Custom Join Messages: Create your very own unique join messages. Use DeluxeMenus or simply use them for your ranks!
Custom New Join Messages: When a new player joins, a NEW JOIN message will be sent.
Custom Rewards: Set your own custom rewards for when players welcome back their friends!
Welcome Command Cooldown: 15 second cooldown to prevent welcome spam.
Super Easy Config: Very simple and easy configuration, perfect for any beginner configurator!
Player Head Welcome Message: Very nice, easy and clean Player Head Welcome Message. Enable or disable the feature.
Permissions and Commands
/wb - Welcome back the last player that joined.
/welcomebackreload - Reloads the config.yml file.
welcomeback.staff - Removes the join message for the user. (For staff use)
What makes WelcomeBack unique?
Add Custom Messages to your Coin Shops!
Create multiple and unique join messages for in-game ranks as a perk!
Create a way for your top rank to select out of multiple join messages. Make that an exclusive perk!
Edit the way a player welcomes their friends to the server!
Cool and unique Player Head Welcome Message for when players join the server!
Code (YAML):
returning-player-message: "Welcome back %player%! :)" new-player-message: "Welcome %player%! :D" join-messages:
default: "&aWelcome back, %player%!" new-player: "&bWelcome %player%, to the Server!" messages:
permission: "" message: "&bWelcome back to the server, %player%!" mvp:
permission: "welcomeback.mvp" message: "#33FF5AHello again, #08C0FB%player%#33FF5A! We missed you!" wb-reward:
command: "eco give %player% 1000" unique-player-count: 0
only-players: "&cOnly players can use this command." cooldown: "&cYou cannot use this command again so soon. Please wait before trying again." no-rejoined: "&cNo players have rejoined recently." self-welcome: "&cYou cannot welcome yourself back." head-info:
enabled: true
1: "" 2: "&fWelcome to #08C0FB&lSERVER&f!" 3: "" 4: "&fPlayers: #08C0FB%online%" 5: "&fStore: #08C0FB" 6: "&fDiscord: #08C0FB" 7: "&fType #08C0FB/vote&f for free rewards!" 8: ""
Discord Support If you require any assistance you further support with our plugins, feel free to open a technical support ticket in our Discord Server!