%wit_looking_at%: returns the "Name" of what player is looking at
%wit_looking_at_prefix%: returns entire "Prefix Info" of what the player is looking at
%wit_looking_at_suffix%: returns entire "Suffix Info" of what the player is looking at
%wit_looking_at_info%: returns the complete text that would be normally displayed on the bossbar
Modes: "normal" makes the plugin behave normally, and "hidden" hides the bossbar/actionbar but still does the update (players can still individually use /wit disable/enable, which stops these updates for said player)
Fixed error spam when looking at an entity while having ItemsAdder installed
Fixed "reload" not appearing in command tab-complete
Changes to config.yml:
Code (YAML):
core: # These values cannot be in decimal form! entitydistance: 25
# The max distance the plugin will show entity bossbar in (in blocks) blockdistance: 25
# The max distance the plugin will show block bossbar in (in blocks) vanilla_lang: "en_us"# The language file to use (lang files are vanilla_ + name_here + .json, in this case vanilla_en_us.json mode: "normal"#the mode of the plugin (normal or hidden) (hidden mode will hide the bossbars, is useful when you want to display info somewhere else)
change language file thats being used through the config.yml!
Changes to config.yml:
Code (YAML):
core: # These values cannot be in decimal form! entitydistance: 25
# The max distance the plugin will show entity bossbar in (in blocks) blockdistance: 25
# The max distance the plugin will show block bossbar in (in blocks) vanilla_lang: "en_us"# The language file to use (lang files are vanilla_ + name_here + .json, in this case vanilla_en_us.json
Slimefun compat! now shows stored energy and produced energy (doesn't support multiblocks yet)
LiteFarm Compat! now shows time till fully grown.
rare extra | being added to text in bossbar
Additions to config.yml:
Code (YAML):
# Slimefun compatibility # https://github.com/Slimefun/Slimefun4 slimefun:
enabled: true
storedenergyinfo: true
# Show the stored energy inside machine energygeninfo: true
# Show how much energy generators are generating
# LiteFarm compatibility # https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/%E2%AD%90litefarm%E2%AD%90-1-16-1-21-%E2%9A%A1level-system-new-update%E2%9A%A1.112359/ litefarm:
enabled: true
growthinfo: true
# Show time till grown
- API! now you can add your own handlers for entities/blocks (YOU CANT OVERRIDE EXISTING HANDLERS!)
- Config option to toggle preferred tool display for blocks.
- Fixed | being prefixed to block when it doesn't have a preferred tool
delete your current config or add "toolinfo: true" to blocks:
- Added EliteMobs compat
- Added Aura Mobs compat
- Addded Aura Skills compat (Not Tested)
- Added new config options to change the check distance for blocks & entities
Remember to delete your old config.yml to add the new options in!
- Optimized the plugin so it will lag less!
- Added Experimental Items Adder compatibility
- Added more Translations to lang_vanilla.yml
- Added config options related to items adder
Please remember to delete lang_vanilla.yml and config.yml so that new entries can be generated!
- Added config.yml to enable toggling certain features
- Added Farmland hydration indicator, spawner entity indicator, beacon effect indicator, note block instrument/note/octave indicator
- added boss bar for entities
- added villager profession indicator, time left to become adult for baby entities indicator, pet owner indicator, leash indicator and health indicator
Please remember to delete lang_vanilla.yml so that new entries can be generated!
- Show remaining smelt time for Furnace, Blast Furnace and Smoker
- Show total items in a container
- Show honey contained in a bee nest/hive
- Show crop growth stage
- Add missing translations for Wheat, carrot, potato, beetroot, pumpkin stem, melon stem, seaweed
(reupload due to file not being downloadable)
- Show remaining smelt time for Furnace, Blast Furnace and Smoker
- Show total items in a container
- Show honey contained in a bee nest/hive
- Show crop growth stage
- Add missing translations for Wheat, carrot, potato, beetroot, pumpkin stem, melon stem, seaweed