Added Waygate Control Creator, that can be crafted and then used to create a Waygate Controller
To craft one, put a Waygate Key in the center and then add a Waygate Constructor to the left and right of it (permission wg.craft.control.creator)
To create a Waygate Controller, right click using the Waygate Control Creator on any single block; the block then becomes the Waygate Controller (permission wg.create.control)
Waygate Control Creators are consumed on the creation of a Waygate Controller (as per config option WG_CONTROL_CREATOR_CONSUMES and permission wg.keep.control.creator)
Added Waygate Controllers, used to remotely activate a chosen Waygate, similar to a DHD device in Stargate
Waygate Controllers can be configured and used with a Waygate Key or an empty hand
Waygate Controllers can be configured to activate a Waygate within a set radius, default and max of 50 blocks away (set in config option WG_CONTROLLER_DISTANCE)
Once configured, Waygate Controllers can be used to activate a destination or close off the portal on the linked Waygate without having to be present at the gate itself
Added ability to define the size of the Waygate Menus: compact, small, medium, large, max, and resize (as per config option MENU_SIZE)
Fixed logging statement on startup to indicate correct number of gates
Added new command aliases: /wayg and /waygates to offset other plugins like WorldGuard with same command.
Added new permission alias: wg.all for wg.* to offset other plugins like WorldGuard with same permission structure.
Fixed issue where teleporting on a horse in a 3 block high gate caused suffocation and sometimes the horse did not properly appear on the other side without a reconnect.
Fixed issue where using a Waygate Key on the inside frame of a gate while carrying torches in offhand moved the torch stack count down inadvertently.
Added Improved Network Customisation: can rename and change icons of custom networks
Split Inviting players to a Network to its own menu
Added Gate Imprints; if a gate is destroyed and recreated in the same pattern as before by the same owner, the gate will reform itself from a stored imprint, providing the server hasn't been restarted
Made a change that now stops the breaking glass effect when gates deactivate
There are 9 new Messages added to the config in this release.
Gate Exits can now be modified. An Owner using a Gate Constructor on a gate they own (or an Admin on any gate) can modify the gate's exit location to their currently standing location.
Gates now teleport players to the center of a gate exit's block, and not the edge.
Rewrote the gate orientation check for opening gates which should prevent issues where some gates would spawn Nether Portal blocks in the incorrect orientation to the gate.
There is 1 new Message added to the config in this release.