading​
----------, Jan 20, 2022

Finally Zombies is up to date for Spigot 1.17 to 1.18.1
Before you download please notice:
If you are using an older Version, please use

Your Config may need some changes
( if you don't use the latest generated config.yml )

! Version 1.7.3 is only compatible for Spigot 1.17 to 1.18.1 !

If you notice bugs, errors or similar issues, feel free to contact me at the private conversation section. Please don't post 1 Star Reviews with Error Codes..
----------, Jan 17, 2022

Sorry to tell you that the update for the awaiting 1.17/1.18 updates take longer than expected, hope to do you all a favor with this feature, made it possible to unlock all doors after you activate the power switch.


config.yml - PowerSwitchUnlockDoors ( Default: false )
By settings this value on "true" you are able to unlock all (not yet) unlocked doors instantly.

Happy early Christmas :giggle: :coffee:
----------, Dec 21, 2021

Updated the Resource to Spigot 1.17​
----------, Jun 23, 2021

Added an Inventory Update Function after you tried to drop an Item.

Notice, this may only work on newer versions, no guarantee for older versions than 1.16!
----------, Apr 11, 2021

Fixed an Issue that occured with the ZombieZapper beeing killed by an lightning strike​
----------, Mar 22, 2021

Fixed an Issue with the Endless Mode, that Entities were not able to move.
To get the new section you'll have to generate an map, copy the speed part to your existing map, and remove the created map afterwards​
----------, Nov 3, 2020

Fixed an Issue, that EndlessMode wasn't working cause an Path called "EndlessMode" already exists.

Important: An new Path for the EndlessMode exists called "EMode" there you can configure all neccessary mob settings for the endless mode !
If that section isn't existing in your map file, then you'll have to let an new map to generate, and copy the part of that file to your existing map File.

Restart your server and it will work.​
----------, Oct 29, 2020

Fixed an Issue that Players Ammo after rejoining was empty.​
----------, Sep 16, 2020

Fixed an Issue that the Lobby that was saved with the setLobby Command wasn't working
----------, Sep 2, 2020

Updated the Resource to Support Spigot 1.16.2​
----------, Aug 17, 2020

Added an Buyer wish ( removal message ) specially for gold messages.

You can now use empty messages in the config that won't be posted into the chat ( preventing spam ) specially useful for gold messages.​
----------, Aug 3, 2020

Fixed an Issue that the ActionBar wasn't working correctly in Spigot 1.16
Fixed an Issue that the PracticeDummy was able to walk around in Spigot 1.16​
----------, Jul 16, 2020

Fixed an Issue that occured on Spigot 1.16 at the ActionBar & Entity Movement.​
----------, Jul 5, 2020

Updated the Resource to Support Spigot 1.16​
----------, Jun 30, 2020

Fixed an Crash-Issue that occured by using weapons​
----------, May 20, 2020

Fixed an Issue that is an part of the last update and an new found error that occured on damaging entities​
----------, May 17, 2020

Fixed the latest Weapon Update that created issues on Spigot 1.12 and lower.​
----------, May 14, 2020

Fixed an Issue, that the last update broke the functionality of the weapon for Spigot 1.8​
----------, May 7, 2020

Weapons caused sometimes an massive lag calculating math directions ect.
This has now been fixed in general.

Weapons are now more effective, the BoundingBox of entities will now be better tracked so if an shot is going through an mob body, he will be 100% detected and damaged ( In earlier versions some mobs didn't get damaged even if the shot was going through it, that was an reason of the math calculation ). ​
----------, May 5, 2020

Fixed an Issue that Players were damaged through the zombie zapper weapon's ability of spawning lightning strikes.​
----------, Apr 22, 2020

Fixed the initial error that some people have with their java & spigot software.
If you still have issues or receive the same error please PM me with all technical details of your server & java Version i will try to help you solve the issue.

Recommending the latest Spigot & Java Version.​
----------, Apr 7, 2020

Easter Bunny now is able to jump through the Arena ( small edition )​
----------, Feb 9, 2020

Fixed an Issue that the Item of Pingu didn't work in older Versions.
----------, Jan 8, 2020

Added an new Monster called Ender Zombie

Ender Zombie attacks you with an Soul Sand Block until you die, and will spawn an endermite each time he looses his live.

Max Endermite's: 5

Endermite's won't be count to the game round, they will only try to achieve the final kill for the Ender Zombie.
Endermites will also give you Gold for an attack.

----------, Jan 7, 2020

Added an new Monster called Pingu ( Penguin )

Pingu is protecting his area and will attack you with his Snowball until you die.

Speed is 33% reduced to normal Monsters.

----------, Dec 28, 2019

Added an new Monster called Krusty the Clown ( Clown )

Krusty is protecting his area and will attack you with his mic until you die.

----------, Dec 27, 2019

Updated the Resource to support Spigot 1.15​
----------, Dec 14, 2019

Christmas Update - 30.11.19 - 31.12.19

Updated the Resource to the Final 1.14 Spigot Version
Christmas Sale started.
----------, Nov 30, 2019

Added an new Monster called Soldier

The Soldier is protecting his area and will attack you with an sharp axe until you die.

----------, Nov 7, 2019




----------, Oct 31, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured if an spawn location hasn't been set.
Error won't show, you then won't get teleported ( Spawn Location has to be set! ).​
----------, Oct 26, 2019

Fixed several Issues that appeared on changing the blockData using old MaterialData Values​
----------, Oct 21, 2019

Fixed RevivePlayer Issues that appeared on Spigot 1.14+
Fixed Inferno Fire Block Issues failing to burn the ground​
----------, Oct 20, 2019

You can now configure the Health for every mob, and you can configure them for each map differently.
Health is configurable in the Map File!​
----------, Oct 12, 2019

Fixed another Stats Issue ( Final Release Fix )​
----------, Sep 26, 2019

Fixed an still available error that appeared during the stats display, issue by modifying lists.​
----------, Sep 21, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured at the Stats & Updated the Revive System to support Spigot 1.14​
----------, Sep 11, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured with the latest Update​
----------, Aug 25, 2019

You can now just ignore the setup of Window Locations, for example Ignore the Player Window Area so Players can't repair the Windows

( You then don't have to execute the Command so it comes in action )

( User Request )​
----------, Aug 25, 2019

Fixed an Issue that appeared if your Map file wasn't updated / used the new Monster​
----------, Aug 19, 2019

Added an new Monster called Mosquito

The Mosquito is agressive and will attack you with an Enchanted Thorn that gives you an Poison Potion Effect Level 1 for 5 Seconds

----------, Aug 19, 2019

Fixed an Issue that the Zombie Zapper registered non-creature entities​
----------, Aug 17, 2019

Weapon Update

Added an new Weapon called Zombie Zapper.

This weapon allows player to electrify nearby enemies with an thunderbolt.

Every Setting is customize / changeable!

> Very important Notice <

after you run the Update, you need to fix the config.yml for the single weapon implementation, there are several new messages / sounds & the area for the customization of the Weapon, after you changed everything to your correct server version you are able to play again.

You can also grab the Default config.yml for your spigot version from the Overview Page
----------, Aug 16, 2019

Weapon Update

Added an new Weapon called The Puncher.

This weapon allows player to knock entities within an small range backwards with an cooldown and an small damage.

Every Setting is customize / changeable!

> Very important Notice <

after you run the Update, you need to fix the config.yml for the single weapon implementation, there are several new messages / sounds & the area for the customization of the Weapon, after you changed everything to your correct server version you are able to play again.

You can also grab the Default config.yml for your spigot version from the Overview Page
----------, Aug 11, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on tracking entities with Zombies Version 1.2.8​
----------, Aug 3, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on the latest version in combination with entities
( NavigationAbstract Class changes )​
----------, Jul 30, 2019

Updated the Resource to Support Spigot 1.14.4​
----------, Jul 27, 2019

Fixed an Issue that the Boss was able to be killed instant with an weapon.

Updated the PlaceholderAPI from @clip to the latest version!​
----------, Jul 17, 2019

Fixed an unknown issue with nbt returned values​
----------, Jun 21, 2019

Added an new Placeholder for the InGame Scoreboard.

You can now display the total amount of killed mobs.

Placeholder: %total_killed_mobs%
----------, Jun 21, 2019

Fixed an Stats Issue that occured on using Version 1.2.2​
----------, Jun 2, 2019

Fixed an Issue that since 1.2.1 you received powerups on every kill.
Changed the Drop Chance to 10%.

Fixed an Issue that sometimes the Global Stats Hologram duplicated.​
----------, Jun 1, 2019

Fixed an Issue that Windows weren't beeing repaired in Spigot 1.8
Fixed an Issue that the Boss Bar wasn't displayed in Spigot 1.8
Changed the PracticeDummy, to add multiple Dummys to your Map.
The only removal is to remove the location from the config of the map.

Note, that the Practice Dummys were reseted completely due to a new system, so you have to re add your location.
----------, Jun 1, 2019

You can now get the Default config.yml File on the front Project page.
You no longer need to ask for the right version, so you can directly get the right one for your Spigot Version.​
----------, May 28, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on hitting entities with the Rocket Launcher​
----------, May 26, 2019

Fixed an Issue that Skeletons didn't spawn.​
----------, May 26, 2019


You can now change the Boss Bar Color & Style
The Default Color is PURPLE & the Default Style is PROGRESS

The following other Colors are available:


The following other Styles are available:


All listed values are from Spigot 1.14 ( so there might be changes on older versions! )​
----------, May 25, 2019

Added 3 new Powerups!

BONUS_GOLD - Will give all InGame Players an Bonus Gold Value ( Configurable )

SHOPPING_SPREE - Will lower the price of the weapon chest for a given time ( Amount & More Configurable

CARPENTER - Will repair all Windows instantly

Added new Settings for the Powerups, so you can set a min round number that should be required to allow to get the powerup collectable.
Added more Configurable Settings for the Powerup in config.yml​
----------, May 19, 2019

Added an Configurable Sound for opening / purchasing Doors.

Make sure that you change the sound to a valid value of your server Version!​
----------, May 18, 2019

Added 7 new Placeholders for the Scoreboards.

The following Placeholders will allow you to display an date & the current time.

Explaining it with the followingExample (Date + Hour):

5/17/19 | 15:20:57 o'Clock

%month% = 5
%day% = 17
%shortYear% = 19 (%year% will Display: 2019)

%hour% = 15
%minute% = 20
%second% = 57

The Window Repair Delay is now configurable!
Section in config.yml: "Window.RepairDelay" By Default: 1500ms​
----------, May 17, 2019

Added an Configurable & Toggleable Start Message ( for example explaining the game in chat text. )

By Default: Disabled!​
----------, May 16, 2019

Updated the Resource to Support Spigot 1.14

Fixed an Issue that you were able to purchase items & similar things after the game finished ( your gold will now reset after game finishes. )​
----------, May 15, 2019

The Boss Health is now configurable ( Configurable in your Map File )
Changed the Default Health value from 50.0 to 100.0

Important Notice

If you have already maps running, you need to add the following fields to your Map File, so the Health exists!

----------, May 14, 2019

Added an configurable time until the Entities Spawn at the Game Start & each Round Start

By Default: 0

Configuration Section ( config.yml )

----------, May 14, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on having no stats enabled but the plugin was trying to access the stats values.
Fixed an Issue that the weapons chest had complications on Spigot 1.12​
----------, May 8, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on trying to damage an entity that is not an Creature.​
----------, May 5, 2019

The Sound Pitch for game relevant sounds are now configurable in the config.yml at the position "SoundPitch.X" ( saved old pitch values from update 0.9.7 )​
----------, May 4, 2019

Fixed an Issue, that you were somehow able to damage the zombie until he dies.
----------, Apr 25, 2019

Fixed an Issue, that the PracticeDummy Zombie was able to burn in sun.
Delayed the loadup of the holograms after joining the arena​
----------, Apr 25, 2019

Added an new PracticeDummy Feature, you can now add an dummy zombie to your lobby by using /zombies savePracticeDummy <name>
& you have to enable / toggle it by using /zombies togglePracticeDummy <name>. The Practice Gun is in the config.yml configurable ( Please do only change the name / lore, no damage ect settings!
Make sure if you use an old Spigot Version then the latest, you have to change the Sounds & Material Names of the Gun!

The Hologram Messages are configurable in the config.yml


Added an /zombies randomJoinMap <name>
Command, you can now join random arenas with the same map names, good for arenas with different modes / difficulties but in different arenas
----------, Apr 24, 2019

Fixed an Issue, that Player's weren't able to shoot through the window blocks & added "SLAB" blocks to the "shootable blocks" list​
----------, Apr 23, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on restoring the player's ingame settings after disconnecting with rejoin method enabled.​
----------, Apr 12, 2019

Fixed an Issue regarding the Rejoin Mechanics, that the Inventory wasn't successfully refilled to the game structure.​
----------, Apr 12, 2019

This is for now the final version of Zombies.

Fixed an Issue regarding reparing windows, window block data was wrong in old versions.​
----------, Apr 7, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on trying to start an arena that has player's but is beeing shown as "empty"​
----------, Apr 7, 2019

Changed the Sound Pitch value for every sound to 1.0F so you can add a custom resourcepack ​
----------, Mar 31, 2019

Fixed an Issue, that player's were able to explode and the game bugged.
Added the ability to configure the amount of bullets for the ShotGun
----------, Mar 29, 2019

Fixed the current config values of materials for the right 1.13 Materials.​
----------, Mar 17, 2019

Added to the right season easter bunnys to the game ;)


Run away from the evil bunnys before they catch you :devilish:
----------, Mar 15, 2019

Updated the Sounds in the config.yml to valid 1.13 Sounds so they are up to date. ( This won't affect your config if you have one already )​
----------, Mar 10, 2019

Fixed issues that occured using the weapon chest & power switch on the latest version.

Requires a config reset If you need 1.13 Default Sounds & Materials!

If someone is interested in an 1.8 config.yml just message me via pm :)
----------, Jan 27, 2019

Fixed an Issue that occured on Spigot versions below 1.13 due to the new blockdata system.​
----------, Jan 26, 2019

Fixed an issue with the WeaponChests
Fixed an issue that player who left the server and tryed to rejoin haven't received their items back.​
----------, Jan 7, 2019

Added the Example Maps & their Setup to the download zip file,
if you are new and haven't asked for them yet, take a look at the .txt file and read it fully before asking!​
----------, Nov 9, 2018

Added to the right time Santa Claus Boss & Santa's Helper to the Game.


HoHoHo Merry Christmas to you all ( better earlier than too late ;)

* Will be adding more zombies soon, be prepared.​
----------, Nov 8, 2018

Fixed the Issue that the EntityUtils class throwed a bunch of errors after the last update
And fixed the issue why windows weren't been built correctly in version below 1.13.

Happy Halloween ;)
----------, Oct 30, 2018

Due to a user request from @Peebbong , the Pitch Volume of Repairing Windows has been changed from 1.0F to 1.5F to get a better feeling.​
----------, Oct 4, 2018

Fixed an Issue that new 1.13 Classes haven't been found in older Server Versions​
----------, Sep 14, 2018

Updated the Project due to high requests to 1.13.

Due to the Block Data Update, Windows won't reset to the correct block data.

Notice, all Configuration Options are based on the new Minecraft Update 1.13, make sure to check all Configurations first before you run the game, otherwise you will receive errors!
----------, Aug 22, 2018

Fixed an Issue that occured on hitting entities with the Rocket Launcher​
----------, Nov 23, 2017

Added Placeholders & Stats for Games Played.

Added 2 new Stats Commands

/zombies globalStats <StatsName> <Amount> - Will display top ? Global Stats
/zombies mapStats <StatsName> <Amount> <MapName> - Will display top ? Map Stats of the given Map.​
----------, Nov 23, 2017

Fixed an Issue that occured in the Revive System if someone left the round while going into the revive mode.​
----------, Nov 20, 2017

Improved the Stats Holograms so they load way faster than before​
----------, Nov 20, 2017

Added more asnyc tasks to handle the stats less laggy​
----------, Nov 19, 2017

Fixed an Issue that the Stats haven't been updated correctly after a certain time
Added an Async Handler for updating File Stats​
----------, Nov 19, 2017

Fixed an Issue that the Kills were given by killing entities to everyone instead of only the killer.​
----------, Nov 19, 2017

Added an Option to store the Player Stats in a File.
All you need to do is to enable MySQL & Enable "LocalFile"
No need to enter the database informations of LocalFile is enabled!​
----------, Nov 19, 2017

Old Fixes

Fixed an Issue that the Enemy Tracker wasn't working while playing an Bungee-Round
Fixed an Issue that you didn't receive Gold by repairing Windows
Fixed an Issue that you didn't receive any Gold if Insta Kill was active

Stats System
Stats System has been rewritten and old format may throw errors on your server so you have to refresh / reset the database!

Added +3 new Stats and a way better ordered System.

New Stats: Wins, Looses, Kills

Added + 3 Commands

/zombies addMapStatsHologram <Amount> <StatsName> <Name> <MapName> -> Add a Stats Hologram based on the selected Map, <Name> is just a Placeholder to remove the hologram locations easier with the 3rd new command. Amount means how many players should be listed example top 10. <StatsName> is a custom designed System typing a Stats Name wrong will automatically give you a list of valid stats names.

/zombies addGlobalStatsHologram <Amount> <StatsName> <Name> ->
Add Global Stats for the selected Stats Name. This will select all available Maps and will filter the best Players to be shown in the Hologram. <Name> is again only a Placeholder to remove it easier with the 3rd Command.

/zombies removeStatsHologram <Name> -> Remove a Stats Hologram with its own Placeholder Name.


All Holograms will be updated within X Ticks, the value is configurable in the config.yml if you need to set them higher because you receive lags.

All Holograms will remove for Players if they are more than 32 Blocks away.

Added Displayer for showing the Personal Stats aswell on the Top X Holograms.

After the Hologram has been added, you have to edit the messages in the config.yml at the specific Stats > Messages Section.


Added Stats Placeholders for @clip 's PlaceholderAPI & @Maximvdw 's PlaceholderAPI

There are now Placeholders for Global Stats but also Map - Stats.

All Global Stats for Maximvdw's PlaceholderAPI:

Map based Placeholders:

Replace <mapName> with your Map that you wanna get the Stats from.

The same Placeholders exists for Clip's PlaceholderAPI:

All Global Stats:

Map based Placeholders:

*** WARNING ***

Clip has explained on his PlaceholderAPI Wiki Page why you need to use also the Plugin name in front of each Placeholder
so if the placeholders above don't work,
your placeholder should look like this:​

----------, Nov 17, 2017

Added an configurable teleport delay for entities, so they won't spawn outside of the prepared spawn location​
----------, Nov 14, 2017

Fixed an Issue that occured on reordering the Sign Lines for Multi Arena​
----------, Nov 8, 2017

Fixed an Issue that occured on using the Enemy Detector​
----------, Nov 8, 2017

Fixed an Issue that occured with the 1.8 Dragon Bar using PaperSpigot​
----------, Nov 8, 2017

Fixed an Issue that Players were able to "rejoin" Restarting Arenas​
----------, Nov 5, 2017

Added an Toggleable /leave Command ( Requires Configurable Permissions)
Fixed the /zombies reload command.​
----------, Nov 5, 2017

Fixed an Default Message Issue with the Quick Fire Perk Display-Name.

Added an Configurable Powerup Remove Cooldown ( By Default Disabled & on: 30000 ms )
Activating it will allow your Maps to let powerups disappear automatically after the configured time passed.

Added an better way for disallowing players from entering window areas.
They will now get pushed away instead of getting teleported in an corner.​
----------, Nov 4, 2017

Added an /zombies find <playerName> Command that will allow you to find specific players in arenas.

Added an automatic constant updated action bar while holding the enemy detector. It will now always point to the nearest entity. there are 3 available placeholders for the x / y / z difference between the player and the enemy. ( Only x & y is implemented in the default message.) ​
----------, Nov 4, 2017

Added the possibilty for Endermites to teleport them to the nearest player every 10 seconds.​
----------, Nov 4, 2017

Fixed an Issue that somehow sometimes the game didn't end correctly​
----------, Nov 3, 2017

Fixed an Issue that the InGame Time wasn't displayed correctly after reaching +1 Hour & < 10 Minutes.

Fixed an Issue that Inferno's Fire did damage to the Map.​
----------, Nov 3, 2017

Fixed an Issue that sometimes Spiders spawned with an Skeleton.
Fixed an Issue that Entities were spawned on a wrong location.​
----------, Nov 3, 2017

Fixed an Possible User Issue that occured with Scoreboards​
----------, Nov 1, 2017

Moved the Difficulties in the Map GUI 1 line down
Fixed an Issue that the /zombies stop <name> Command wasn't executeable if no players were in the arena​
----------, Nov 1, 2017

Added a gray border in the map gui, added an Random Join item & an Rejoin Item for different Inventory States.​
----------, Nov 1, 2017

Moved the Scoreboard, MinPlayers & MaxPlayers to the Map Files.

Simplified the moving by adding the default values automatically to the map files, all you need to do is to copy your config values to the new existing map values ( if you changed the default settings. )

The TestServer Settings got updated, contact me if you need the default settings.​
----------, Oct 31, 2017

Added an Reload Command ( Note that it will stop all active running games to refresh the hole structure. )
Fixed an Issue that Entities tracked non-arena Players aswell.
Added an Go Back Item in the Map Inventory aswell.​
----------, Oct 31, 2017

Fixed an quick Issue that appeared in the Power Switch section after trying to search for registered hologram-viewers​
----------, Oct 30, 2017

Fixed an Issue that somehow Titles weren't sent due to malformed json errors
Added an automated way to remove players from the scoreboard display, if they are no longer in the game ( only works if FillEmptySlots is enabled )​
----------, Oct 30, 2017

Disallowed joining Arena's who are about to stop / restart.
Fixed 2 - Configuration Messages​
----------, Oct 29, 2017

Removed the possibilty for Spiders to climb on walls.​
----------, Oct 29, 2017

Fixed an Issue that the Inventory Items Commands were executed multiple Times.
Fixed an Issue that the Game Inventory hasn't been cleared on the end.​
----------, Oct 29, 2017

Added an Toggleable Option to hide the InGame-Chat from Non-Arena Players.
( works similar to the HidePlayers Option )

Added Configurable Menu Maps. You can now change the Map Item Type, the Color & the Data Id for different Game States.
Also changed the %state% Placeholder to be working like the Custom Motd Text. So if you need custom state informations, take a look at the Motd Section in the config and change it there.

Added an Placeholder called %maps% to be displaying the available Maps in the Mode & in the specific Difficulty.

Added an " Back" Item, to go back to the Mode Selection Inventory.

Added an Option to Disable / Enable the Menu in the config. ( Enabled by Default )​
----------, Oct 28, 2017

Added configurable Messages for Rejoin & RandomJoin​
----------, Oct 27, 2017

HotFix that should fix the issue that you were able to join Arenas multiple times.​
----------, Oct 27, 2017

Added a new Command ( /zombies menu ) to open a GUI selecting the Mode -> Difficulty -> Maps

Example Map Inventory [​IMG]
Auto Update every second.

Available Lore - Placeholders


Fixed randomJoin Command Issue that you didn't leave your previous map.
Fixed Multi-Messages on Interacting with Inventory Items​
----------, Oct 27, 2017

Fixed the ShotGun and modified the Weapon System to be handling multiple Bullets easier.​
----------, Oct 25, 2017

Fixed the ShotGun ( Its now Spreading his shots correctly ) with multiple bullet targets
Added an Command to join a Random Map using /zombies randomJoin​
----------, Oct 22, 2017

Added /zombies rejoin Command
Added /zombies skipRound <Name> Command
Added /zombies randomJoin <Mode> (MultiArena) Command
Added /zombies setReset <Name> (Spawn) Command
Added /zombies addDefaultBossSpawn <Name> (Boss) Command
Added /zombies addBossSpawn <ZombieType> <Name> (Boss) Command
Added /zombies toggleDifficulty <Name> Command ( Only Display )
Added Revive Death ( Timeleft ) ActionBar
Fixed some Minor Issues with the new Entities
Fixed Spectator Inventory
Fixed Win Flag​
----------, Oct 22, 2017

Welcome to the Halloween Update

Updating the Game without reading this Page will crash your Arenas!

- Bad Blood ( TestServer Map )

- Per Arena Round Configurations
- Per Arena InventoryItems
- Per Arena Entities
- + 3 New Bosses ( King Slime, King Wither, Herobrine )
- + 5 New Entities ( Witch, Cave Spider, Spider, Wither Zombie, Slime Zombie )
- Added /zombies toggleDoor <DoorName> <RoundId> <Name> Command (Automatically open doors on reaching a specific round)​

So now informations what you need to do, that your arena works fine again.

Before you update the Plugin, make sure to create just a backup copy of your arenas ( so you can grab them back at any time if needed.)
Take a look in the config.yml,
There are the following Path Sections:
"Rounds, Round, EndlessMode, InventoryItems, Name & Gold"
Copy them all and put them in your map configuration file.
That's it. (You can remove them afterwards from the config.yml)​

*If you were using my Setup and you are too lazy to do that, just grab the new Map & Setup from my WebServer, its updated! :)

The Default List that you should copy should then look like this:
----------, Oct 22, 2017

Fixed some API Events that stopped working on loading the Plugin​
----------, Oct 19, 2017

Added an new Scoreboard Placeholder called %mode% that will display the current map-mode.
( The Name of the Mode is configurable )​
----------, Oct 18, 2017

Added / Changed the "InventoryItems" section to an more state related system.
If you downloaded and installed the plugin before this version, remove the "InventoryItems" section in the config and let it regenerate.
You can now specify items for "Lobby", "InGame", "Spectator" & "Finish"

Added / Changed the Endless-Mode.
You now need to toggle the endless mode for each map, so you can specify normal and endless-mode rounds easier and more efficient.

Added an Enemy Detector ( Compass ) that automatically points to an still alive enemy, will change his direction if the enemy is dead.

----------, Oct 17, 2017

Fixed an Issue that Stats weren't saved after you won the game​
----------, Oct 15, 2017

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 700
First Release: Aug 29, 2017
Last Update: Sep 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
94 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings