WorldEditSUI | Visualize your selection! icon

WorldEditSUI | Visualize your selection! -----

Visualize your WorldEdit selection with particles!

Version 1.2.1 Changelog
  • Fixed compatibility to newer 7.0.0 snapshots of WorldEdit as they introduce some major API changes
Note, that there is now a small uncompatibility gap between the versions, which means: 6.x.x is fully supported, so are the newest 7.0.0 (and then newer) snapshots, but here's the important part: If you are running a WorldEdit 7.0.0 snapshot, that doesn't yet have these major API changes, this plugin won't work - so, if you encounter any errors on 7.0.0, just update WorldEdit to a newer snapshot
----------, Nov 11, 2018
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 104,590
First Release: Sep 9, 2018
Last Update: Sep 3, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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