Zombies Minigame | [1.8-1.20.1] (Permanent Discount Price) icon

Zombies Minigame | [1.8-1.20.1] (Permanent Discount Price) -----

Unique | MultiArena | BungeeCord | Custom Weapon & Monster

[Added] Stats Holograms & more | V 0.7.7
Old Fixes

Fixed an Issue that the Enemy Tracker wasn't working while playing an Bungee-Round
Fixed an Issue that you didn't receive Gold by repairing Windows
Fixed an Issue that you didn't receive any Gold if Insta Kill was active

Stats System
Stats System has been rewritten and old format may throw errors on your server so you have to refresh / reset the database!

Added +3 new Stats and a way better ordered System.

New Stats: Wins, Looses, Kills

Added + 3 Commands

/zombies addMapStatsHologram <Amount> <StatsName> <Name> <MapName> -> Add a Stats Hologram based on the selected Map, <Name> is just a Placeholder to remove the hologram locations easier with the 3rd new command. Amount means how many players should be listed example top 10. <StatsName> is a custom designed System typing a Stats Name wrong will automatically give you a list of valid stats names.

/zombies addGlobalStatsHologram <Amount> <StatsName> <Name> ->
Add Global Stats for the selected Stats Name. This will select all available Maps and will filter the best Players to be shown in the Hologram. <Name> is again only a Placeholder to remove it easier with the 3rd Command.

/zombies removeStatsHologram <Name> -> Remove a Stats Hologram with its own Placeholder Name.


All Holograms will be updated within X Ticks, the value is configurable in the config.yml if you need to set them higher because you receive lags.

All Holograms will remove for Players if they are more than 32 Blocks away.

Added Displayer for showing the Personal Stats aswell on the Top X Holograms.

After the Hologram has been added, you have to edit the messages in the config.yml at the specific Stats > Messages Section.


Added Stats Placeholders for @clip 's PlaceholderAPI & @Maximvdw 's PlaceholderAPI

There are now Placeholders for Global Stats but also Map - Stats.

All Global Stats for Maximvdw's PlaceholderAPI:

Map based Placeholders:

Replace <mapName> with your Map that you wanna get the Stats from.

The same Placeholders exists for Clip's PlaceholderAPI:

All Global Stats:

Map based Placeholders:

*** WARNING ***

Clip has explained on his PlaceholderAPI Wiki Page why you need to use also the Plugin name in front of each Placeholder
so if the placeholders above don't work,
your placeholder should look like this:​

----------, Nov 17, 2017
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 700
First Release: Aug 29, 2017
Last Update: Sep 1, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
94 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings