WorldEditSUI | Visualize your selection! icon

WorldEditSUI | Visualize your selection! -----

Visualize your WorldEdit selection with particles!

Latest download link
----------, Sep 3, 2024

  • Added Folia support (thanks to TheMeinerLP)
  • WorldEditSUI now skips plugin remapping on 1.20.5+ Paper servers
----------, May 18, 2024

Sorry for the double notification, I didn't update the version string so no actual update was pushed, whoopsie
  • Added options to define per-particle view-distance, speed, and offsets
    • In the -data config sections of particles, speed, radius, offX, offY, offZ can now be set. The radius defaults to the global particle-viewdistance setting, the rest defaults to 0 (see the Spigot main page for examples)
  • Added a sanity check when uncaching player data to fix server reloads
  • Updated support Discord link
  • Updated author name: KennyTV -> kennytv
----------, Nov 6, 2021

  • Added 'max-selection-size-to-display' config option to limit the size of selections to be displayed
    • Added option 'enable-max-selection-bypass-perm' to enable a bypass permission for said limit (wesui.maxselectionsize.bypass)
    • If updating from an older version of the plugin, delete your old config to generate the new fields (will default to no limit otherwise)
  • Made the advanced grid of cuboid and cylinder selection look better for larger selections
  • Fixed enabling the send-particles-to-all option throwing errors
If you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Apr 12, 2020

As of now, I will no longer provide extra builds with 1.8 support. You can find the latest plugin release supporting 1.8 here.
  • Added /wesui showregion <region> command to display the given WorldGuard region (if you use WorldGuard, of course)
  • Added an option to only send particles to players with a low ping 'max-ping' (only available on Paper servers)
  • Properly use Bukkit permission for the main command (so non-permitted players can't tab complete the command)
  • Updated bStats metrics
  • Some code cleanup
If you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Apr 11, 2020

If you want 1.8 support, you have to download new updates from the GitHub Releases page.
  • Added support for particles that need extra data (REDSTONE, FALLING_DUST, BLOCK_DUST, BLOCK_CRACK, ITEM_CRACK)
    • See the bottom of the overview page on how to make use of those
  • Added an option to enable the advanced grid for the clipboard selection as well
    • See the new config field 'advanced-clipboard-grid'
    • If you were using an older version of the plugin and you want to use the new field, you'll have to either add it manually or delete your old config (if you don't want to use it, you don't have to delete it)

If you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Sep 8, 2019

Two important notes at the bottom - read them!
  • Added a config option to set a permission to be able to see particles of other players
  • Added a config option to have players see different particles for selections of other players
  • Added support for clipboard transformations/rotations (at least for multiple of 90°)
  • Fixed WE commands not updating the expiry state
  • Fixed some typos in the language file
  • Some config reorganization
  • Dropped support for 1.8.0-1.8.3 in general, as well as 1.8.4-1.8.8 support (ONLY in the main jar) - see the note below
If you were running an older version of the plugin before, you have to delete your old config for it to create a new one.

If you want support for 1.8.4-1.8.9, you have to download its version from the GitHub Releases page.
Since only a veeery small percentage of WESUI users run on 1.8 (according to bStats), I decided to drop its wrappings and extra code from the main download (the Spigot page), so that the plugin might still work on newer MC releases without me having to update some wrappers every time (... unless there are some server API changes of course).

TL;DR - if you want 1.8 support, you have to download new updates from the GitHub Releases page.

If you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Aug 31, 2019

The plugin is now named WorldEditSUI - I rebranded it slightly, since it's more accurate (as it is a serverside plugin, less client related) and more importantly so that it's not a complete 1 to 1 copy of the actual WECUI mod name.
This means a new plugin folder named "WorldEditSUI" will be created if you used this plugin before - you can either delete your old folder and reconfigure the new one or just rename your old folder before the restart with the new version.
Also take note that the permissions have changed accordingly (e.g. wecui.command -> wesui.command).

Other changes in this update:
  • Fixed config changes not applying to current selections on a config reload with the cache option enabled
  • Added the help header to the language file
  • Updated bStats metrics to work with future Minecraft version releases

If you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Aug 13, 2019

  • Fixed an occasional error on particle sending
  • Added support for the new 1.14 particles to be displayed
  • The plugin now gives a warning for unsupported particles (because they'd need extra data: REDSTONE, ITEM_CRACK, BLOCK_CRACK, BLOCK_DUST, FALLING_DUST)
If you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Jul 17, 2019

  • Added caching of static particle positions, which should rule out greater cpu usage and possible lag almost entirely (and should only use a bit more ram)
    • Enabled by default; If you run into concurrency issues (or anything else), you can disable caching in the config by setting "cache-calculated-positions" to false (and obviously report those issues)
  • Fixed config typo (particle-send-intervall -> particle-send-interval)
  • Improved update checks
If you were running an older version of the plugin, you need to delete your old config for it to create a new one!

If you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, Jul 6, 2019

  • Added language file to change messages
  • Fixed send-to-all particles not working
  • Fixed a (rare) concurrency error with expiry enabled
  • The wecui reload command can now also be executed by command-senders other than the player (e.g. the console)
  • Some minor improvements to task handling
No config changes.

Also, if you happen to find any bugs or have feature suggestions, let me know on my Discord server ✨
----------, May 30, 2019

  • Finally and really fix version detection in some cases
  • Fix the send-to-all particle config option not being read correctly
The update log will be a little more quiet from now on, until I rework the cuboid selection or add the FAWE ones :p
----------, Apr 24, 2019

  • Polygonal selections! (though without the advanced grid, yet)
  • Cylinder top and bottom with the advanced grid enabled now actually look decent (and have minor performance improvements)
  • Added options 'show-selection-by-default' and 'show-clipboard-by-default' to change the default toggles on join
  • Added option 'persistent-toggles' to have toggles persist after a player's quit as well as server restarts
  • Added option 'particle-viewdistance' to change the client viewdistance of particles (does not affect server performance in any way)
  • Made tabcompletion work properly
You have to delete your old config to be able to use the new fields (or add them manually)
Config changes can be seen here.
----------, Apr 22, 2019

  • Fixed FAWE support on 1.13
  • The expiry state should also be updated for the rest of the selection and clipboard commands from now on (not only pos1, pos2 and copy)
  • Fixed an occasional error with cylinder selections
... Polygonal selections might or might not come soon if I find the time and interest to do so :coffee:
----------, Apr 10, 2019

  • Added cylinder selection visualization! Yay!
  • Fixed some jankyness with ellipsoids that have a small width compared to its length
  • Players won't have to reconnect anymore after a serverreload
  • Updated metrics
Poly selections might follow soon-ish (?), however I currently don't have that much time due to university - that's also the reason why the top and bottom of the cylinder (with advanced-grid enabled) are only some bad-ish approximants. But I didn't want you waiting months with no update at all :p
----------, Dec 14, 2018

  • Fixed problems with FastAsyncWorldEdit on 1.13 - sorry for the inconvenience!
  • Fixed another NPE
If there appear any new errors after updating WorldEdit/AWE/FAWE, please report them as soon as possible, as all of these versions are undergoing some major changes at the moment!
----------, Nov 12, 2018

  • Fixed particles completely disappearing when the WorldEdit wand item is set to something other than the wooden axe + particle-expiry enabled in the WECUI config
----------, Nov 11, 2018

  • Fixed compatibility to newer 7.0.0 snapshots of WorldEdit as they introduce some major API changes
Note, that there is now a small uncompatibility gap between the versions, which means: 6.x.x is fully supported, so are the newest 7.0.0 (and then newer) snapshots, but here's the important part: If you are running a WorldEdit 7.0.0 snapshot, that doesn't yet have these major API changes, this plugin won't work - so, if you encounter any errors on 7.0.0, just update WorldEdit to a newer snapshot
----------, Nov 11, 2018

  • Added compatibility to MC 1.13.2 (and any future versions)
  • Added "/wecui reload" command to reload the config file
  • You can now show the outline of a copied selection (//copy) by using the "/wecui toggleclipboard" command
  • Added option to have selections expire (after x seconds without changing the selection, the particles will disappear)
  • Added option to temporarily disable your selection-particles with the "/wecui toggle" command
  • Removed warning messages on startup
  • Minor particle improvements for servers running on 1.13
You have to delete your old config to create a newer one, if you were using an older version of the plugin before!
Applied config changed can be viewed here.

Added permissions:
wecui.command - General use of /wecui command

Also, if you want support or simply want to chat with others, join my Discord server :)
----------, Oct 23, 2018

  • Spherical and ellipsoid selections are now supported by this plugin as well!
  • Added option to set the interval in ticks in which the particles are sent
  • Added option to choose whether only you yourself or every player around should be able the see the selection
  • Several small internal improvements and fixes
  • Also did a small overhall of the overview page to look a little prettier :)
You have do delete your old config, so the plugin will create a newer one.
----------, Oct 3, 2018

No major changes, but as I now deem the plugin stable, I increased the version to 1.0
  • Some interal restructuring
  • Removed the warnings on startup
----------, Sep 11, 2018

  • Added compatibility for WorldEdit 7.0.0!
  • The advanced grid should be much safer to use: The bigger the selection, the wider the grid (drastically improves performance + fixes the client sided flickering of too many particles)
  • Finished the cuboid: It now has a bottom and a top as well!
  • Due to the grid size changes, I could increase the visable distance of particles from 45 to 100 blocks! (It's actually 99, but psssht)
  • Reduced calculations for both the advanced and normal grid
  • Added a nice little "early development" warning on startup
  • Added bStats Metrics
  • Edited some config comments
----------, Sep 10, 2018

  • The particles will now be sent ~3 times per seconds (as of 2 times before)
  • Reduced calculations for the advanced grid
  • Fixed the upper sides not being displayed properly
  • Fixed cuboid particles being displayed for non-cuboid selections
----------, Sep 10, 2018

  • Major performance fix (accidentally ran all tasks sync instead of async)
  • Reduced particle range from 64 to 45 blocks (wasn't that necessary, but isn't much of a use in greater distances)
  • Reduced max particles per block to 5
  • Internal improvements
----------, Sep 9, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 104,715
First Release: Sep 9, 2018
Last Update: Sep 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings